
Convention relating to the status of stateless persons

Parties with reservations, declarations and objections

Party Reservations / Declarations Objections
Antigua and Barbuda Yes No
Argentina Yes No
Austria Yes No
Barbados Yes No
Botswana Yes No
Bulgaria Yes No
China Yes No
Czech Republic Yes No
Denmark Yes No
El Salvador Yes No
Fiji Yes No
Finland Yes No
France Yes No
Germany Yes No
Guatemala Yes No
Holy See Yes No
Honduras Yes No
Hungary Yes No
Ireland Yes No
Italy Yes No
Kiribati Yes No
Latvia Yes No
Lesotho Yes No
Malta Yes No
Mexico Yes No
Moldova Yes No
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the Yes No
Nicaragua Yes No
Philippines Yes No
Portugal Yes No
Romania Yes No
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Yes No
Slovakia Yes No
Spain Yes No
Sweden Yes No
United Kingdom Yes No
Zambia Yes No

Antigua and Barbuda


The Government of Antigua and Barbuda can only undertake that the provisions of articles 23, 24, 25 and 31 will be applied in Antigua and Barbuda so far as the law allows.



The application of this Convention in territories whose sovereignty is the subject of discussion between two or more States, irrespective of whether they are parties to the Convention, cannot be construed as an alteration, renunciation or relinquishment of the position previously maintained by each of them.



The Republic of Austria shall only be bound by Article 27 insofar as it applies to stateless persons lawfully in the territory of the Republic of Austria.
The Republic of Austria will fulfil its obligation under Article 28 by issuing alien passports to stateless persons lawfully staying in its territory.



The Government of Barbados . . . declares with regard to the reservations made by the United Kingdom on notification of the territorial application of the Convention to the West Indies (including Barbados) on the 19th March, 1962 that it can only undertake that the provisions of Articles 23, 24, 25 and 31 will be applied in Barbados so far as the law allows.
The application of the Convention to Barbados was also made subject to reservations to Articles 8, 9 and 26 which are hereby withdrawn.



(a) Article 31 of the said Convention shall not oblige Botswana to grant to a stateless person a status more favourable than that accorded to aliens in general;
(b) Articles 12 1) and 7 2) of the Convention shall be recognized as recommendations only.
Same reservations, in essence, as those made for the Isle of Man and Channel Islands, under No. (iii):
(iii) The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland cannot undertake that effect will be given in the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands to paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 25 and can only undertake that the provisions of paragraph 3 will be applied in the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands so far as the law allows.



1. Reservation to Article 7, paragraph 2:
In accordance with Article 38, paragraph 1 of the Convention, the Republic of Bulgaria reserves the right not to apply the provision of Article 7, paragraph 2.
2. Reservation to Article 21:
The Republic of Bulgaria shall apply Article 21 according to the conditions and the order provided for by the national legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria.
3. Reservation to Article 23:
The Republic of Bulgaria shall apply Article 23 according to the conditions and the order provided for by the national legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria.
4. Reservation to Article 24, paragraph 1, subparagraph (b) and Article 24, paragraph 2:
The Republic of Bulgaria shall apply Article 24, paragraph 1, subparagraph (b) and Article 24, paragraph 2 according to the conditions and the order provided for by the national legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria.
5. Reservation to Article 24, paragraph 3:
The Republic of Bulgaria shall apply Article 24, paragraph 3 only concerning agreements which will be concluded in the future.
6. Reservation to Article 27:
Pursuant to Article 27 of the Convention, the identity document ('Stateless person foreigntravel certificate') shall be issued to stateless persons, who have been granted this status on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and having permanent or long-term residence permit in accordance with the national legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria. In accordance with the national legislation, the person who has been granted the status of stateless person will be granted right to residence and a document 'Residence permit', which is not an identity document, will be issued.
7. Reservation to Article 28:
Pursuant to Article 28 of the Convention, the document 'Stateless person foreign-travel certificate', which is both an identity document and a travel document, will be issued to persons to whom the Republic of Bulgaria has granted status of stateless person and having permanent or longterm residence permit on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The above-mentioned document will not be issued to persons who have been granted status of stateless person in another country, unless they have permanent or long-term residence in the Republic of Bulgaria and because of insurmountable reasons, duly proven by respective documents, cannot renew their travel document from the state which initially issued it.
8. Reservation to Article 31:
Article 31 shall not oblige the Republic of Bulgaria to grant to stateless persons a status more favourable than that accorded to aliens in general.


