
Agreement on technical cooperation between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Upper-Volta

Treaty data

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 19-12-1977
Netherlands (Bonaire)
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius)
Netherlands (Saba)
Sint Maarten

Child treaties

Title Date of conclusion Place of conclusion
Administrative Arrangement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the Republic of Upper Volta concerning a project to build forty small dams 18-01-1978 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the Republic of Upper Volta concerning a land management project in the Volta valleys 18-01-1978 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement concerning an afforestation project in the Centre Nord and Volta Noire regions 09-02-1982 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement concerning a project relating to peasant education on productive use of bodies of water, particularly downstream from dams 09-02-1982 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement concerning a drinking water supply project for ten small towns 09-02-1982 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement concerning a hydraulic engineering project in the Volta Noire region 09-02-1982 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement concerning cooperation between the University of Ouagadougou and a number of Dutch universities, including the University of Groningen 09-02-1984 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement concerning a Project on Coordinating Activities for Women 13-06-1985 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning phase 4 of a village water supply project, in the La Boucle de Mouhoun area ("Projet Hydraulique villageoise de la Boucle du Mouboun") 28-06-1990 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning support for the National Agency for Soil Fertility ("Projet d'appui au Service de Suivi de la Mise en valeur des sols du Bureau National des Sols") 11-12-1990 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning support for the Research and Planning Department of the Ministry of Water ("Renforcement DEP - Ministère de l'Eau") 22-01-1991 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning cooperation between the National Forestry School (ENEF) and Larenstein International Agricultural College ("Coopération entre l'Ecole Nationale des Eaux et Forêts (ENEF) et l'Ecole Supérieure Internationale d'Agriculture Larenstein") 31-01-1991 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning phase 3 of the "Vallée du Kou" project 07-03-1991 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning the "Projet de développement régional intégré de la province du Zoundwéogo (UP III)" 24-01-1992 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning phase 3 of a regional development project in the provinces of Sanguié and Boulkiemdé ("Programme de développement intégré dans les provinces du Sanguié et du Boulkiemdé" (PDISAB)) 24-01-1992 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning a regional development project in the provinces of Sanguié and Boulkiemdé ("Programme de développement intégré dans les provinces du Sanguié et du Boulkiemdé" (PDISAB)) 26-02-1992 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning support for the Planning Department of the Ministry of Agriculture ("Planification Rurale, Phase V") 08-12-1992 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning a national agricultural study ("Enquête Nationale des Statistiques Agricoles") 08-12-1992 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of Burkina Faso concerning phase II of the project to provide support for the National Tree Seed Centre ("Assistance néerlandaise au Centre National de Semence Forestières (CNSF)") 18-02-1993 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of Burkina Faso concerning the mechanisation of agriculture ("Appui à la Mécanisation Agricole") 18-02-1993 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning phase 4 of an integrated rural development process ("Sensibilisation et Formation des paysans autour des barrages, 4e phase") 02-11-1993 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning phase 4 of the extension and training project for irrigation farmers ("Sensibilisation et Formation des paysans autour des barrages") 20-12-1993 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning phase 5 of a village water supply project in the La Boucle de Mouhoun area ("Projet Hydraulique villageoise de la Boucle du Mouboun") 01-03-1994 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning support for the Research and Planning Department of the Ministry of Water ("Appui à la Direction des Etudes et de la Planification (DEP)") 10-03-1994 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning phase 3 of a regional development project in the Zoundwéogo province ("Projet de développement intégré dans la province du Zoundwéogo") 06-04-1994 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning a project to increase the capacity of the national agricultural research institute to conduct research in livestock and grassland management ("Optimisation de l'élevage au Burkina Faso") 26-07-1994 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning an advisory centre that supports women's participation in projects 22-02-1995 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning a regional development project in the provinces of Sanguié and Boulkiemdé ("Programme de développement intégré dans les provinces du Sanguié et du Boulkiemdé" (PDISAB)) 14-02-1996 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning the mechanisation of agriculture ("Appui à la Mécanisation Agricole, phase 2") 25-10-1996 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning phase 2 of a national agricultural study ("Projet d'Appui à la Mécanisation Agricole (PAMA)") 29-11-1996 Ouagadougou
Administrative Arrangement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Burkina Faso concerning the project entitled "Assistance Technique à la Féderation Burkinabè de Football" 15-01-2002 Ouagadougou
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