International Wheat Agreement, 1956
Treaty data
Treaty number |
007524 |
Date of conclusion |
25-04-1956 |
Place of conclusion |
Washington |
Provisional application |
Entry into force |
16-07-1956 |
Retroactive effect |
Termination |
31-07-1959 |
Treaty Series |
Parliamentary paper |
The Agreement was in force for the Netherlands Antilles from 16-07-1956 until 31-07-1959.
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Koninkrijksdeel |
Provisional application |
Entry into force |
Retroactive effect |
Termination |
Netherlands (in Europe) |
16-07-1956 |
31-07-1959 |
Netherlands (Bonaire) |
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius) |
Netherlands (Saba) |
Aruba |
CuraƧao |
Sint Maarten |