Withdrawal of the reservation to Article 31 of the Convention.



The Government of the People's Republic of China cannot undertake that effect will be given in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to article 25, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Convention, and can only undertake that the provisions of paragraph 3 of the said article will be applied in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region so far as the law there allows.
Within the above ambit, responsibility for the international rights and obligations of a Party to the [said Convention] will be assumed by the Government of the People's Republic of China.

Czech Republic


... Acceding to the Convention we declare the following:
1. Pursuant to Article 27 of the Convention, identity papers shall be issued only to stateless persons having permanent residence permits in the territory of the Czech Republic in accordance with the country's national legislation.
2. Article 23 of the Convention shall be applied to the extent provided by the national legislation of the Czech Republic.
3. Article 24, paragraph 1(b) shall be applied to the extent provided by the national legislation of the Czech Republic.
4. Pursuant to Article 28 of the Convention, travel documents shall be issued to stateless persons having permanent residence permits in the territory of the Czech Republic in accordance with the country's national legislation. Such persons shall be issued "aliens' passports" stating that their holders are stateless persons under the Convention of 28th September 1954.



Denmark is not bound by article 24, paragraph 3.
The provisions of article 24, paragraph 1, under which stateless persons are in certain cases placed on the same footing as nationals, shall not oblige Denmark to grant stateless persons in every case exactly the same remuneration as that provided by law for nationals, but only to grant them what is required for their support.
Article 31 shall not oblige Denmark to grant to stateless persons a status more favourable than that accorded to aliens in general.

El Salvador


El Salvador signs the present Convention with the reservation that the expression "treatment as favourable as possible", referred to in those of its provisions to which reservations may be made, must not be understood to include the special treatment which has been or may be granted to the nationals of Spain, the Latin American countries in general, and in particular to the countries which constituted the United Provinces of Central America and now form the Organization of Central American States.



The Government of Fiji stated that the first and third reservations made by the United Kingdom are affirmed but have been redrafted as more suitable to the application of Fiji in the following terms:
1. The Government of Fiji understands articles 8 and 9 as not preventing them from taking in time of war or other grave and exceptional circumstances measures in the interests of national security in the case of a stateless person on the ground of his former nationality. The provisions of article 8 shall not prevent the Government of Fiji from exercising any rights over property or interests which they may acquire or have acquired as an Allied or Associated Power under a Treaty of Peace or other agreement or arrangement for the restoration of peace which has been or may be completed as a result of the Second World War. Furthermore the provisions of article 8 shall not affect the treatment to be accorded to any property or interests which at the date of entry into force of this Convention in respect of Fiji were under the control of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or of the Government of Fiji respectively by reason of a state of war which existed between them and any other State.
2. The Government of Fiji cannot undertake to give effect to the obligations contained in paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 25 and can only undertake to apply the provisions of paragraph 3 so far as the law allows.
Commentary: No arrangements exist in Fiji for the administrative assistance for which provision is made in article 25 nor have any such arrangements been found necessary in the case of stateless persons. Any need for the documents or certificates mentioned in paragraph 2 of that article would be met by affidavit.
All other reservation made by the United Kingdom to the above-mentioned Convention is withdrawn.



1) A general reservation to the effect that the application of those provisions of the Convention which grant to stateless persons the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign country shall not be affected by the fact that special rights and privileges are now or may in future be accorded by Finland to the nationals of Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden or to the nationals of any one of those Countries;
(2) A reservation to article 7, paragraph 2, to the effect that Finland is not prepared, as a general measure, to grant stateless persons who fulfil the conditions of three years residence in Finland an exemption from any legislative reciprocity which Finnish law may have stipulated as a condition governing an alien's eligibility for same right or privilege;
(3) A reservation to article 8 to the effect that that article shall not be binding on Finland;
(4) .[...]
(5) A reservation to article 24, paragraph 1 (b) and paragraph 3 to the effect that they shall not be binding on Finland;
(6) A reservation to article 25, to the effect that Finland does not consider itself bound to cause a certificate to be delivered by a Finnish authority, in the place of the authorities of a foreign country, if the documentary records necessary for the delivery of such certificate do not exist in Finland;
(7) A reservation with respect to the provisions contained in article 28. Finland does not accept the obligations stipulated in the said article, but is prepared to recognize travel documents issued by other Contracting States pursuant to this article.



The provisions of article 10, paragraph 2, are regarded by the French Government as applying only to stateless persons who were forcibly displaced from French territory, and who have, prior to the date of entry into force of this Convention, returned there direct from the country to which they were forced to proceed, without in the meantime having received authorization to reside in the territory of any other State.



