

Convention on the taking of evidence abroad in civil or commercial matters

Acceptance of accession

Acceptance of accession Albania

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 03-12-2010 01-02-2011
Australia 09-03-2012 08-05-2012
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 14-09-2010 13-11-2010
China 15-10-2010 14-12-2010
Cyprus 08-08-2011 07-10-2011
Czech Republic 09-11-2010 08-01-2011
Denmark 14-05-2016 13-07-2016
Estonia 24-01-2011 25-03-2011
Finland 27-10-2010 26-12-2010
France 23-12-2010 21-02-2010
Germany 15-05-2014 14-07-2014
Hungary 19-01-2011 20-03-2011
Iceland 15-11-2010 14-01-2011
Israel 02-02-2011 03-04-2011
Italy 21-04-2022 20-06-2022
Latvia 24-11-2010 23-01-2011
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 25-11-2010 24-01-2011
Norway 18-07-2012 16-09-2012
Poland 08-06-2017 07-08-2017
Republic of Korea, the 06-12-2016 04-02-2017
Romania 22-07-2024 20-09-2024
Serbia 09-04-2013 08-06-2013
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 19-01-2011 20-03-2011
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 12-05-2011 11-07-2011
Sweden 14-01-2011 15-03-2011
Switzerland 23-09-2011 22-11-2011
Türkiye 05-07-2016 03-09-2016
Ukraine 24-03-2011 23-05-2011
United States of America 02-04-2012 01-06-2012
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Andorra

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Albania 29-03-2018 28-05-2018
Argentina 17-01-2018 18-03-2018
Armenia 29-09-2020 28-11-2020
Australia 13-12-2019 11-02-2020
Belarus 20-08-2019 19-10-2019
Brazil 20-06-2017 19-08-2017
Bulgaria 29-01-2018 30-03-2018
China 07-11-2017 06-01-2018
Colombia 08-05-2020 07-07-2020
Costa Rica 20-03-2023 19-05-2023
Croatia 15-02-2022 16-04-2022
Cyprus 13-02-2018 14-04-2018
Czech Republic 25-02-2022 26-04-2022
Denmark 10-04-2024 09-06-2024
Estonia 11-09-2017 10-11-2017
Finland 19-12-2017 17-02-2018
France 17-04-2020 16-06-2020
Germany 09-01-2018 10-03-2018
Greece 21-02-2018 22-04-2018
Hungary 11-04-2018 10-06-2018
Iceland 25-11-2021 24-01-2022
Israel 13-07-2018 11-09-2018
Italy 04-03-2022 03-05-2022
Latvia 26-01-2022 27-03-2022
Liechtenstein 29-01-2018 30-03-2018
Lithuania 20-02-2018 21-04-2018
Luxembourg 29-03-2018 28-05-2018
Malta 26-01-2024 26-03-2024
Mexico 10-04-2018 09-06-2018
Monaco 12-07-2017 10-09-2017
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 17-12-2020 15-02-2021
Norway 08-06-2020 07-08-2020
Poland 04-03-2022 03-05-2022
Portugal 13-03-2019 12-05-2019
Republic of Korea, the 16-02-2021 17-04-2021
Romania 24-11-2017 23-01-2018
Russian Federation 06-03-2018 05-05-2018
Serbia 26-02-2018 27-04-2018
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 19-09-2017 18-11-2017
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 06-10-2020 05-12-2020
Sweden 20-10-2020 19-12-2020
Switzerland 03-09-2020 02-11-2020
Ukraine 12-10-2017 11-12-2017
United States of America 13-06-2019 12-08-2019
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Argentina

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Cyprus 19-11-1992 18-01-1993
Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993) 12-02-1988 11-04-1988
Denmark 08-10-1987 07-12-1987
Finland 05-02-1990 06-04-1990
France 12-11-1987 11-01-1988
Germany 22-04-1988 21-06-1988
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 24-09-1987 23-11-1987
Italy 11-08-1987 10-10-1987
Luxembourg 15-07-1987 13-09-1987
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 11-09-1987 10-11-1987
Norway 28-01-1988 28-03-1988
Portugal 11-04-2001 08-06-2001
Singapore 08-12-1998 06-02-1999
Spain 29-06-1994 28-08-1994
Sweden 21-09-1987 20-11-1987
Switzerland 14-11-1994 13-01-1995
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United Kingdom 12-02-1988 11-04-1988
United States of America 01-12-1987 30-01-1988

Acceptance of accession Armenia

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 23-10-2012 22-12-2012
Australia 13-12-2019 11-02-2020
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 11-03-2015 10-05-2015
China 16-11-2016 15-01-2017
Colombia 08-05-2020 07-07-2020
Czech Republic 30-06-2015 29-08-2015
Denmark 14-05-2016 13-07-2016
Estonia 11-09-2017 10-11-2017
Finland 15-04-2019 14-06-2019
France 17-04-2020 16-06-2020
Germany 02-02-2015 03-04-2015
Greece 24-09-2012 23-11-2012
Hungary 11-04-2018 10-06-2018
Iceland 25-11-2021 24-01-2022
Israel 13-07-2018 11-09-2018
Italy 10-03-2022 09-05-2022
Latvia 26-01-2022 27-03-2022
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Malta 26-01-2024 26-03-2024
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Norway 08-06-2020 07-08-2020
Republic of Korea, the 06-12-2016 04-02-2017
Romania 24-11-2017 23-01-2018
Serbia 09-04-2013 08-06-2013
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 07-09-2012 06-11-2012
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 20-11-2013 19-01-2014
Sweden 20-10-2020 19-12-2020
Switzerland 20-03-2015 19-05-2015
Ukraine 10-04-2020 09-06-2020
United States of America 13-06-2019 12-08-2019
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Australia

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 22-05-1997 21-07-1997
Barbados 22-08-1997 21-10-1997
Cyprus 20-04-1993 19-06-1993
Czech Republic 01-04-1997 31-05-1997
Denmark 11-02-1993 12-04-1993
Finland 24-05-1993 23-07-1993
France 26-01-1993 27-03-1993
Germany 04-05-1993 03-07-1993
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 10-01-1997 11-03-1997
Italy 17-11-1995 16-01-1996
Luxembourg 11-12-1992 09-02-1993
Mexico 27-05-1997 26-07-1997
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 16-12-1992 14-02-1993
Norway 19-04-1994 18-06-1994
Portugal 11-04-2001 08-06-2001
Singapore 26-05-1997 25-07-1997
Slovakia 21-03-1996 20-05-1996
Spain 29-06-1994 28-08-1994
Sweden 31-12-1993 01-03-1994
Switzerland 14-11-1994 13-01-1995
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United Kingdom 19-02-1993 20-04-1993
United States of America 23-06-1993 22-08-1993

Acceptance of accession Barbados

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993) 07-08-1981 06-10-1981
Denmark 10-12-1981 08-02-1982
Finland 10-08-1981 09-10-1981
France 28-10-1981 27-12-1981
Germany 04-02-1982 05-04-1982
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 21-07-1981 19-09-1981
Italy 23-02-1983 24-04-1983
Luxembourg 05-06-1981 04-08-1981
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 21-04-1981 20-06-1981
Norway 16-10-1986 15-12-1986
Portugal 19-12-1983 17-02-1984
Singapore 08-12-1998 06-02-1999
Spain 29-06-1994 28-08-1994
Sweden 30-09-1981 29-11-1981
Switzerland 14-11-1994 13-01-1995
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United Kingdom 23-07-1981 21-09-1981
United States of America 21-04-1981 20-06-1981

