
Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Railways

Treaty data

Treaty number 004087
Date of conclusion 09-12-1923
Place of conclusion Genève
Provisional application
Entry into force 23-03-1926
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series 1967, 106 (external link)
Bulletin of Acts and Decrees
Parliamentary paper
Approval act 1927, 384
Consolidated text 0006324

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 22-05-1928
Netherlands (Bonaire)
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius)
Netherlands (Saba)
Sint Maarten

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Austria 09-12-1923 20-01-1927 (R) 20-04-1927
Belgium 09-12-1923 16-05-1927 (R) 14-08-1927
Brazil 09-12-1923
Bulgaria 09-12-1923
Chile 09-12-1923
China 21-01-1925 (A)
Colombia 03-12-1927 (A)
Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993) 09-12-1923
Denmark 09-12-1923 27-04-1926 (R) 26-07-1926
El Salvador 09-12-1923
Estonia 09-12-1923 21-09-1929 (R) 20-12-1929
Ethiopia 20-09-1928 (A) 19-12-1928
Finland 09-12-1923 11-02-1937 (R) 12-05-1937
France 09-12-1923 28-08-1935 (R) 26-11-1935
Germany 09-12-1923 05-12-1927 (R) 04-03-1928
Greece 09-12-1923 06-03-1929 (R) 04-06-1929
Hungary 09-12-1923 21-03-1929 (R) 19-06-1929
India 09-12-1923 01-04-1925 (R) 23-03-1926
Italy 09-12-1923 10-12-1934 (R) 10-03-1935
Japan 09-12-1923 30-09-1926 (R) 29-12-1926
Latvia 09-12-1923 08-10-1934 (R) 06-01-1935
Lithuania 09-12-1923
Malawi 07-01-1969 (Su) 01-01-1964
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 09-12-1923 22-02-1928 (R) 22-05-1928
New Zealand 09-12-1923 01-04-1925 (R) 23-03-1926
Norway 09-12-1923 24-02-1926 (R) 25-05-1926
Panama 31-07-1925 (A)
Poland 09-12-1923 07-01-1928 (R) 06-04-1928
Portugal 09-12-1923
Romania 09-12-1923 23-12-1925 (R) 23-03-1926
Spain 09-12-1923 15-01-1930 (R) 15-04-1930
Sweden 09-12-1923 15-09-1927 (R) 14-12-1927
Switzerland 09-12-1923 23-10-1926 (R) 21-01-1927
Thailand 09-12-1923 09-01-1925 (R) 23-03-1926
United Kingdom 09-12-1923 29-08-1924 (R) 23-03-1926
Uruguay 09-12-1923
Yugoslavia (< 25-06-1991) 09-12-1923 07-05-1930 (R) 05-08-1930
Zimbabwe 01-12-1998 (Su) 18-04-1980



Extended to Entry into force Termination
Hong Kong SAR 01-07-1997

United Kingdom

Extended to Entry into force Termination
Belize (< 21-09-1981) 21-12-1925 21-09-1981
Brunei (< 01-01-1984) 21-12-1925 01-01-1984
Gambia, The (< 18-02-1965) 21-12-1925 18-02-1965
Ghana (< 06-03-1957) 21-12-1925 06-03-1957
Guiana (< 26-05-1966) 21-12-1925 26-05-1966
Hong Kong (< 01-07-1997) 21-12-1925 01-07-1997
Jordan (< 25-05-1946) 21-12-1925 25-05-1946
Malawi (< 01-01-1964) 21-12-1925 01-01-1964
Malay Federation (< 31-08-1957) 21-12-1925 31-08-1957
Newfoundland (< 01-04-1949) 22-07-1925 01-04-1949
Nigeria (< 01-10-1960) 21-12-1925 01-10-1960
Palestine (< 29-11-1947) 21-12-1925 29-11-1947
Sierra Leone (< 27-04-1961) 21-12-1925 27-04-1961
Straits Settlements (< 01-04-1946) 21-12-1925 01-04-1946
Tanganyika (< 09-12-1961) 21-12-1925 09-12-1961
Zambia (< 01-01-1964) 21-12-1925 01-01-1964
Zimbabwe (< 18-04-1980) 22-07-1925 18-04-1980
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