
International Convention amending the Convention concluded at Paris on 20 May 1875 ensuring the international unification and perfection of the metric system and the Regulations annexed to that Convention

Treaty data

Treaty number 003740
Date of conclusion 06-10-1921
Place of conclusion Sèvres
Provisional application
Entry into force 05-02-1923
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Bulletin of Acts and Decrees
Parliamentary paper
Approval act 1928, 466
Consolidated text 0006253

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 01-01-1929
Netherlands (Bonaire)
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius)
Netherlands (Saba)
Sint Maarten

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Australia 27-11-1947 (A)
Austria 15-12-1926 (R) 15-12-1926
Belarus 13-01-2020 (A) 13-01-2020
Belgium 28-07-1923 (R) 28-07-1923
Brazil 14-04-1954 (A) 14-04-1954
Bulgaria 27-08-1925 (R) 27-08-1925
Cameroon 07-10-1970 (A) 07-10-1970
Canada 21-02-1923 (R) 21-02-1923
China 20-05-1977 (A) 20-05-1977
Czech Republic 13-01-1993 (A) 13-01-1993
Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993) 21-06-1922 (A) 21-06-1922
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 07-05-1982 (A) 07-05-1982
Denmark 10-02-1923 (R) 10-02-1923
Ecuador 06-08-2019 (A) 06-08-2019
Finland 31-08-1923 (R) 31-08-1923
France 01-08-1928 (R) 01-08-1928
Germany 30-01-1928 (R) 30-01-1928
Hungary 14-08-1925 (R) 14-08-1925
India 11-01-1957 (A) 11-01-1957
Indonesia 30-09-1960 (A) 30-09-1960
Iran 25-02-1975 (A) 25-02-1975
Ireland 29-10-1925 (A) 29-10-1925
Italy 07-08-1924 (R) 07-08-1924
Japan 30-12-1926 (R) 30-12-1926
Lithuania 16-04-2015 (A) 16-04-2015
Mexico 15-04-1927 (R) 15-04-1927
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 01-01-1929 (A) 01-01-1929
Norway 03-08-1923 (R) 03-08-1923
Pakistan 12-07-1973 (A) 12-07-1973
Peru 26-07-1937 (R) 26-07-1937
Poland 12-05-1925 (A) 12-05-1925
Portugal 17-06-1926 (R) 17-06-1926
Republic of Korea, the 28-07-1959 (A) 28-07-1959
Romania 11-02-1926 (R) 11-02-1926
Russian Federation 12-08-1925 (A) 12-08-1925
Singapore 20-06-1994 (A) 20-06-1994
Slovakia 13-01-1993 (A) 13-01-1993
South Africa 31-07-1964 (A) 31-07-1964
Spain 31-12-1926 (R) 31-12-1926
Sweden 16-02-1923 (R) 16-02-1923
Switzerland 05-02-1923 (R) 05-02-1923
Thailand 25-11-1950 (R) 25-11-1950
Ukraine 07-08-2018 (A) 07-08-2018
United Arab Emirates 27-04-2015 (A) 27-04-2015
United Kingdom 12-02-1923 (R) 12-02-1923
United States of America 24-10-1923 (R) 24-10-1923
Uruguay 02-12-1925 (R) 02-12-1925
Venezuela 18-11-1960 (A) 18-11-1960 14-11-2018
Yugoslavia (< 25-06-1991) 10-11-1929 (R) 10-11-1929

Parent treaties

Title Date of conclusion Place of conclusion
Convention ensuring the international unification and perfection of the metric system 20-05-1875 Parijs
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