Acceptance of accession Belarus

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 29-08-2002 28-10-2002
Australia 22-05-2002 21-07-2002
Bulgaria 02-03-2004 01-05-2004
China 26-06-2003 25-08-2003
Cyprus 31-05-2006 30-07-2006
Czech Republic 04-03-2011 03-05-2011
Denmark 11-02-2003 12-04-2003
Estonia 24-01-2011 25-03-2011
Finland 06-12-2002 04-02-2003
France 14-10-2005 13-12-2005
Germany 06-02-2002 07-04-2002
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 29-05-2002 28-07-2002
Latvia 28-07-2004 26-09-2004
Lithuania 08-04-2020 07-06-2020
Luxembourg 10-10-2001 09-12-2001
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 29-08-2007 28-10-2007
Norway 30-05-2002 29-07-2002
Poland 20-12-2002 18-02-2003
Portugal 03-06-2002 02-08-2002
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 19-05-2003 18-07-2003
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 17-12-2002 15-02-2003
Sweden 16-05-2002 15-07-2002
Switzerland 11-01-2002 12-03-2002
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
Ukraine 10-04-2020 09-06-2020
United Kingdom 22-03-2002 21-05-2002
United States of America 25-02-2002 26-04-2002
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Bosnia and Herzegovina

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 05-01-2010 06-03-2010
Australia 13-01-2010 14-03-2010
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 27-10-2008 26-12-2008
China 26-01-2009 27-03-2009
Cyprus 24-07-2010 22-09-2010
Czech Republic 04-03-2011 03-05-2011
Denmark 20-05-2009 19-07-2009
Estonia 24-01-2011 25-03-2011
Finland 26-04-2021 25-06-2021
France 01-04-2010 31-05-2010
Germany 20-11-2009 19-01-2010
Greece 12-12-2008 10-02-2009
Hungary 19-01-2011 20-03-2011
Israel 23-10-2008 22-12-2008
Italy 21-04-2022 20-06-2022
Latvia 16-01-2009 17-03-2009
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Luxembourg 10-09-2008 09-11-2008
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 30-05-2011 29-07-2011
Norway 20-02-2009 21-04-2009
Poland 22-08-2008 21-10-2008
Romania 24-11-2017 23-01-2018
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 22-01-2009 23-03-2009
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 23-07-2009 21-09-2009
Sweden 21-01-2009 22-03-2009
Switzerland 24-09-2009 23-11-2009
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
Ukraine 24-03-2011 23-05-2011
United States of America 14-07-2010 12-09-2010
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Brazil

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Albania 07-12-2017 05-02-2018
Argentina 06-11-2014 05-01-2015
Armenia 08-11-2016 07-01-2017
Australia 13-12-2019 11-02-2020
Belarus 20-08-2019 19-10-2019
Bosnia and Herzegovina 09-11-2017 08-01-2018
Bulgaria 16-06-2017 15-08-2017
China 27-06-2014 26-08-2014
Colombia 14-12-2017 12-02-2018
Croatia 21-06-2017 20-08-2017
Cyprus 15-09-2017 14-11-2017
Czech Republic 18-08-2014 17-10-2014
Denmark 14-05-2016 13-07-2016
Estonia 11-09-2017 10-11-2017
Finland 19-12-2017 17-02-2018
Germany 16-07-2014 14-09-2014
Greece 31-07-2017 29-09-2017
Hungary 11-04-2018 10-06-2018
Iceland 25-11-2021 24-01-2022
India 04-06-2019 03-08-2019
Israel 13-07-2018 11-09-2018
Italy 13-06-2014 12-08-2014
Kuwait 24-09-2024 23-11-2024
Latvia 26-01-2022 27-03-2022
Liechtenstein 18-07-2017 16-09-2017
Lithuania 14-07-2017 12-09-2017
Luxembourg 15-11-2016 14-01-2017
Malta 26-01-2024 26-03-2024
Mexico 10-10-2014 09-12-2014
Monaco 26-06-2017 25-08-2017
Montenegro 14-12-2018 12-02-2019
Morocco 31-07-2018 29-09-2018
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 16-01-2017 17-03-2017
North Macedonia 05-07-2024 03-09-2024
Norway 04-07-2024 02-09-2024
Poland 23-06-2017 22-08-2017
Portugal 18-07-2016 16-09-2016
Republic of Korea, the 06-12-2016 04-02-2017
Romania 24-11-2017 23-01-2018
Russian Federation 19-07-2017 17-09-2017
Serbia 24-10-2014 23-12-2014
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 15-02-2016 15-04-2016
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 06-10-2020 05-12-2020
Sri Lanka 01-09-2017 31-10-2017
Sweden 20-10-2020 19-12-2020
Switzerland 20-03-2015 19-05-2015
Türkiye 05-07-2016 03-09-2016
Ukraine 10-04-2020 09-06-2020
United States of America 13-06-2019 12-08-2019
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Bulgaria

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 23-07-2001 21-09-2001
Australia 08-03-2001 07-05-2001
China 26-06-2003 25-08-2003
Cyprus 31-05-2006 30-07-2006
Czech Republic 04-03-2011 03-05-2011
Denmark 24-02-2003 25-04-2003
Estonia 14-12-2001 12-02-2002
Finland 06-12-2002 04-02-2003
France 16-12-2004 14-02-2005
Germany 01-03-2001 30-04-2001
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 29-05-2002 28-07-2002
Italy 03-03-2025 02-05-2025
Latvia 28-07-2004 26-09-2004
Luxembourg 23-07-2000 21-09-2000
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 29-08-2007 28-10-2007
Norway 30-05-2002 29-07-2002
Poland 20-12-2002 18-02-2003
Portugal 12-10-2001 11-12-2001
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 31-07-2000 29-09-2000
Spain 14-06-2001 13-08-2001
Sweden 16-05-2002 15-07-2002
Switzerland 11-01-2002 12-03-2002
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United Kingdom 07-03-2001 06-05-2001
United States of America 25-02-2002 26-04-2002
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession China

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 06-01-2000 06-03-2000
Australia 20-07-1999 18-09-1999
Cyprus 31-05-2006 30-07-2006
Czech Republic 27-02-1998 28-04-1998
Denmark 07-07-1999 05-09-1999
Estonia 14-12-2001 12-02-2002
Finland 24-04-1998 23-06-1998
France 06-01-1999 07-03-1999
Germany 07-05-1998 06-07-1998
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 13-03-1998 12-05-1998
Italy 17-06-1998 16-08-1998
Latvia 28-07-2004 26-09-2004
Luxembourg 10-02-1998 11-04-1998
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 06-02-1998 07-04-1998
Norway 23-08-1999 22-10-1999
Poland 06-04-1998 05-06-1998
Portugal 12-10-2001 11-12-2001
Slovakia 06-07-1998 04-09-1998
Spain 20-07-1999 18-09-1999
Sweden 16-05-2002 15-07-2002
Switzerland 11-01-2002 12-03-2002
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United States of America 24-06-1998 23-08-1998
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Colombia

