
Protocol amending Article 4 of the Convention signed at Paris on 22 November 1928 relating to International Exhibitions

Treaty data

Treaty number 003713
Date of conclusion 16-11-1966
Place of conclusion Parijs
Provisional application
Entry into force 10-11-1967
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Parliamentary paper
Consolidated text 0006193


The depositary has not made a complete list of parties available. These are the details known to the Treaties Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 23-10-1968
Netherlands (Bonaire)
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius)
Netherlands (Saba)
Sint Maarten

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Albania 19-06-2008 (A) 19-06-2008
Andorra 03-12-2004 (A) 03-12-2004
Armenia 25-03-2008 (R) 25-03-2008
Australia 27-09-1973 (A) 27-09-1973
Austria 20-02-1968 (A) 20-02-1968
Azerbaijan 25-03-2008 (A) 25-03-2008
Bahamas 26-05-1997 (A) 26-05-1997
Belarus 30-12-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Belgium 16-11-1966 09-05-1968 (R) 09-05-1968
Bosnia and Herzegovina 01-04-2008 (A) 01-04-2008
Brazil 04-05-1999 (A) 04-05-1999
Bulgaria 14-12-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Burkina Faso 25-03-2008 (A) 25-03-2008
Burundi 07-04-2008 (A) 07-04-2008
Cabo Verde 05-10-2022 (A) 05-10-2022
Canada 16-11-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Central African Republic 08-04-2008 (A) 08-04-2008
Chile 22-11-2007 (A) 22-11-2007
Côte d'Ivoire 16-11-2007 (A) 16-11-2007
Croatia 18-03-2003 (A) 18-03-2003
Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993) 30-11-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Democratic Republic of the Congo 28-09-2007 (A) 28-09-2007
Denmark 16-11-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Djibouti 11-10-2007 (A) 11-10-2007
Dominican Republic 22-11-2007 (A) 22-11-2007
Ecuador 04-07-2007 (A) 04-07-2007
Egypt 22-11-2007 (A) 22-11-2007
Equatorial Guinea 17-12-2004 (A) 17-12-2004
Eritrea 12-03-2008 (A) 12-03-2008
Federated States of Micronesia 30-03-2023 (A) 30-03-2023
Fiji 08-11-2007 (A) 08-11-2007
Finland 16-11-1966 23-02-1968 (R) 23-02-1968
France 16-11-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Gabon 17-09-2007 (A) 17-09-2007
Gambia, The 22-11-2007 (A) 22-11-2007
Georgia 18-03-2008 (A) 18-03-2008
Germany 16-11-1966 11-09-1968 (R) 11-09-1968
Greece 16-11-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Guatemala 25-04-2024 (A) 25-04-2024
Guinea 05-11-2007 (A) 05-11-2007
Guinea-Bissau 15-11-2007 (A) 15-11-2007
Hungary 16-12-1966 21-03-1967 (R) 10-11-1967
Iceland 27-01-1999 (A) 27-01-1999
Iran 14-11-2002 (A) 14-11-2002
Israel 12-06-1997 (A) 12-06-1997
Japan 16-11-1966 17-07-1967 (R) 10-11-1967
Jordan 10-12-2004 (A) 10-12-2004
Kenya 19-11-2007 (A) 19-11-2007
Kuwait 27-07-2007 (A) 27-07-2007
Lebanon 28-12-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Liberia 22-11-2007 (A) 22-11-2007
Libya 11-03-2008 (A) 11-03-2008
Malaysia 18-04-1995 (A) 18-04-1995
Mali 13-11-2007 (A) 13-11-2007
Malta 15-03-2000 (A) 15-03-2000
Marshall Islands 12-09-2007 (A) 12-09-2007
Mauritius 26-05-2008 (A) 26-05-2008
Monaco 15-12-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Morocco 16-11-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 23-10-1968 (A) 23-10-1968
New Zealand 16-11-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Niger 05-10-2007 (A) 05-10-2007
Nigeria 20-12-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
North Macedonia 26-05-2023 (A) 26-05-2023
Norway 16-11-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Pakistan 04-06-2007 (A) 04-06-2007
Palau 03-06-1997 (A) 03-06-1997
Panama 16-11-2007 (A) 16-11-2007
Paraguay 14-11-2007 (R) 14-11-2007
Philippines 13-08-1993 (A) 13-08-1993
Poland 16-11-1966 23-07-1968 (R) 23-07-1968
Portugal 12-12-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Qatar 21-04-1997 (A) 21-04-1997
Republic of the Congo 22-11-2007 (A) 22-11-2007
Romania 16-11-1966 15-07-1968 (R) 15-07-1968
Russian Federation 16-11-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Saint Kitts and Nevis 04-06-1997 (A) 04-06-1997
Samoa 06-11-2007 (A) 06-11-2007
San Marino 14-09-2004 (A) 14-09-2004
Senegal 22-11-2004 (A) 22-11-2004
Sierra Leone 25-03-2008 (A) 25-03-2008
Slovakia 12-07-1993 (A) 12-07-1993
Slovenia 02-11-2004 (A) 02-11-2004
Solomon Islands 08-11-2007 (A) 08-11-2007
South Africa 01-09-1993 (A) 01-09-1993
Sudan 03-03-2008 (A) 03-03-2008
Sweden 16-11-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Switzerland 16-11-1966 10-11-1967 (R) 10-11-1967
Syria 02-07-2007 (A) 02-07-2007
Trinidad and Tobago 09-06-2023 (A) 09-06-2023
Tunisia 14-12-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
Türkiye 13-09-2004 (A) 13-09-2004
Ukraine 16-11-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
United Kingdom 16-11-1966 (S) 10-11-1967
United States of America 24-05-1968 (A) 24-05-1968
Uzbekistan 02-06-1997 (A) 02-06-1997
Vietnam 11-04-2003 (A) 11-04-2003

Parent treaties

Title Date of conclusion Place of conclusion
Convention relating to International Exhibitions 22-11-1928 Parijs
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