1. Article 23 will be applied without restriction only to stateless persons who are also refugees within the meaning of the Convention of 28 July 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees and the Protocol of 31 January 1967 relating to the Status of Refugees, but otherwise only to the extent provided for under national legislation;
2. Article 27 will not be applied.



Guatemala ratifies the present Convention with the reservation that the expression "treatment as favourable as possible", referred to in those of its provisions to which reservations may be made, shall not be understood to include the special treatment which Guatemala has granted or may grant to nationals of Spain, the Latin American countries in general, and in particular the countries which constitute the Central American Integration System (SICA), which are those countries which constituted the United Provinces of Central America, plus the Republic of Panama.

Holy See


The Convention will be applied in the form compatible with the special nature of the State of the Vatican City and without prejudice to the norms that grant access thereunto and sojourn therein.



Honduras signs the present Convention with the reservation that the expression "treatment as favourable as possible", referred to in those of its provisions to which reservations may be made, must not be understood to include the special treatment which has been or may be granted to the nationals of Spain, the Latin American countries in general, and in particular to the countries which constituted the United Provinces of Central America and now form the Organization of Central American States.



Reservation to Articles 23 and 24 of the Convention:
The Republic of Hungary shall apply the provisions contained in Articles 23 and 24 in such a way that it ensures to stateless persons having permanent domestic residence equal treatment with its own citizens.
Reservation to Article 28 of the Convention:
The Republic of Hungary shall apply the provisions contained in Article 28 by issuing a travel document in both Hungarian and English languages, entitled 'Utazási Igazolvány hontalan személy részére / Travel Document for Stateless Person' and supplied with the indication set out in Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1 of the Schedule to the Convention.


Withdrawal of reservation to articles 23 and 24.



With regard to article 29 (1), the Government of Ireland do not undertake to accord to stateless persons treatment more favourable than that accorded to aliens generally with respect to
(a) The stamp duty chargeable in Ireland in connection with conveyances, transfers and leases of lands, tenements and hereditaments, and
(b) Income tax (including sur-tax).
The Government of Ireland understand the words `public order' and `in accordance with due process of law', as they appear in article 31 of the Convention, to mean respectively, `public policy' and `in accordance with the procedure provided by law'.



The provisions of articles 17 and 18 are recognized as recommendations only.



[The following reservations originally made by the United Kingdom were reformulated as follows in terms suited to their direct application to Kiribati] :
1. The Government of Kiribati understands articles 8 and 9 as not preventing them from taking in time of war or other grave and exceptional circumstances measures in the interests of national security in the case of a stateless person on the ground of his former nationality. The provisions of article 8 shall not prevent the Government of Kiribati from exercising any rights over property or interests which they may acquire or have acquired as an Allied or Associated Power under a Treaty of Peace or other agreement or arrangement for the restoration of peace which has been or may be completed as a result of the Second World War. Furthermore, the provisions of article 8 shall not affect the treatment to be accorded to any property or interest which at the date of entry into force of this Convention in respect of the Gilbert Islands were under the control of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland by reason of a state of war which exists or existed between them and any other State.
2. The Government of Kiribati can only undertake to apply the provisions of sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 1 of article 24 so far as the law allows.
3. The Government of Kiribati cannot undertake to give effect to the obligations contained in paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 25 and can only undertake to apply the provisions of paragraph 3 so far as the law allows.



In accordance with article 38 of the [Convention] the Republic of Latvia reserves the right to apply the provisions of paragraph 1 (b) of Article 24 subject to limitations provided for by the national legislation.
In accordance with article 38 of the [Convention] the Republic of Latvia reserves the right to apply the provisions of Article 27 subject to limitations provided for by the national legislation.



1. In accordance with article 38 of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho declares that it understands articles 8 and 9 as not preventing it from taking in time of war or other grave and exceptional circumstances measures in the interest of national security in the case of a stateless person on the ground of his former nationality. The provisions of article 8 shall not prevent the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho from exercising any rights over property or interests which they may acquire or have acquired as an Allied or Associated Power under a Treaty of Peace or other agreement or arrangement for the restoration of peace which has been or may be completed as a result of the Second World War. Furthermore the provisions of article 8 shall not affect the treatment to be accorded to any property or interests which at the date of entry into force of this Convention in respect of Lesotho were under the control of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or of the Government of Lesotho by reason of a state of war which existed between them and any other State.
2. The Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho cannot undertake to give effect to the obligations contained in paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 25 and can only undertake to apply the provisions of paragraph 3 so far as the laws of Lesotho allow.
3. The Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho shall not be bound under article 31 to grant to a stateless person a status more favourable than that accorded to aliens generally.



