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Party Signature Provisional
RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Algeria 07-07-1967 (R)
Argentina 19-01-1966 (R)
Australia 12-07-1973 (R)
Belgium 19-11-1965 (R)
Brazil 02-05-1967 (R)
Burundi 17-09-1964 (R)
Cameroon 01-02-1965 (R)
Canada 15-03-1965 (R)
Central African Republic 29-12-1964 (R)
Côte d'Ivoire 20-09-1965 (R)
Cyprus 09-11-1964 (R)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 14-06-1965 (R)
Denmark 28-11-1966 (R)
Dominican Republic 15-12-1965 (R)
Egypt 28-07-1965 (R)
Ethiopia 11-06-1966 (R)
Finland 09-12-1964 (R)
Gabon 26-10-1964 (R)
Ghana 21-11-1966 (R)
Guinea 15-06-1967 (R)
India 21-05-1965 (R)
Iraq 20-01-1966 (R)
Ireland 14-08-1967 (R)
Israel 09-06-1965 (R)
Italy 12-07-1966 (R)
Jordan 24-05-1965 (R)
Kenya 29-11-1965 (R)
Kuwait 08-11-1974 (R)
Liberia 23-03-1965 (R)
Malta 18-02-1966 (R)
Mexico 23-05-1967 (R)
Morocco 28-12-1964 (R)
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 18-11-1974 (R)
Niger 30-11-1964 (R)
Nigeria 26-05-1966 (R)
Norway 06-08-1965 (R)
Pakistan 09-07-1965 (R)
Philippines 19-11-1965 (R)
Rwanda 16-10-1964 (R)
Sierra Leone 27-10-1964 (R)
Spain 11-02-1965 (R)
Sweden 11-06-1965 (R)
Syria 20-05-1965 (R)
Tanzania 04-03-1965 (R)
Tunisia 27-01-1966 (R)
Türkiye 19-07-1967 (R)
Uganda 29-01-1965 (R)
United Kingdom 16-02-1966 (R)
Yugoslavia (< 25-06-1991) 25-11-1966 (R)
Zambia 22-02-1965 (R)