Procès-Verbal extending the Declaration on the provisional accession of Argentina
to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Treaty data
Treaty number |
004710 |
Date of conclusion |
07-11-1962 |
Place of conclusion |
Genève |
Provisional application |
Entry into force |
20-11-1962 |
Retroactive effect |
Termination |
01-01-1965 |
Treaty Series |
1966, 75 (external link) |
The Procès-Verbal was in force for the Netherlands Antilles from 19-09-1963 until
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Koninkrijksdeel |
Provisional application |
Entry into force |
Retroactive effect |
Termination |
Netherlands (in Europe) |
19-09-1963 |
01-01-1965 |
Netherlands (Bonaire) |
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius) |
Netherlands (Saba) |
Aruba |
Curaçao |
Sint Maarten |