The Republic of Malta does not consider itself bound by Article 11 in so far as to the obligation to give consideration to the establishment of stateless seamen in its territory, or to issue said seamen with travel documents.
The Republic of Malta considers itself bound by Article 14 only in so far as in regard to a stateless person who is a permanent resident in the territory of the Republic of Malta.
The Republic of Malta does not consider itself obliged, in terms of Article 32 to provide or to guarantee stateless persons born outside Malta facilities for their naturalisation beyond those accorded to aliens in general.


The Republic of Malta will fulfil its obligation under Article 28 by issuing an alien’s passport to stateless persons lawfully residing in its territory.



The Government of Mexico is convinced of the importance of ensuring that all stateless persons can obtain wage-earning employment as a means of subsistence and affirms that stateless persons will be treated, in accordance with the law, under the same conditions as aliens in general, without prejudice to the application of article 7 of the Federal Labour Act, which establishes the proportion of alien workers that employers are authorized to employ in Mexico, as well as other legal principles relating to work by aliens in the country, for which reason the Government of Mexico lodges an express reservation to article 17 of this Convention.
The Government of Mexico lodges an express reservation to article 31 of the Convention, and, therefore, refers to the application of article 33 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.
The Government of Mexico does not consider itself obliged to guarantee stateless persons greater facilities for their naturalization than those accorded to aliens in general, for which reason it lodges an express reservation to the contents of article 32 of the Convention.


Withdrawal of the reservation to article 31 made upon accession.



According to article 38 part 1 from the Convention, [the] Republic of Moldova reserves the right to apply [the] provisions of articles 23, 24, 25 and 31 from the Convention according to the national legislation.
According to article 38 part 1 from the Convention, [the] Republic of Moldova reserves the right to apply the provisions of article 27 from the Convention only in regards with stateless which statute has being recognized by the Republic of Moldova, and for that who have permission to stay on the territory of [the] Republic of Moldova.

Netherlands, the Kingdom of the


The Government of the Kingdom reserves the right not to apply the provisions of article 8 of the Convention to stateless persons who previously possessed enemy nationality or the equivalent thereof with respect to the Kingdom of Netherlands;
With reference to article 26 of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom reserves the right to designate a place of principal residence for certain stateless persons or groups of stateless persons in the public interest.



The Republic of Nicaragua declares that the expression "treatment as favourable as possible", referred to in those of its provisions to which reservations may be made, shall not be understood to include the special treatment which Nicaragua has granted or may grant to nationals of Spain, the Latin American countries in general, and in particular the countries which constitute the Central American Integration System (SICA), which are those countries which constituted the United Provinces of Central America, plus the Republic of Panama.



Upon signature:
"(a) As regards Article 17, paragraph 1, granting stateless persons the right to engage in wage-earning employment, [the Government of the Philippines] finds that this provision conflicts with the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940, as amended, which classifies as excludable aliens under Section 29 those coming to the Philippines to perform unskilled labour, and permits the admission of pre-arranged employees under Section 9 (g) only when there are no persons in the Philippines willing and competent to perform the labour or service for which the admission of aliens is desired.
"(b) As regards Article 31, paragraph 1, to the effect that `the Contracting States shall not expel a stateless person lawfully in their territory, save on grounds of national security or public order', this provision would unduly restrict the power of the Philippine Government to deport undesirable aliens under Section 37 of the same Immigration Act which states the various grounds upon which aliens may be deported.
"Upon signing the Convention [the Philippine Government], therefore hereby [registers] its non-conformity to the provisions of Article 17, paragraph 1, and Article 31, paragraph 1, thereof, for the reasons stated in (a) and (b) above."



Under paragraph 1 of Article 38 of the Convention, the Portuguese Republic declares that in all cases where the stateless persons are accorded the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign country, this clause shall not be interpreted as covering the regime applicable to nationals of Brazil, nationals from the European Union countries or nationals from other countries with which Portugal has established or may establish community relations, namely the Portuguese speaking States.



