
Articles of Agreement of the Council of Europe Development Bank

Parties with reservations, declarations and objections

Party Reservations / Declarations Objections
Bosnia and Herzegovina Yes No
Georgia Yes No
Ireland Yes No
Serbia Yes No

Bosnia and Herzegovina


On behalf of the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, I have the honour to declare that the
Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina accepts the Articles of Agreement of the Council of
Europe Development Bank, adopted on 8 June 1993 by Resolution 247 (1993) of the Governing
Board of the Bank, subject to the following financial conditions for participation therein,
decided upon by the Governing Board of the Bank:
- to subscribe participating certificates to the capital of the Fund of EUR 5,816,000;
- to pay in the capital subscribed to the extent of EUR 642,000;
- to pay in the sum of EUR 1.630.000 as a contribution to the reserves;
- to pay these sums in four equal annual instalments, the first instalment being due within
30 days following accession.
This declaration is made in accordance with Article III Section (a), of the Articles of
Agreement of the Council of Europe Development Bank.
The Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirms, in accordance with Article III.d, of the
Articles of Agreement, its intention:
- to accede at the earliest opportunity to the Third Protocol to the General Agreement on
Privileges and Immunity of the Council of Europe;
- pending such accession, to apply the legal arrangements resulting from the Protocol to the
property, assets and operations of the Fund, and to grant to the organs and staff of the Fund
the legal status resulting from the Protocol.



On behalf of the Goverment of Georgia, I have the honour to declare that the Goverment of Georgia accepts the Articles of Agreement of the Council of Europe Development Bank, adopted on 8 June 1993 by Resolution 247 (1993) of the Governing Board of the Bank, subject to the following financial conditions for participation therein, decided upon by the Governing Board of the Bank:
- to subscribe participating certificates to the capitak of the Bank of EUR 5.928,00,
- to pay in the capital subscribed to the extent of EUR 654,000;
- to pay in the sum of EUR 1.737,000 as a contribution to the reserves
- to pay these sums in four equal annual instalments, the first of which should be made no later than 30 days following accession.
This declaration is made in accordance with Article III (a), of the Articles of Agreement of the Council of Europe Development Bank.
The Government of Georgia confirms, in accordance with Article III. d, of the Articles of Agreement, its intention:
- to accede at the earliest opportunity to the Third Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunity of the Council of Europe;
- pending such accession, to apply the legal arrangements resulting from the Protocol to the property, assets and operations of the Bank, and to grant to the organs and staff of the Bank the legal status resulting from the Protocol.



On behalf of the Government of Ireland, I have the honour to declare that the Government of Ireland accepts the Articles of Agreement of the Council of Europe Development Bank, adopted on 8 June 1993 by Resolution 247 (1993) of the Governing Board of the Bank, subject to the following financial conditions for participation therein, decided upon by the Governing Board of the Bank:
- to subscribe participating certificates to the capital of the Fund of EUR 28.998.000,
- to pay in the capital subscribed to the extent of EUR 3,201,000,
- to pay in the sum of EUR 9.898,000 as a contribution to the reserves;
- to pay these sums in four equal annual instalments, the first of which should be made no later than 30 days following accession.
This declaration is made in accordance with Article III Section (a), of the Articles of Agreement of the Council of Europe Development Bank.
The Government of Ireland confirms, in accordance with Article III. d, of the Articles of Agreement, its intention:
- to accede at the earliest opportunity to the Third Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunity of the Council of Europe;
- pending such accession, to apply the legal arrangements resulting from the Protocol to the property, assets and operations of the Fund, and to grant to the organs and staff of the Fund the legal status resulting from the Protocol.



On behalf of the Government of Serbia and Montenegro, I have the honour to declare that the Government of Serbia and Montenegro accepts the Articles of Agreement of the Council of Europe Development Bank, adopted on 8 June 1993 by Resolution 247 (1993) of the Governing Board of the Bank, subject to the following financial conditions for participation therein, decided upon by the Governing Board of the Bank:
-to subscribe participating certificates to the capital of the Fund of EUR 15.511.000,
-to pay in the capital subscribed to the extent of EUR 1,712,00,
-to pay in the sum of EUR 4.348.000 as a contribution to the reserves;
-to pay these sums in four equal annual instalments, the first instalment being due within
30 days following accession.
This declaration is made in accordance with Article III Section (a), of the Articles of Agreement of the Council of Europe Development Bank.
The Government of Serbia and Montenegro confirms, in accordance with Article III. d, of the Articles of Agreement, its intention:
-to accede at the earliest opportunity to the Third Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunity of the Council of Europe;
-pending such accession, to apply the legal arrangements resulting from the Protocol to the property, assets and operations of the Fund, and to grant to the organs and staff of the Fund the legal status resulting from the Protocol.

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