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 07-09-2017 06-11-2017
Australia 13-12-2019 11-02-2020
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 26-08-2013 25-10-2013
China 16-11-2016 15-01-2017
Czech Republic 09-05-2012 08-07-2012
Denmark 14-05-2016 13-07-2016
Estonia 11-09-2017 10-11-2017
Finland 15-04-2019 14-06-2019
France 17-04-2020 16-06-2020
Germany 10-06-2013 09-08-2013
Greece 02-04-2012 01-06-2012
Hungary 11-04-2018 10-06-2018
Iceland 25-11-2021 24-01-2022
Israel 13-07-2018 11-09-2018
Italy 03-03-2025 02-05-2025
Latvia 02-04-2012 01-06-2012
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Malta 26-01-2024 26-03-2024
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Norway 04-07-2024 02-09-2024
Republic of Korea, the 06-12-2016 04-02-2017
Romania 24-11-2017 23-01-2018
Serbia 09-04-2013 08-06-2013
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 04-04-2012 03-06-2012
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 28-05-2013 27-07-2013
Sweden 20-10-2020 19-12-2020
Switzerland 20-03-2015 19-05-2015
Ukraine 10-04-2020 09-06-2020
United States of America 18-06-2013 17-08-2013
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Costa Rica

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 19-09-2017 18-11-2017
Australia 13-12-2019 11-02-2020
Belarus 20-08-2019 19-10-2019
Brazil 20-06-2017 19-08-2017
China 31-08-2016 30-10-2016
Colombia 08-05-2020 07-07-2020
Czech Republic 09-01-2017 10-03-2017
Estonia 11-09-2017 10-11-2017
Finland 15-04-2019 14-06-2019
France 17-04-2020 16-06-2020
Germany 09-03-2017 08-05-2017
Greece 07-07-2022 05-09-2022
Hungary 11-04-2018 10-06-2018
Iceland 25-11-2021 24-01-2022
Israel 13-07-2018 11-09-2018
Italy 03-03-2025 02-05-2025
Latvia 26-01-2022 27-03-2022
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Luxembourg 03-10-2016 02-12-2016
Malta 26-01-2024 26-03-2024
Mexico 30-08-2024 29-10-2024
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 17-12-2020 15-02-2021
Norway 04-07-2024 02-09-2024
Portugal 20-01-2017 21-03-2017
Republic of Korea, the 06-12-2016 04-02-2017
Romania 24-11-2017 23-01-2018
Serbia 09-01-2025 10-03-2025
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 06-02-2017 07-04-2017
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 06-10-2020 05-12-2020
Sweden 20-10-2020 19-12-2020
Switzerland 02-12-2016 31-01-2017
Ukraine 18-07-2016 16-09-2016
United States of America 13-06-2019 12-08-2019
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Croatia

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 04-08-2010 03-10-2010
Australia 09-03-2012 08-05-2012
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 20-01-2010 21-03-2010
China 26-01-2010 27-03-2010
Cyprus 24-07-2010 22-09-2010
Czech Republic 01-12-2009 30-01-2010
Denmark 14-05-2016 13-07-2016
Estonia 24-01-2011 25-03-2011
Finland 16-03-2010 15-05-2010
France 01-04-2010 31-05-2010
Germany 28-12-2011 26-02-2012
Hungary 19-01-2011 20-03-2011
Iceland 25-11-2021 24-01-2022
Israel 18-11-2009 17-01-2010
Italy 03-03-2025 02-05-2025
Latvia 08-04-2010 07-06-2010
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 23-11-2009 22-01-2010
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 19-04-2010 18-06-2010
Norway 15-11-2010 14-01-2011
Poland 21-12-2009 19-02-2010
Romania 22-07-2024 20-09-2024
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 17-06-2010 16-08-2010
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 13-07-2010 11-09-2010
Sweden 12-05-2010 11-07-2010
Switzerland 23-09-2011 22-11-2011
Türkiye 05-07-2016 03-09-2016
Ukraine 24-03-2011 23-05-2011
United Kingdom 29-10-2020 28-12-2020
United States of America 20-07-2010 18-09-2010
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Cyprus

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993) 07-06-1983 06-08-1983
Denmark 13-12-1985 11-02-1986
Finland 14-03-1983 13-05-1983
France 14-03-1983 13-05-1983
Germany 28-04-1983 27-06-1983
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 22-03-1983 21-05-1983
Italy 14-06-1983 13-08-1983
Luxembourg 10-06-1983 09-08-1983
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 28-02-1983 29-04-1983
Norway 16-10-1986 15-12-1986
Portugal 19-12-1983 17-02-1984
Singapore 08-12-1998 06-02-1999
Spain 11-05-1994 10-07-1994
Sweden 14-04-1983 13-06-1983
Switzerland 14-11-1994 13-01-1995
United Kingdom 19-08-1983 18-10-1983
United States of America 01-12-1987 30-01-1988

Acceptance of accession El Salvador

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 28-03-2023 27-05-2023
Brazil 04-09-2023 03-11-2023
China 14-03-2023 13-05-2023
Costa Rica 18-01-2024 18-03-2024
France 09-07-2024 07-09-2024
Israel 06-10-2023 05-12-2023
Malta 26-01-2024 26-03-2024
Mexico 30-08-2024 29-10-2024
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 11-10-2024 10-12-2024
Romania 22-07-2024 20-09-2024
Serbia 09-01-2025 10-03-2025
Singapore 15-05-2024 14-07-2024
Sweden 22-06-2023 21-08-2023
United States of America 02-01-2025 03-03-2025

Acceptance of accession Estonia

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 23-07-1997 21-09-1997
Australia 11-11-1996 10-01-1997
Cyprus 15-01-1997 16-03-1997
Czech Republic 14-11-1997 13-01-1998
Denmark 23-04-1996 22-06-1996
Finland 06-06-1996 05-08-1996
France 16-12-2004 14-02-2005
Germany 02-07-1996 31-08-1996
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 01-05-1996 30-06-1996
Italy 07-05-1996 06-07-1996
Latvia 28-07-2004 26-09-2004
Luxembourg 19-04-1996 18-06-1996
Mexico 27-05-1997 26-07-1997
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 17-06-1996 16-08-1996
Norway 21-10-1996 20-12-1996
Portugal 11-04-2001 08-06-2001
Singapore 05-03-1997 04-05-1997
Slovakia 26-04-1996 25-06-1996
Spain 26-03-1997 25-05-1997
Sweden 12-02-1997 13-04-1997
Switzerland 12-05-1998 11-07-1998
United Kingdom 23-12-1996 21-02-1997
United States of America 12-09-1996 11-11-1996
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Georgia

