

Convention on the law applicable to international sales of goods

Treaty data

Treaty number 008311
Date of conclusion 15-06-1955
Place of conclusion 's-Gravenhage
Provisional application
Entry into force 01-09-1964
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series

Certified True Copy

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe)
Netherlands (Bonaire)
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius)
Netherlands (Saba)
Sint Maarten

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Belgium 01-08-1955 29-10-1962 (R) 01-09-1964 19-02-1999 01-09-1999
Denmark 23-10-1956 03-07-1964 (R) 01-09-1964
Finland 12-04-1957 03-07-1964 (R) 01-09-1964
France 25-07-1955 30-07-1963 (R) 01-09-1964
Italy 13-04-1956 17-03-1958 (R) 01-09-1964
Luxembourg 15-06-1955
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 15-06-1955
Niger 11-10-1971 (A) 10-12-1971
Norway 24-10-1956 03-07-1964 (R) 01-09-1964
Spain 12-04-1957
Sweden 23-10-1956 08-07-1964 (R) 06-09-1964
Switzerland 20-09-1971 29-08-1972 (R) 27-10-1972
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