
International Convention for the protection of New Varieties of Plants of December 2, 1961, as revised at Geneva on November 10, 1972, and on October 23, 1978

Treaty data

Treaty number 000941
Date of conclusion 23-10-1978
Place of conclusion Genève
Provisional application
Entry into force 08-11-1981
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Parliamentary paper
Approval act 1984, 238

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 02-09-1984
Netherlands (Bonaire)
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius)
Netherlands (Saba)
Aruba 08-11-1986 08-11-1986
Sint Maarten

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Argentina 25-11-1994 (A) 25-12-1994
Australia 01-02-1989 (A) 01-03-1989
Austria 14-06-1994 (A) 14-07-1994
Belgium 23-10-1978
Bolivia 21-04-1999 (A) 21-05-1999
Brazil 23-04-1999 (A) 23-05-1999
Canada 31-10-1979 04-02-1991 (R) 04-03-1991
Chile 05-12-1995 (A) 05-01-1996
China 23-03-1999 (A) 23-04-1999
Colombia 13-08-1996 (A) 13-09-1996
Czech Republic 12-01-1993 (Su) 01-01-1993
Denmark 23-10-1978 08-10-1981 (R) 08-11-1981
Ecuador 08-07-1997 (A) 08-08-1997
Finland 16-03-1993 (A) 16-04-1993
France 23-10-1978 17-02-1983 (R) 17-03-1983
Germany 23-10-1978 12-03-1986 (R) 12-04-1986
Hungary 16-03-1983 (A) 16-04-1983
Ireland 27-09-1979 19-05-1981 (R) 08-11-1981
Israel 12-04-1984 (A) 12-05-1984
Italy 23-10-1978 28-04-1986 (R) 28-05-1986
Japan 17-10-1979 03-08-1982 (R) 03-09-1982
Kenya 13-04-1999 (A) 13-05-1999
Mexico 25-07-1979 09-07-1997 (R) 09-08-1997
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 23-10-1978 02-08-1984 (R) 02-09-1984
New Zealand 25-07-1979 03-11-1980 (R) 08-11-1981
Nicaragua 06-08-2001 (A) 06-09-2001
Norway 13-08-1993 (A) 13-09-1993
Panama 23-04-1999 (A) 23-05-1999
Paraguay 08-01-1997 (A) 08-02-1997
Poland 11-10-1989 (A) 11-11-1989
Portugal 14-09-1995 (A) 14-10-1995
Slovakia 12-01-1993 (Su) 01-01-1993
South Africa 23-10-1978 21-07-1981 (R) 08-11-1981
Sweden 06-12-1978 01-12-1982 (R) 01-01-1983
Switzerland 23-10-1978 17-06-1981 (R) 08-11-1981
Trinidad and Tobago 30-12-1997 (A) 30-01-1998
Ukraine 30-08-1995 (A) 03-11-1995
United Kingdom 23-10-1978 24-08-1983 (R) 24-09-1983
United States of America 23-10-1978 12-11-1980 (R) 08-11-1981
Uruguay 13-10-1994 (A) 13-11-1994



Extended to Entry into force Termination
French Guiana 17-03-1983
French Polynesia 17-03-1983
French Southern and Antarctic Territories 17-03-1983
Guadeloupe 17-03-1983
Martinique 17-03-1983
New Caledonia 17-03-1983
Réunion 17-03-1983
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 17-03-1983
Wallis and Futuna 17-03-1983

Parent treaties

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