
Vienna Convention on the law of treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations

Treaty data

Treaty number 000315
Date of conclusion 21-03-1986
Place of conclusion Wenen
Provisional application
Entry into force
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series 1987, 136 (external link)
Parliamentary paper 21499-1388 (external link)
Approval act 1997, 134
Consolidated text 0002302

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe)
Netherlands (Bonaire)
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius)
Netherlands (Saba)
Sint Maarten

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Albania 25-04-2014 (A)
Argentina 30-01-1987 17-08-1990 (R)
Australia 16-06-1993 (A)
Austria 21-03-1986 26-08-1987 (R)
Belarus 30-12-1999 (A)
Belgium 09-06-1987 01-09-1992 (R)
Benin 24-06-1987
Bosnia and Herzegovina 21-03-1986
Brazil 21-03-1986
Bulgaria 10-03-1988 (A)
Burkina Faso 21-03-1986
Côte d'Ivoire 21-03-1986
Council of Europe 11-05-1987
Croatia 11-04-1994 (A)
CTBTO (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization) Preparatory Commission 11-06-2002 (A)
Cyprus 29-06-1987 05-11-1991 (R)
Czech Republic 22-02-1993 (Su)
Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993) 19-10-1990 (A)
Democratic Republic of the Congo 21-03-1986
Denmark 08-06-1987 26-07-1994 (R)
Egypt 21-03-1986
Estonia 21-10-1991 (A)
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) 29-06-1987
Gabon 05-11-2004 (A)
Germany 27-04-1987 20-06-1991 (R)
Greece 15-07-1986 28-01-1992 (R)
Hungary 17-08-1988 (A)
IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) 26-04-2001 (A)
ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) 29-06-1987 24-12-2001 (R)
ILO (International Labour Organization) 31-03-1987 31-07-2000 (R)
IMO (International Maritime Organization) 30-06-1987 14-02-2000 (R)
Interpol (International Criminal Police Organsiation) 03-01-2001 (A)
Italy 17-12-1986 20-06-1991 (R)
ITU (International Telecommunication Union) 29-06-1987
Japan 24-04-1987
Liberia 16-09-2005 (A)
Liechtenstein 08-02-1990 (A)
Malawi 30-06-1987
Malta 26-09-2012 (A)
Mexico 21-03-1986 10-03-1988 (R)
Moldova 26-01-1993 (A)
Montenegro 31-03-1986
Morocco 21-03-1986
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 12-06-1987 18-09-1997 (R)
OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) 02-06-2000 (A)
Palestine 22-03-2018 (A)
Portugal 21-07-2021 (A)
Republic of Korea, the 29-06-1987
Senegal 09-07-1986 06-08-1987 (R)
Serbia 21-03-1986
Slovakia 28-05-1993 (Su)
Spain 24-07-1990 (A)
Sudan 21-03-1986
Sweden 18-06-1987 10-02-1988 (R)
Switzerland 07-05-1990 (A)
UN (United Nations) 12-02-1987 21-12-1998 (R)
UNESCO (UN-Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) 23-06-1987
UNIDO (UN-Industrial Development Organization) 04-03-2002 (A)
United Kingdom 24-02-1987 20-06-1991 (R)
United States of America 26-06-1987
UPU (Universal Postal Union) 19-10-2004 (A)
Uruguay 10-03-1999 (A)
WHO (World Health Organization) 30-04-1987 22-06-2000 (R)
WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) 24-10-2000 (A)
WMO (World Meteorological Organization) 30-06-1987
Yugoslavia (< 25-06-1991) 21-03-1986
Zambia 21-03-1986

Parent treaties

Title Date of conclusion Place of conclusion
Vienna Convention on the law of treaties 23-05-1969 Wenen
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