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Andorra 24-01-2022 25-03-2022
Argentina 10-08-2021 09-10-2021
Armenia 21-12-2021 19-02-2022
Brazil 04-09-2023 03-11-2023
China 19-07-2022 17-09-2022
Colombia 03-02-2022 04-04-2022
Costa Rica 09-12-2021 07-02-2022
Croatia 14-03-2022 13-05-2022
Czech Republic 02-11-2021 01-01-2022
Denmark 14-01-2022 15-03-2022
Estonia 27-05-2022 26-07-2022
Finland 13-09-2023 12-11-2023
France 09-07-2024 07-09-2024
Germany 18-01-2022 19-03-2022
Greece 10-01-2023 11-03-2023
Hungary 22-12-2022 20-02-2023
Iceland 25-11-2021 24-01-2022
Israel 24-02-2022 25-04-2022
Italy 15-02-2022 16-04-2022
Latvia 28-10-2021 27-12-2021
Liechtenstein 15-03-2022 14-05-2022
Lithuania 23-12-2021 21-02-2022
Malta 26-01-2024 26-03-2024
Mexico 30-08-2024 29-10-2024
Monaco 17-02-2022 18-04-2022
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 07-02-2022 08-04-2022
Poland 04-08-2021 03-10-2021
Portugal 14-04-2022 13-06-2022
Romania 19-06-2023 18-08-2023
Serbia 21-01-2022 22-03-2022
Singapore 15-05-2024 14-07-2024
Slovakia 03-08-2021 02-10-2021
Sweden 22-06-2023 21-08-2023
Switzerland 21-06-2022 20-08-2022
Türkiye 15-12-2021 13-02-2022
United States of America 04-10-2021 03-12-2021
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Hungary

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 26-09-2006 25-11-2006
Australia 12-08-2008 11-10-2008
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 20-01-2010 21-03-2010
China 16-11-2016 15-01-2017
Cyprus 31-05-2006 30-07-2006
Czech Republic 25-10-2004 24-12-2004
Denmark 20-05-2009 19-07-2009
Estonia 24-01-2011 25-03-2011
France 14-10-2005 13-12-2005
Germany 14-12-2004 12-02-2005
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 10-09-2004 09-11-2004
Italy 03-03-2025 02-05-2025
Latvia 04-07-2005 02-09-2005
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 06-10-2004 05-12-2004
Norway 14-04-2005 13-06-2005
Poland 10-01-2007 11-03-2007
Romania 22-07-2024 20-09-2024
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 11-07-2005 09-09-2005
Sweden 30-12-2004 28-02-2005
Switzerland 12-09-2005 11-11-2005
Ukraine 09-06-2005 08-08-2005
United Kingdom 29-10-2020 28-12-2020
United States of America 18-07-2007 16-09-2007
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Iceland

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 05-01-2010 06-03-2010
Australia 13-01-2010 14-03-2010
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina 17-05-2011 16-07-2011
Bulgaria 29-01-2009 30-03-2009
China 16-11-2016 15-01-2017
Cyprus 24-07-2010 22-09-2010
Czech Republic 04-03-2011 03-05-2011
Denmark 20-05-2009 19-07-2009
Estonia 24-01-2011 25-03-2011
Finland 09-06-2009 08-08-2009
France 01-04-2010 31-05-2010
Germany 20-11-2009 19-01-2010
Greece 07-09-2009 06-11-2009
Hungary 19-01-2011 20-03-2011
Israel 24-02-2009 25-04-2009
Italy 03-03-2025 02-05-2025
Latvia 18-02-2009 19-04-2009
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Luxembourg 11-02-2009 12-04-2009
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 06-05-2009 05-07-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 24-06-2009 23-08-2009
Norway 18-11-2010 17-01-2011
Portugal 09-05-2011 08-07-2011
Romania 25-11-2010 24-01-2011
Russian Federation 23-11-2012 22-01-2013
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 22-04-2009 21-06-2009
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 07-01-2010 08-03-2010
Sweden 10-03-2009 09-05-2009
Switzerland 24-09-2009 23-11-2009
Türkiye 05-07-2016 03-09-2016
Ukraine 24-03-2011 23-05-2011
United States of America 14-07-2010 12-09-2010
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession India

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 23-05-2007 22-07-2007
Australia 12-08-2008 11-10-2008
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 27-10-2008 26-12-2008
China 16-11-2016 15-01-2017
Cyprus 24-07-2010 22-09-2010
Czech Republic 11-10-2007 10-12-2007
Denmark 20-05-2009 19-07-2009
Estonia 24-01-2011 25-03-2011
Finland 24-05-2007 23-07-2007
France 01-04-2010 31-05-2010
Germany 21-08-2007 20-10-2007
Greece 10-01-2023 11-03-2023
Hungary 19-01-2011 20-03-2011
Israel 13-07-2018 11-09-2018
Italy 10-03-2022 09-05-2022
Latvia 03-07-2007 01-09-2007
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 30-09-2008 29-11-2008
Norway 20-02-2009 21-04-2009
Poland 08-09-2008 07-11-2008
Romania 24-11-2017 23-01-2018
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 19-06-2008 18-08-2008
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 31-01-2008 31-03-2008
Sweden 21-01-2009 22-03-2009
Switzerland 24-09-2009 23-11-2009
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
Ukraine 24-03-2011 23-05-2011
United States of America 18-07-2007 16-09-2007
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Kazakhstan

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 07-09-2017 06-11-2017
Belarus 20-08-2019 19-10-2019
Brazil 20-06-2017 19-08-2017
Bulgaria 16-06-2017 15-08-2017
China 18-09-2017 17-11-2017
Colombia 08-05-2020 07-07-2020
Cyprus 01-11-2017 31-12-2017
Czech Republic 04-11-2021 03-01-2022
Finland 15-04-2019 14-06-2019
France 17-04-2020 16-06-2020
Germany 23-08-2017 22-10-2017
Greece 29-06-2022 28-08-2022
Hungary 11-04-2018 10-06-2018
Iceland 25-11-2021 24-01-2022
Israel 13-07-2018 11-09-2018
Italy 10-03-2022 09-05-2022
Latvia 26-01-2022 27-03-2022
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Luxembourg 24-05-2023 23-07-2023
Malta 26-01-2024 26-03-2024
Mexico 30-08-2024 29-10-2024
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 17-12-2020 15-02-2021
Norway 04-07-2024 02-09-2024
Portugal 13-03-2019 12-05-2019
Republic of Korea, the 16-02-2021 17-04-2021
Romania 24-11-2017 23-01-2018
Serbia 09-01-2025 10-03-2025
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 19-09-2017 18-11-2017
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 06-10-2020 05-12-2020
Sweden 20-10-2020 19-12-2020
Switzerland 03-09-2020 02-11-2020
Ukraine 10-04-2020 09-06-2020
United States of America 13-06-2019 12-08-2019
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Kuwait

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 06-02-2004 06-04-2004
Australia 10-06-2003 09-08-2003
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 02-03-2004 01-05-2004
China 26-06-2003 25-08-2003
Cyprus 31-05-2006 30-07-2006
Czech Republic 26-08-2002 25-10-2002
Denmark 11-02-2003 12-04-2003
Estonia 11-09-2017 10-11-2017
Finland 15-06-2012 14-08-2012
France 14-10-2005 13-12-2005
Germany 04-06-2009 03-08-2009
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Italy 10-03-2022 09-05-2022
Latvia 28-07-2004 26-09-2004
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 29-08-2007 28-10-2007
Norway 30-09-2002 29-11-2002
Poland 20-12-2002 18-02-2003
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 19-05-2003 18-07-2003
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 10-07-2003 08-09-2003
Sweden 12-11-2004 11-01-2005
Switzerland 12-09-2005 11-11-2005
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
Ukraine 24-03-2011 23-05-2011
United States of America 26-02-2009 27-04-2009
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Latvia

