
Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)

Parties with reservations, declarations and objections

Party Reservations / Declarations Objections
Germany Yes No
Italy Yes No
Portugal Yes No
Spain Yes No
Switzerland Yes No
Türkiye Yes No
United Kingdom Yes No



With regard to article 7, paragraph 2, additional benefits derived from taxes cannot be deduced from article 7, since fiscal and custom provisions are comprehensively set out in article 5. Article 11 (d) of the Protocol does not apply on German territory.



The Italian Government reserves the right to not apply the exemption from all national income tax on salaries and emoluments paid by EUMETSAT, as set out in article 10 (g), to officials, Italian nationals or permanent residents of Italian territory.



The exemption mentioned in article 5, paragraph 1 applies to EUMETSAT in respect of its official activities, its income and its property as well as wealth taxes, with Portugal being responsible for their classification; the exemption mentioned in article 10 (h) applies to the import of goods for the initial relocation of staff members who are not permanent residents of Portugal; the provisions of article 23 do not apply to financial disputes that fall under the jurisdiction of the Portuguese courts.


The Portuguese Republic has withdrawn the reservation entered at the time of accession to the Protocol of 1 December 1986 on the Privileges and Immunities of EUMETSAT regarding Article 10 letter g of the Protocol.
The other reservations of the Portuguese Republic regarding Articles 5(1), 10(h) and 23 of the Protocol are maintained.



The Kingdom of Spain expressly declares that, in accordance with the provisions of article 20, it is not obliged to accord to EUMETSAT staff members (as referred to in article 1 (f)) the exemption from all obligations in respect of national service, including military service, set out in article 10 (b).



Switzerland considers the tax on identifiable income, within the meaning of article 5, to be that which applies to the delivery to EUMETSAT of goods with a value exceeding 500 Swiss francs.



The Government of the Republic of Turkey declares that the provisions of Article 11 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of EUMETSAT will apply only with regard to fulfillment of the official functions of the Director, except in case of a damage caused by a vehicle or other means of transport belonging to, or driven by him.

United Kingdom


Applicable only to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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