
Protocol to amend the International Convention for the unification of certain rules of law relating to bills of lading, signed at Brussels on 25th August 1924

Treaty data

Treaty number 003112
Date of conclusion 23-02-1968
Place of conclusion Brussel
Provisional application
Entry into force 23-06-1977
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Parliamentary paper
Approval act 1981, 205
Consolidated text 0006327

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 26-07-1982
Netherlands (Bonaire)
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius)
Netherlands (Saba)
Aruba 16-09-1986
CuraƧao 06-05-2014
Sint Maarten

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Argentina 23-02-1968
Belgium 23-02-1968 06-09-1978 (R) 06-12-1978
Cameroon 23-02-1968
Canada 23-02-1968
Croatia 28-10-1998 (A) 28-01-1999
Democratic Republic of the Congo 23-02-1968
Denmark 20-11-1975 20-11-1975 (R) 23-06-1977
Ecuador 23-03-1977 (A) 23-06-1977
Egypt 04-06-1973 31-01-1983 (R) 30-04-1983 01-11-1997
Finland 23-02-1968 01-12-1984 (R) 01-03-1985
France 04-12-1968 10-03-1977 (R) 23-06-1977
Georgia 20-02-1996 (A) 20-05-1996
Germany 23-02-1968
Greece 23-02-1968
Holy See 23-02-1968
Ireland 15-04-1998
Italy 23-02-1968 22-08-1985 (R) 22-11-1985
Latvia 04-04-2002 (A) 04-07-2002
Lebanon 19-07-1975 (A) 23-06-1977 01-11-1997
Liberia 23-02-1968
Lithuania 02-12-2003 (A) 02-03-2004
Luxembourg 18-02-1991 (A) 18-05-1991
Mauritania 23-02-1968
Myanmar 13-08-2020 (A) 13-02-2021
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 05-02-1979 26-04-1982 (R) 26-07-1982
Norway 13-04-1973 19-03-1974 (R) 23-06-1977
Paraguay 30-04-1968
Philippines 23-02-1968
Poland 23-02-1968 12-02-1980 (R) 12-05-1980
Singapore 25-04-1972 (A) 23-06-1977
Spain 23-08-1972 07-10-2011
Sri Lanka 21-10-1981 (A) 21-01-1982
Sweden 23-02-1968 09-12-1974 (R) 23-06-1977
Switzerland 23-02-1968 11-12-1975 (R) 23-06-1977
Syria 01-08-1974 (A) 23-06-1977
Tonga 13-06-1978 (A) 13-09-1978
United Kingdom 23-02-1968 01-10-1976 (R) 23-06-1977
United States of America 23-02-1968
Uruguay 23-02-1968



Extended to Entry into force Termination
Hong Kong SAR 01-07-1997

United Kingdom

Extended to Entry into force Termination
Bermuda 01-02-1981
British Antarctic Territory 20-01-1984
British Virgin Islands 20-01-1984
Cayman Islands 20-01-1984
Falkland Islands 20-01-1984
Gibraltar 22-12-1977
Hong Kong (< 01-07-1997) 01-02-1981 01-07-1997
Man, Isle of 23-06-1977
Montserrat 20-01-1984
Turks and Caicos Islands 20-01-1984

Parent treaties

Title Date of conclusion Place of conclusion
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading 25-08-1924 Brussel
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