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 23-07-1997 21-09-1997
Australia 21-11-1995 20-01-1996
Cyprus 15-01-1997 16-03-1997
Czech Republic 14-11-1997 13-01-1998
Denmark 23-04-1996 22-06-1996
Finland 22-06-1995 21-08-1995
France 06-01-1999 07-03-1999
Germany 18-09-1995 17-11-1995
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 29-12-1995 27-02-1996
Italy 17-11-1995 16-01-1996
Luxembourg 16-05-1995 15-07-1995
Mexico 27-05-1997 26-07-1997
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 17-06-1996 16-08-1996
Norway 28-11-1995 27-01-1996
Portugal 11-04-2001 08-06-2001
Singapore 05-03-1997 04-05-1997
Slovakia 21-03-1996 20-05-1996
South Africa 20-08-1997 19-10-1997
Spain 26-03-1997 25-05-1997
Sweden 14-08-1996 13-10-1996
Switzerland 12-05-1998 11-07-1998
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United Kingdom 14-07-1995 12-09-1995
United States of America 12-09-1996 11-11-1996
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Liechtenstein

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 05-01-2010 06-03-2010
Australia 13-01-2010 14-03-2010
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 29-01-2009 30-03-2009
China 16-11-2016 15-01-2017
Cyprus 24-07-2010 22-09-2010
Czech Republic 04-03-2011 03-05-2011
Denmark 20-05-2009 19-07-2009
Estonia 11-09-2017 10-11-2017
Finland 09-06-2009 08-08-2009
France 01-04-2010 31-05-2010
Germany 20-11-2009 19-01-2010
Greece 30-07-2009 28-09-2009
Hungary 19-01-2011 20-03-2011
Iceland 15-11-2010 14-01-2011
Israel 20-02-2009 21-04-2009
Italy 10-03-2022 09-05-2022
Latvia 18-02-2009 19-04-2009
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Luxembourg 11-02-2009 12-04-2009
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 24-06-2009 23-08-2009
Norway 18-11-2010 17-01-2011
Romania 24-11-2017 23-01-2018
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 22-04-2009 21-06-2009
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 01-03-2010 30-04-2010
Sweden 10-03-2009 09-05-2009
Switzerland 24-09-2009 23-11-2009
Ukraine 24-03-2011 23-05-2011
United States of America 26-02-2009 27-04-2009
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Lithuania

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 23-07-2001 21-09-2001
Australia 13-07-2001 11-09-2001
Bulgaria 04-09-2001 03-11-2001
China 26-06-2003 25-08-2003
Cyprus 31-05-2006 30-07-2006
Czech Republic 04-03-2011 03-05-2011
Denmark 22-05-2001 21-07-2001
Estonia 14-12-2001 12-02-2002
Finland 15-10-2001 14-12-2001
France 16-12-2004 14-02-2005
Germany 13-07-2001 11-09-2001
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 29-05-2002 28-07-2002
Italy 03-03-2025 02-05-2025
Latvia 28-07-2004 26-09-2004
Luxembourg 20-02-2001 21-04-2001
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 29-08-2007 28-10-2007
Norway 30-05-2002 29-07-2002
Poland 20-12-2002 18-02-2003
Portugal 12-10-2001 11-12-2001
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 09-03-2001 08-05-2001
Spain 26-03-2002 25-05-2002
Sweden 16-05-2002 15-07-2002
Switzerland 11-01-2002 12-03-2002
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United Kingdom 29-10-2020 28-12-2020
United States of America 25-02-2002 26-04-2002
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Malta

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 26-07-2011 24-09-2011
Australia 09-03-2012 08-05-2012
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 05-12-2012 03-02-2013
China 02-12-2011 31-01-2012
Cyprus 08-08-2011 07-10-2011
Czech Republic 04-07-2011 02-09-2011
Denmark 14-05-2016 13-07-2016
Estonia 11-09-2017 10-11-2017
Finland 13-07-2011 11-09-2011
France 04-04-2011 03-06-2011
Hungary 22-12-2022 20-02-2023
Iceland 25-11-2021 24-01-2022
Israel 13-07-2018 11-09-2018
Italy 03-03-2025 02-05-2025
Latvia 05-10-2011 04-12-2011
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 30-05-2011 29-07-2011
Norway 18-07-2012 16-09-2012
Republic of Korea, the 06-12-2016 04-02-2017
Romania 22-07-2024 20-09-2024
Serbia 09-04-2013 08-06-2013
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 21-09-2011 20-11-2011
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 21-08-2012 20-10-2012
Sweden 20-10-2020 19-12-2020
Switzerland 23-09-2011 22-11-2011
Türkiye 05-07-2016 03-09-2016
Ukraine 31-10-2011 30-12-2011
United Kingdom 29-10-2020 28-12-2020
United States of America 02-04-2012 01-06-2012
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Mexico

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 26-10-1989 25-12-1989
Cyprus 19-11-1992 18-01-1993
Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993) 01-02-1990 02-04-1990
Denmark 23-11-1989 22-01-1990
Finland 17-11-1989 16-01-1990
France 29-06-1998 28-08-1998
Germany 22-01-1990 23-03-1990
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 18-10-1989 17-12-1989
Italy 26-03-1996 25-05-1996
Luxembourg 01-05-2003 30-06-2003
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 15-02-1990 16-04-1990
Norway 21-09-1989 20-11-1989
Portugal 15-08-1991 14-10-1991
Singapore 08-12-1998 06-02-1999
Spain 29-06-1994 28-08-1994
Sweden 16-02-1990 17-04-1990
Switzerland 14-11-1994 13-01-1995
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United Kingdom 15-01-1990 16-03-1990
United States of America 25-10-1989 24-12-1989

Acceptance of accession Monaco

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Cyprus 19-11-1992 18-01-1993
Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993) 31-10-1986 30-12-1986
Denmark 24-11-1986 23-01-1987
Finland 24-07-1986 22-09-1986
France 04-11-1987 03-01-1988
Germany 13-06-1986 12-08-1986
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 30-01-1987 31-03-1987
Italy 24-07-1986 22-09-1986
Luxembourg 01-05-2003 30-06-2003
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 15-05-1986 14-07-1986
Norway 16-10-1986 15-12-1986
Portugal 15-08-1991 14-10-1991
Singapore 08-12-1998 06-02-1999
Spain 29-06-1994 28-08-1994
Sweden 19-11-1986 18-01-1987
Switzerland 14-11-1994 13-01-1995
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United Kingdom 19-06-1986 18-08-1986
United States of America 01-12-1987 30-01-1988

