Protocol consolidating the eurocontrol International Convention relating to co-operation for the safety of air navigation of 13 december 1960, as variously amended
Parties with reservations, declarations and objections
The ratification by Ireland of the Revised Eurocontrol Convention is subject to a declaration that the provisions in Annex IV of the aforesaid Convention providing for a lien on the aircraft and for joint and several liability shall not apply.
As to ratify the Protocol consolidating the Eurocontrol International Convention relating
to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation, as variously amended ("Revised Convention"),
Spain declares that, within the scope of its national competences, the provisions
of Article 2 of the Protocol on the accession of the European Community to the Eurocontrol
International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation
of 13 december 1960, are also applicable with reference to the airport of Gibraltar.
The Kingdom of Spain expresses the following interpretative declaration with regard
to article IV of the Protocol consolidating the Eurocontrol International Convention
relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 december 1960, as
variously amended, and with regard to article 1 of the Additional Protocol concerning
the replacement of the regime of the Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges
of 12 February 1981 by the regime foreseen in Annex IV (Provisions regarding the common
system of route charges) of the Eurocontrol International Convention relating to Co-operation
for the Safety of Air Navigation, as coordinated by the Protocol opened for signature
at Brussels on 27 June 1997.
Spain understands that in the relationship between the State Parties the expression
"remains derogatory", referring to the Multilateral Agreement of 12 February 1981,
signifies that the provisions of the latter, with the modifications introduced by
the Diplomatic Conference of 27 June 1997, were incorporated in the relevant articles
of the coordinated version of the Text of the Convention ("Revised Convention") and
in its Annex IV ("Provisions relating to a common route system").
Ukraine declares that Annex II to the Protocol, ‘Flight Information Regions’, will
completed by the following text:
Kyiv Flight Information Region
Kharkiv Flight Information Region
Odesa Flight Information Region
Lviv Flight Information Region"
Simferopol Flight Information Region",
the provisions of the Protocol concerning the air space within which liability for
the supply of
air navigation services rests with Ukraine.".