
Amendment to paragraph 12 of the Financing Rules attached to the Statutes of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)

Treaty data

Treaty number 000762
Date of conclusion 25-09-1979
Place of conclusion Torremolinos
Provisional application 25-09-1979
Entry into force
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Parliamentary paper 0000157399 (external link)
Consolidated text 0004272

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 25-09-1979
Netherlands (Bonaire) 10-10-2010
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius) 10-10-2010
Netherlands (Saba) 10-10-2010
Aruba 25-09-1979
Curaçao 10-10-2010
Sint Maarten 10-10-2010

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Algeria 04-05-1983 (R)
Andorra 11-05-2001 (R)
Argentina 15-01-1987 (R)
Australia 23-09-2004 (R)
Austria 12-09-1988 (R)
Azerbaijan 29-09-2001 (R)
Bahamas 24-05-2005 (R)
Bahrain 29-09-2001 (R)
Bangladesh 14-08-1980 (R)
Belarus 14-06-2005 (R)
Bhutan 19-10-2003 (R)
Bolivia 09-03-2004 (R)
Brazil 03-07-1980 (R)
Brunei 29-11-2007 (R)
Bulgaria 07-05-1987 (R)
Cabo Verde 29-09-2001 (R)
Canada 28-01-2000 (R)
Chile 08-10-1998 (R)
China 16-10-1987 (R)
Colombia 12-06-1997 (R)
Costa Rica 26-09-1995 (R)
Côte d'Ivoire 14-08-1980 (R)
Cuba 07-12-1982 (R)
Cyprus 03-02-1981 (R)
Czech Republic 11-05-2001 (R)
Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993) 11-07-1980 (R)
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-01-2004 (R)
Egypt 06-08-1981 (R)
El Salvador 22-03-2001 (R)
Equatorial Guinea 16-11-2000 (R)
Ethiopia 09-06-1980 (R)
France 28-03-1980 (R)
Gabon 14-08-1986 (R)
Germany 06-03-1981 (R)
Greece 19-06-1980 (R)
Honduras 29-09-2001 (R)
Hungary 15-06-1989 (R)
Indonesia 22-06-1987 (R)
Iraq 16-05-1983 (R)
Israel 03-11-2004 (R)
Italy 18-02-1981 (R)
Jamaica 05-02-2004 (R)
Jordan 19-06-1980 (R)
Kenya 17-05-2001 (R)
Kuwait 03-03-2003 (R)
Libya 06-05-1981 (R)
Lithuania 06-10-2003 (R)
Madagascar 20-10-1986 (R)
Malaysia 06-02-2001 (R)
Maldives 10-06-1983 (R)
Malta 20-02-1981 (R)
Mexico 16-12-1980 (R)
Moldova 01-01-2002 (R)
Montenegro 29-11-2007 (R)
Morocco 21-07-1980 (R)
Nepal 06-10-1982 (R)
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 05-03-1982 (R)
Niger 09-06-1980 (R)
Oman 20-01-2004 (R)
Pakistan 30-01-1981 (R)
Panama 17-06-1996 (R)
Papua New Guinea 02-12-2005 (R)
Peru 13-07-1983 (R)
Philippines 23-10-1991 (R)
Poland 11-08-2003 (R)
Portugal 16-12-1992 (R)
Qatar 01-01-2002 (R)
Republic of Korea, the 16-09-1982 (R)
Romania 31-12-1980 (R)
Russian Federation 05-11-1981 (R)
Rwanda 14-08-1987 (R)
San Marino 26-02-2001 (R)
Saudi Arabia 17-06-2002 (R)
Senegal 23-05-1983 (R)
Serbia 29-09-2001 (R)
Seychelles 21-09-2000 (R)
Slovakia 16-06-1993 (R)
Spain 17-12-1979 (R)
Sri Lanka 07-12-1982 (R)
Syria 20-09-1982 (R)
Tajikistan 29-11-2007 (R)
Thailand 08-11-2002 (R)
Timor-Leste 02-12-2005 (R)
Togo 14-02-1986 (R)
Tunisia 29-04-1981 (R)
Türkiye 24-04-1985 (R)
Turkmenistan 30-11-2000 (R)
Uganda 19-09-1980 (R)
United Kingdom 25-11-2005 (R)
Uzbekistan 09-03-2001 (R)
Vietnam 17-11-2000 (R)
Yemen 13-08-2000 (R)
Yugoslavia (< 25-06-1991) 13-10-1980 (R)
Zambia 15-06-1983 (R)

Parent treaties

Title Date of conclusion Place of conclusion
Statutes of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) 27-09-1970 Mexico DF
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