Acceptance of accession Montenegro

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 11-05-2012 10-07-2012
Australia 13-12-2019 11-02-2020
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 26-08-2013 25-10-2013
China 16-11-2016 15-01-2017
Czech Republic 09-05-2012 08-07-2012
Denmark 14-05-2016 13-07-2016
Estonia 11-09-2017 10-11-2017
Finland 15-04-2019 14-06-2019
France 17-04-2020 16-06-2020
Germany 10-06-2013 09-08-2013
Greece 02-04-2012 01-06-2012
Hungary 11-04-2018 10-06-2018
Iceland 25-11-2021 24-01-2022
Israel 13-07-2018 11-09-2018
Italy 21-04-2022 20-06-2022
Latvia 02-04-2012 01-06-2012
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Malta 26-01-2024 26-03-2024
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Norway 08-06-2020 07-08-2020
Republic of Korea, the 06-12-2016 04-02-2017
Romania 24-11-2017 23-01-2018
Serbia 09-04-2013 08-06-2013
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 04-04-2012 03-06-2012
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 21-03-2013 20-05-2013
Sweden 20-10-2020 19-12-2020
Switzerland 20-03-2015 19-05-2015
Türkiye 05-07-2016 03-09-2016
Ukraine 10-04-2020 09-06-2020
United States of America 02-04-2012 01-06-2012
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Morocco

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 20-07-2011 18-09-2011
Australia 13-12-2019 11-02-2020
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 05-12-2012 03-02-2013
China 02-12-2011 31-01-2012
Cyprus 08-08-2011 07-10-2011
Czech Republic 04-07-2011 02-09-2011
Denmark 14-05-2016 13-07-2016
Estonia 11-09-2017 10-11-2017
Finland 13-07-2011 11-09-2011
France 20-04-2011 19-06-2011
Hungary 11-04-2018 10-06-2018
Iceland 25-11-2021 24-01-2022
Israel 24-02-2022 25-04-2022
Italy 30-05-2022 29-07-2022
Latvia 05-10-2011 04-12-2011
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Malta 26-01-2024 26-03-2024
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 30-05-2011 29-07-2011
Norway 04-07-2024 02-09-2024
Republic of Korea, the 06-12-2016 04-02-2017
Romania 24-11-2017 23-01-2018
Serbia 09-04-2013 08-06-2013
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 21-09-2011 20-11-2011
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 28-01-2013 29-03-2013
Sweden 20-10-2020 19-12-2020
Switzerland 23-09-2011 22-11-2011
Türkiye 05-07-2016 03-09-2016
Ukraine 31-10-2011 30-12-2011
United States of America 02-04-2012 01-06-2012
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Nicaragua

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Andorra 26-11-2019 25-01-2020
Argentina 27-12-2019 25-02-2020
Brazil 17-09-2020 16-11-2020
China 20-08-2019 19-10-2019
Czech Republic 01-04-2020 31-05-2020
Finland 15-04-2019 14-06-2019
France 17-04-2020 16-06-2020
Germany 14-06-2019 13-08-2019
Greece 07-07-2022 05-09-2022
Hungary 22-12-2022 20-02-2023
Iceland 25-11-2021 24-01-2022
Israel 24-02-2022 25-04-2022
Latvia 26-01-2022 27-03-2022
Malta 26-01-2024 26-03-2024
Mexico 30-08-2024 29-10-2024
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 17-12-2020 15-02-2021
Poland 11-06-2019 10-08-2019
Portugal 05-09-2019 04-11-2019
Republic of Korea, the 16-02-2021 17-04-2021
Romania 22-07-2024 20-09-2024
Serbia 09-01-2025 10-03-2025
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 12-12-2019 10-02-2020
Spain 01-07-2021 30-08-2021
Sweden 20-10-2020 19-12-2020
Switzerland 21-06-2022 20-08-2022
Ukraine 10-04-2020 09-06-2020
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession North Macedonia

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 04-08-2010 03-10-2010
Australia 09-03-2012 08-05-2012
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 20-01-2010 21-03-2010
China 22-07-2009 20-09-2009
Cyprus 24-07-2010 22-09-2010
Czech Republic 02-11-2009 01-01-2010
Denmark 14-05-2016 13-07-2016
Estonia 24-01-2011 25-03-2011
Finland 15-04-2019 14-06-2019
France 01-04-2010 31-05-2010
Germany 11-08-2009 10-10-2009
Hungary 19-01-2011 20-03-2011
Iceland 15-11-2010 14-01-2011
Israel 02-02-2011 03-04-2011
Italy 21-04-2022 20-06-2022
Latvia 02-09-2009 01-11-2009
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Norway 15-11-2010 14-01-2011
Poland 03-09-2009 02-11-2009
Romania 22-07-2024 20-09-2024
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 07-09-2009 06-11-2009
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 28-05-2013 27-07-2013
Sweden 12-05-2010 11-07-2010
Switzerland 03-09-2020 02-11-2020
Türkiye 05-07-2016 03-09-2016
Ukraine 24-03-2011 23-05-2011
United States of America 20-07-2010 18-09-2010
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Paraguay

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 02-01-2024 02-03-2024
Brazil 04-09-2023 03-11-2023
France 09-07-2024 07-09-2024
Germany 13-02-2024 13-04-2024
Luxembourg 03-04-2024 02-06-2024
Mexico 30-08-2024 29-10-2024
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 11-10-2024 10-12-2024
Poland 23-08-2023 22-10-2023
Romania 22-07-2024 20-09-2024
Serbia 09-01-2025 10-03-2025
Singapore 15-05-2024 14-07-2024
United States of America 02-01-2025 03-03-2025

Acceptance of accession Poland

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 23-07-1997 21-09-1997
Australia 11-11-1996 10-01-1997
Cyprus 15-01-1997 16-03-1997
Czech Republic 14-11-1997 13-01-1998
Denmark 23-04-1996 22-06-1996
Estonia 14-12-2001 12-02-2002
Finland 06-06-1996 05-08-1996
France 04-02-2003 05-04-2003
Germany 16-07-1996 14-09-1996
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 01-05-1996 30-06-1996
Italy 03-03-2025 02-05-2025
Latvia 28-07-2004 26-09-2004
Luxembourg 03-04-1996 02-06-1996
Mexico 27-05-1997 26-07-1997
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 17-06-1996 16-08-1996
Norway 21-10-1996 20-12-1996
Portugal 11-04-2001 08-06-2001
Singapore 05-03-1997 04-05-1997
Slovakia 26-04-1996 25-06-1996
Spain 26-03-1997 25-05-1997
Sweden 12-02-1997 13-04-1997
Switzerland 12-05-1998 11-07-1998
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United Kingdom 23-12-1996 21-02-1997
United States of America 12-09-1996 11-11-1996
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Republic of Korea, the

