
Amendment to article XI of the Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora

Parties with reservations, declarations and objections

Party Reservations / Declarations Objections
Japan Yes No
United Kingdom Yes No



The Embassy of Japan presents its compliments to the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and, with regard to the Notification p.o.412.30 on 25th June concerning the Acceptance of the amendment to Article XI (3)(a) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora by the Soviet Union, has the honour to inform the latter of the following view of the Government of Japan.
In accordance with article XVII (3) of the above-mentioned Convention, the amendment should enter into force for Soviet Union also 60 days after it deposits its instrument of acceptance of the amendment. The Government of Japan cannot find any grounds for justifying the entering into force of the above-mentioned amendment on 1st January 1991 as was designated by the Soviet Union.

United Kingdom


On 2 August 1976, the CITES was extended to the Falkland Islands, but not to the Falkland Island Dependencies. On 28 November 1980, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland notified the Depositary in error of the acceptance of the Bonn Amendment in respect of the Falkland Islands and Dependencies. It wishes to correct this error and hereby confirms that it accepts the Bonn Amendment in respect of the Territory of the Falkland Islands only, not the Dependencies of the Falklands Islands, now the Territory of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands. Similarly, on 13 December 1985, it notified the Depositary in error of the acceptance of the Gaborone Amendment in respect of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands. It wishes to correct this error and hereby confirms that it does not accept the Gaborone Amendment in respect of the Territory of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands.

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