
European Convention on the Academic Recognition of University Qualifications

Parties with reservations, declarations and objections

Party Reservations / Declarations Objections
Austria Yes No
Belgium Yes No
Denmark Yes No
Finland Yes No
France Yes No
Germany Yes No
Greece Yes No
Holy See Yes No
Iceland Yes No
Italy Yes No
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the Yes No
Norway Yes No
Switzerland Yes No
United Kingdom Yes No



Competent authority, for Austria, to deal with matters pertaining to the equivalence of university qualifications:
Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung
Abteilung I/4
A - 1014 WIEN
Tel. : 19 (43) 222/6620 4419



When depositing the instrument of ratification, the Permanent Representative declared on behalf of his Government that these Conventions and this Protocol [Note by the Secretariat: ETS Nos 21, 32 and 49] are ratified subject to the effective application of reciprocity by each of the member States in respect of Belgian diplomas, certificates and periods of study.



Competent authorities to deal with matters pertaining to the equivalence of university qualifications :
1. In co-operation with the various relevant institutions of higher education :
The Danish National Equivalence Information Centre, Frederiksholms Kanal 25D, DK - COPENHAGEN K
2. As far as the following matters are concerned: architecture, fine arts, music and librarianship:
The Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Nybrogade 2, DK - 1203 COPENHAGEN K
3. Authorisation of medical staff :
National Board of Health, St. Kongensgade 1, DK - 1264 COPENHAGEN K
4. Authorisation of veterinary surgeons etc. :
Veterinary Department, Frederiksgade 21, DK - 1265 COPENHAGEN K



Competent Finnish authority to deal with matters pertaining to the equivalence of university qualifications (Article 2, paragraph 2) :
Ministry of Education
PL-PB 293
Tel. 0-134171 Telefax : 0-6121335



The competent authorities to deal with matters pertaining to the equivalence of university qualifications are the Universities and other establishments of higher education within the framework of their pedagogical autonomy.
In accordance with the regulations at present in force in France, the validation of foreign qualifications or diplomas is, in effect, granted by decision of the president of the University or of the director of the establishment.
Nevertheless, by way of exception to this general rule, the Ministry of National Education may grant partial equivalences of studies within the framework of health disciplines (medecine, pharmacy, dental surgery). The granting of these equivalences is subject, in all cases, to successful completion of the first year of study.



The competent authorities to deal with matters pertaining to the equivalence of university qualifications are the State [The State being the Land competent to legislate on the use of academic titles (Article 3(2)(b) or to grant general or specific authorisations] or the University, as the case may be.



The Greek Government reserves the right not to apply to its own nationals the provisions of Article 3 of the Convention.


The Government of the Hellenic Republic declares that the accession of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the Conventions of the Council of Europe to which the Hellenic Republic is a Contracting Party does not imply the recognition of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia by the Hellenic Republic.

Holy See


Competent authorities to deal with matters pertaining to the equivalence of university qualifications :
Congrégation pour l'Education Catholique
Piazza Pio XII, 3
Tel. : (06) 698-4167



Competent authorities to deal with matters pertaining to the equivalence of university qualifications :
The Ministry of Culture and Education
Hverfisgata 4-6



The competent authorities to deal with matters pertaining to the equivalence of university qualifications are the State or the University, as the case may be.

Netherlands, the Kingdom of the


Competent authorities in the Netherlands responsible for dealing with matters pertaining to the equivalence of university qualifications pursuant to Article 2 of the Convention :
a. Executive boards of universities in the case of decisions on recognition of courses taken abroad as qualifications for further study or the taking of a doctorate at a Dutch university ;
b. The Ministry of Education and Science (Central Administration and Implementation Department (CDBU/BDW), Postbus 888, 9700 AW Groningen) in the case of decisions on recognition of university qualifications attained abroad as entitling holders of qualifications to use the academic titles customarily prefixed to names in the Netherlands. This refers to the titles doctor (dr.), engineer (ir.), master of law (mr.), psychologist or bachelor of arts/science (drs.).



Competent authorities to deal with matters pertaining to the equivalence of university qualifications :
The Ministry of Culture and Science
Postboks 8030 Dep. 0030
N - OSLO 1



The Swiss Federal Council declares that the competence of cantons in the field of education, as established by the Federal Constitution, as well as the autonomy of universities are reserved for the implementation of the Convention.

United Kingdom


Competent authorities to deal with matters pertaining to the equivalence of university qualifications :
The Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals of Universities of the United Kingdom
29 Tavistock Square
Tel. : 01.387.92.31

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