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 04-08-2010 03-10-2010
Australia 09-03-2012 08-05-2012
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina 07-02-2018 08-04-2018
Bulgaria 28-05-2010 27-07-2010
China 17-05-2010 16-07-2010
Croatia 30-11-2016 29-01-2017
Cyprus 24-07-2010 22-09-2010
Czech Republic 26-03-2010 25-05-2010
Denmark 14-05-2016 13-07-2016
Estonia 24-01-2011 25-03-2011
Finland 16-03-2010 15-05-2010
France 01-04-2010 31-05-2010
Germany 19-02-2010 20-04-2010
Greece 17-06-2010 16-08-2010
Hungary 19-01-2011 20-03-2011
Iceland 25-11-2021 24-01-2022
Israel 09-06-2010 08-08-2010
Italy 14-05-2021 13-07-2021
Kuwait 12-07-2021 10-09-2021
Latvia 08-04-2010 07-06-2010
Liechtenstein 17-01-2017 18-03-2017
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Luxembourg 26-01-2018 27-03-2018
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 11-11-2016 10-01-2017
Norway 15-11-2010 14-01-2011
Poland 29-05-2020 28-07-2020
Portugal 16-01-2017 17-03-2017
Romania 24-11-2017 23-01-2018
Russian Federation 28-05-2021 27-07-2021
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 17-06-2010 16-08-2010
Slovenia 01-06-2017 31-07-2017
Spain 14-01-2011 15-03-2011
Sweden 12-05-2010 11-07-2010
Switzerland 23-09-2011 22-11-2011
Türkiye 05-07-2016 03-09-2016
Ukraine 24-03-2011 23-05-2011
United States of America 08-01-2010 09-03-2010
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Romania

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 26-09-2006 25-11-2006
Australia 12-08-2008 11-10-2008
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 02-03-2004 01-05-2004
China 17-08-2005 16-10-2005
Cyprus 31-05-2006 30-07-2006
Czech Republic 11-03-2004 10-05-2004
Denmark 31-10-2003 30-12-2003
Estonia 24-01-2011 25-03-2011
France 16-12-2004 14-02-2005
Germany 14-06-2004 13-08-2004
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 19-01-2004 19-03-2004
Italy 03-03-2025 02-05-2025
Latvia 28-07-2004 26-09-2004
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 31-10-2003 30-12-2003
Norway 16-06-2004 15-08-2004
Poland 10-01-2007 11-03-2007
Portugal 11-11-2024 10-01-2025
Singapore 19-01-2004 19-03-2004
Slovakia 09-03-2004 08-05-2004
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 25-05-2005 24-07-2005
Sweden 30-12-2004 28-02-2005
Switzerland 12-09-2005 11-11-2005
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
Ukraine 24-03-2011 23-05-2011
United Kingdom 29-10-2020 28-12-2020
United States of America 17-02-2004 17-04-2004
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Russian Federation

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 29-08-2002 28-10-2002
Australia 09-01-2002 11-03-2002
Bulgaria 02-03-2004 01-05-2004
China 26-06-2003 25-08-2003
Cyprus 31-05-2006 30-07-2006
Czech Republic 04-09-2001 03-11-2001
Denmark 22-10-2001 21-12-2001
Estonia 14-12-2001 12-02-2002
Finland 15-10-2001 14-12-2001
France 14-10-2005 13-12-2005
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 29-05-2002 28-07-2002
Latvia 28-07-2004 26-09-2004
Lithuania 16-06-2020 15-08-2020
Luxembourg 21-08-2001 20-10-2001
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Norway 30-09-2002 29-11-2002
Poland 20-12-2002 18-02-2003
Portugal 03-06-2002 02-08-2002
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 19-05-2003 18-07-2003
Slovenia 01-02-2007 02-04-2007
Spain 05-06-2002 04-08-2002
Sweden 16-05-2002 15-07-2002
Switzerland 11-01-2002 12-03-2002
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
Ukraine 10-04-2020 09-06-2020
United Kingdom 20-11-2001 19-01-2002
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Serbia

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 03-12-2010 01-02-2011
Australia 09-03-2012 08-05-2012
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 14-09-2010 13-11-2010
China 09-11-2010 08-01-2011
Cyprus 08-08-2011 07-10-2011
Czech Republic 16-09-2010 15-11-2010
Denmark 14-05-2016 13-07-2016
Estonia 24-01-2011 25-03-2011
Finland 27-10-2010 26-12-2010
France 23-12-2010 21-02-2011
Germany 28-12-2011 26-02-2012
Greece 18-10-2010 17-12-2010
Hungary 19-01-2011 20-03-2011
Iceland 15-11-2010 14-01-2011
Israel 02-02-2011 03-04-2011
Italy 21-04-2022 20-06-2022
Latvia 13-09-2010 12-11-2010
Lithuania 08-07-2014 06-09-2014
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 29-04-2014 28-06-2014
Norway 18-07-2012 16-09-2012
Poland 18-08-2010 17-10-2010
Republic of Korea, the 02-06-2014 01-08-2014
Romania 24-11-2017 23-01-2018
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 27-09-2010 26-11-2010
Slovenia 04-07-2014 02-09-2014
Spain 12-05-2011 11-07-2011
Sweden 14-01-2011 15-03-2011
Switzerland 23-09-2011 22-11-2011
Türkiye 05-07-2016 03-09-2016
Ukraine 24-03-2011 23-05-2011
United States of America 02-04-2012 01-06-2012
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Seychelles

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 26-09-2006 25-11-2006
Australia 12-08-2008 11-10-2008
Belarus 06-06-2014 05-08-2014
Bulgaria 20-01-2010 21-03-2010
China 16-11-2016 15-01-2017
Cyprus 31-05-2006 30-07-2006
Czech Republic 21-07-2004 19-09-2004
Denmark 10-03-2004 09-05-2004
Estonia 11-09-2017 10-11-2017
Finland 29-08-2005 28-10-2005
France 14-10-2005 13-12-2005
Germany 21-02-2007 22-04-2007
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 22-04-2004 21-06-2004
Italy 03-03-2025 02-05-2025
Latvia 28-07-2004 26-09-2004
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 25-03-2004 24-05-2004
Norway 16-06-2004 15-08-2004
Poland 10-01-2007 11-03-2007
Romania 24-11-2017 23-01-2018
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 19-03-2004 18-05-2004
Slovenia 26-10-2017 25-12-2017
Spain 25-05-2005 24-07-2005
Sweden 12-11-2004 11-01-2005
Switzerland 12-09-2005 11-11-2005
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
Ukraine 24-03-2011 23-05-2011
United States of America 11-03-2004 10-05-2004
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Singapore

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993) 04-04-1979 03-06-1979
Denmark 08-06-1979 07-08-1979
Finland 13-11-1979 12-01-1980
France 28-10-1979 27-12-1979
Germany 15-07-1981 13-09-1981
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 21-07-1981 19-09-1981
Italy 23-02-1983 24-04-1983
Luxembourg 04-10-1979 03-12-1979
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 21-04-1981 20-06-1981
Norway 21-03-1979 20-05-1979
Portugal 19-12-1983 17-02-1984
Spain 29-06-1994 28-08-1994
Sweden 09-02-1979 10-04-1979
Switzerland 14-11-1994 13-01-1995
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United Kingdom 14-03-1979 13-05-1979
United States of America 08-02-1979 09-04-1979

