
Protocol on the accession of the Government of the Italian Republic to the Agreement between the Governments of the Member States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of controls at their common borders, signed at Schengen on 14 June 1985

Treaty data

Treaty number 004288
Date of conclusion 27-11-1990
Place of conclusion Parijs
Provisional application 28-11-1990
Entry into force 01-07-1997
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Parliamentary paper
Approval act 1993, 140

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 28-11-1990 01-07-1997
Netherlands (Bonaire)
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius)
Netherlands (Saba)
Sint Maarten

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Belgium 27-11-1990 31-03-1993 (R) 01-07-1997
France 27-11-1990 10-04-1997 (R) 01-07-1997
Germany 27-11-1990 (S) 01-07-1997
Italy 27-11-1990 15-03-1994 (R) 01-07-1997
Luxembourg 27-11-1990 31-03-1993 (R) 01-07-1997
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 27-11-1990 22-05-1997 (R) 01-07-1997
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