
Exchange of Notes between the Netherlands and the United States of America complementing the Exchange of Notes of 26 April 1949 concerning the drawing rights to be exercised by the Netherlands pursuant to the Agreements for Intra-European Payments and Compensation of 16 October 1948 and 7 September 1949

Treaty data

Treaty number 007577
Date of conclusion 04-03-1950
Place of conclusion 's-Gravenhage
Provisional application
Entry into force 04-03-1950
Retroactive effect 01-10-1949
Termination 01-07-1950
Bulletin of Acts and Decrees 1950, 281
Parliamentary paper 0000085696 (external link)
Approval act 1950, 281

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 04-03-1950 01-10-1949 01-07-1950
Netherlands (Bonaire)
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius)
Netherlands (Saba)
Sint Maarten
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