Acceptance of accession Slovenia

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 23-07-2001 21-09-2001
Australia 13-07-2001 11-09-2001
Bulgaria 02-03-2004 01-05-2004
China 26-06-2003 25-08-2003
Cyprus 31-05-2006 30-07-2006
Czech Republic 04-03-2011 03-05-2011
Denmark 22-05-2001 21-07-2001
Estonia 14-12-2001 12-02-2002
Finland 15-10-2001 14-12-2001
France 16-12-2004 14-02-2005
Germany 13-07-2001 11-09-2001
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 29-05-2002 28-07-2002
Italy 30-01-2018 31-03-2018
Latvia 28-07-2004 26-09-2004
Lithuania 20-09-2018 19-11-2018
Luxembourg 20-02-2001 21-04-2001
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 06-05-2009 05-07-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 29-08-2007 28-10-2007
Norway 30-05-2002 29-07-2002
Poland 20-12-2002 18-02-2003
Portugal 12-10-2001 11-12-2001
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 09-03-2001 08-05-2001
Spain 26-03-2002 25-05-2002
Sweden 16-05-2002 15-07-2002
Switzerland 11-01-2002 12-03-2002
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United Kingdom 29-10-2020 28-12-2020
United States of America 25-02-2002 26-04-2002
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession South Africa

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 06-01-2000 06-03-2000
Australia 18-11-1997 17-01-1998
Cyprus 31-05-2006 30-07-2006
Czech Republic 14-11-1997 13-01-1998
Denmark 07-07-1999 05-09-1999
Estonia 14-12-2001 12-02-2002
Finland 29-09-1997 28-11-1997
France 06-01-1999 07-03-1999
Germany 13-11-1997 12-01-1998
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 10-09-1997 09-11-1997
Italy 30-05-2022 29-07-2022
Latvia 20-08-1997 19-10-1997
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 25-08-1997 24-10-1997
Norway 23-08-1999 22-10-1999
Poland 12-12-1997 10-02-1998
Portugal 08-05-1998 07-07-1998
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 14-10-1997 13-12-1997
Spain 18-11-1999 17-01-2000
Sweden 25-11-1997 24-01-1998
Switzerland 12-05-1998 11-07-1998
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United Kingdom 07-01-1998 08-03-1998
United States of America 25-02-2002 26-04-2002
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Sri Lanka

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 23-07-2001 21-09-2001
Australia 13-07-2001 11-09-2001
Bulgaria 02-03-2004 01-05-2004
China 26-06-2003 25-08-2003
Cyprus 31-05-2006 30-07-2006
Czech Republic 04-03-2011 03-05-2011
Denmark 22-05-2001 21-07-2001
Estonia 14-12-2001 12-02-2002
Finland 15-10-2001 14-12-2001
France 14-10-2005 13-12-2005
Germany 13-07-2001 11-09-2001
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 29-05-2002 28-07-2002
Italy 03-03-2025 02-05-2025
Latvia 28-07-2004 26-09-2004
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Luxembourg 20-02-2001 21-04-2001
Mexico 06-08-2013 05-10-2013
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 29-08-2007 28-10-2007
Norway 30-05-2002 29-07-2002
Poland 20-12-2002 18-02-2003
Portugal 12-10-2001 11-12-2001
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 09-03-2001 08-05-2001
Spain 26-03-2002 25-05-2002
Sweden 16-05-2002 15-07-2002
Switzerland 11-02-2002 12-03-2002
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United States of America 25-02-2002 26-04-2002
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Ukraine

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 29-08-2002 28-10-2002
Australia 09-01-2002 11-03-2002
Bulgaria 13-06-2001 12-08-2001
China 26-06-2003 25-08-2003
Cyprus 31-05-2006 30-07-2006
Czech Republic 04-03-2011 03-05-2011
Denmark 22-05-2001 21-07-2001
Estonia 14-12-2001 12-02-2002
Finland 15-10-2001 14-12-2001
France 14-10-2005 13-12-2005
Germany 14-09-2001 13-11-2001
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 15-06-2001 14-08-2001
Italy 19-06-2001 18-08-2001
Latvia 28-07-2004 26-09-2004
Lithuania 28-02-2019 29-04-2019
Luxembourg 30-05-2001 29-07-2001
Mexico 23-05-2001 22-07-2001
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 29-08-2007 28-10-2007
Norway 30-05-2002 29-07-2002
Poland 20-12-2002 18-02-2003
Portugal 12-10-2001 11-12-2001
Singapore 22-05-2003 21-07-2003
Slovakia 19-05-2003 18-07-2003
Slovenia 05-07-2001 03-09-2001
Spain 26-03-2002 25-05-2002
Sweden 16-05-2002 15-07-2002
Switzerland 11-01-2002 12-03-2002
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United Kingdom 20-08-2001 19-10-2001
United States of America 25-02-2002 26-04-2002
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024

Acceptance of accession Venezuela

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Argentina 23-07-1997 21-09-1997
Australia 21-11-1995 20-01-1996
Cyprus 28-02-1994 29-04-1994
Czech Republic 14-11-1997 13-01-1998
Denmark 28-09-1994 27-11-1994
Finland 10-01-1995 11-03-1995
France 18-03-1994 17-05-1994
Germany 22-08-1994 21-10-1994
Greece 29-09-2005 28-11-2005
Israel 19-01-1996 19-03-1996
Italy 17-11-1995 16-01-1996
Luxembourg 21-01-1994 22-03-1994
Mexico 27-05-1997 26-07-1997
Monaco 05-01-2009 06-03-2009
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 19-04-1994 18-06-1994
Norway 29-03-1994 28-05-1994
Portugal 11-04-2001 08-06-2001
Singapore 08-12-1998 06-02-1999
Slovakia 21-03-1996 20-05-1996
Spain 08-12-1994 06-02-1995
Sweden 05-07-1994 03-09-1994
Switzerland 12-05-1998 11-07-1998
Türkiye 15-01-2010 16-03-2010
United Kingdom 16-06-1994 15-08-1994
United States of America 25-08-1995 24-10-1995

Acceptance of accession Vietnam

Accepted by Acceptance date Entry into force
Andorra 16-06-2020 15-08-2020
Argentina 10-03-2020 09-05-2020
Australia 20-12-2021 18-02-2022
Brazil 17-09-2020 16-11-2020
Bulgaria 29-01-2021 30-03-2021
China 30-04-2020 29-06-2020
Colombia 09-02-2021 10-04-2021
Croatia 29-03-2022 28-05-2022
Czech Republic 19-10-2020 18-12-2020
Finland 26-04-2021 25-06-2021
Greece 29-06-2022 28-08-2022
Hungary 22-12-2022 20-02-2023
Iceland 25-11-2021 24-01-2022
Israel 24-02-2022 25-04-2022
Italy 03-03-2025 02-05-2025
Latvia 26-01-2022 27-03-2022
Luxembourg 20-11-2020 19-01-2021
Malta 26-01-2024 26-03-2024
Mexico 30-08-2024 29-10-2024
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 17-12-2020 15-02-2021
Poland 01-06-2022 31-07-2022
Portugal 10-09-2020 09-11-2020
Republic of Korea, the 16-02-2021 17-04-2021
Romania 22-07-2024 20-09-2024
Serbia 09-01-2025 10-03-2025
Singapore 04-06-2021 03-08-2021
Slovakia 17-04-2020 16-06-2020
Spain 12-01-2022 13-03-2022
Sweden 20-10-2020 19-12-2020
Switzerland 21-06-2022 20-08-2022
Ukraine 10-04-2020 09-06-2020
United States of America 04-10-2021 03-12-2021
Venezuela 02-11-2023 01-01-2024
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