
Exchange of Notes between the Dutch and Belgian Governments constituting an amendment to article 4 of the Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Belgium regulating the conditions for the construction and maintenance of a bridge over the river Maas at Maaseyk

Treaty data

Treaty number 002308
Date of conclusion 27-08-1974
Place of conclusion 's-Gravenhage
Provisional application
Entry into force 03-09-1975
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Parliamentary paper 0000203774 (external link)
Consolidated text 0006047

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 03-09-1975
Netherlands (Bonaire)
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius)
Netherlands (Saba)
Sint Maarten
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