1. With reference to the application of Article 23 of the Convention, Romania reserves its right to accord public relief only to stateless persons which are also refugees, under the provisions of the Convention of 28 July 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees and of the Protocol of 31 January 1967 relating to the Status of Refugees or, as the case may be, subject to the provisions of the domestic law;
2. With reference to the application of Article 27 of the Convention, Romania reserves its right to issue identity papers only to stateless persons to whom the competent authorities accorded the right to stay on the territory of Romania permanently or, as the case may be, for a determinated period, subject to the provisions of the domestic law;
3. With reference to the application of Article 31 of the Convention, Romania reserves its right to expel a stateless person staying lawfully on its territory whenever the stateless person committed an offence, subject to the provisions of the legislation in force.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


Reservation upon Ratification:
The Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines can only undertake that the provisions of articles 23, 24, 25 and 31 will be applied in St. Vincent and the Grenadines so far as the law allows.



Declaration upon Ratification:
The Slovak Republic shall not be bound by article 27 to that effect it shall issue identity papers to any stateless person that is not in possession of a valid travel document. The Slovak Republic shall issue identity papers only to the stateless person present on the territory of the Slovak Republic who have been granted long-term or permanent residence permit.



The Government of the Kingdom of Spain makes a reservation to article 29, paragraph 1, and considers itself bound by the provisions of that paragraph only in the case of stateless persons residing in the territory of any of the Contracting States.



(1) […]
(2) To article 8.
This article will not be binding on Sweden.
(3) To article 12, paragraph 1.
This paragraph will not be binding on Sweden.
(4) To article 24, paragraph 1 (b).
Notwithstanding the rule concerning the treatment of stateless persons as nationals, Sweden will not be bound to accord to stateless persons the same treatment as is accorded to nationals in respect of the possibility of entitlement to a national pension under the provisions of the National Insurance Act; and likewise to the effect that, in so far as the right to a supplementary pension under the said Act and the computation of such pension in certain respects are concerned, the rules applicable to Swedish nationals shall be more favour able than those applied to other insured persons.
(5) To article 24, paragraph […] 3.
The provisions of this paragraph will not be binding on Sweden.
(6) To article 25, paragraph 2.
Sweden does not consider itself obliged to cause a Swedish authority, in lieu of a foreign authority, to deliver certificates for the issuance of which there is insufficient documentation in Sweden.


Withdrawal of the reservations to articles 8 and 24, paragraph 1 (b).

United Kingdom


I have the honour further to state that the Government of the United Kingdom deposit the present instrument of ratification on the understanding that the combined effects of articles 36 and 38 permit them to include in any declaration or notification made under paragraph 1 of article 36 or paragraph 2 of article 36 respectively any reservation consistent with article 38 which the Government of the territory concerned might desire to make.
When ratifying the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons which was opened for signature at New York on September 28, 1954, the Government of the United Kingdom have deemed it necessary to make certain reservations in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 38 thereof the text of which is reproduced below:
(1) The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland understand Articles 8 and 9 as not preventing them from taking in time of war or other grave and exceptional circumstances measures in the interests of national security in the case of a stateless person on the ground of his former nationality. The provisions of Article 8 shall not prevent the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from exercising any rights over property or interests which they may acquire or have acquired as an Allied or Associated Power under a Treaty of Peace or other agreement or arrangement for the restoration of peace which has been or may be completed as a result of the Second World War. Furthermore, the provisions of Article 8 shall not affect the treatment to be accorded to any property or interests which at the date of entry into force of this Convention for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are under the control of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland by reason of a state of war which exists or existed between them and any other State.
(2) The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in respect of such of the matters referred to in sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 1 of Article 24 as fall within the scope of the National Health Service, can only undertake to apply the provisions of that paragraph so far as the law allows.
(3) The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland cannot undertake to give effect to the obligations contained in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 25 and can only undertake to apply the provisions of paragraph 3 so far as the law allows.
In connexion with sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 1 of Article 24 which relates to certain matters within the scope of the National Health Service, the National Health Service (Amendment) Act 1949 contains powers for charges to be made to persons not ordinarily resident in Great Britain (which category would include some stateless persons) who receive treatment under the Service. These powers have not yet been exercised but it may be necessary to exercise them at some future date. In Northern Ireland the Health Services are restricted to persons ordinarily resident in the country except where regulations are made to extend the Services to others. For these reasons, the Government of the United Kingdom, while prepared in the future, as in the past, to give the most sympathetic consideration to the situation of stateless persons, find it necessary to make reservation to sub-paragraph (b) of Article 24.
No arrangements exist in the United Kingdom for the administrative assistance for which provision is made in Article 25 nor have any such arrangements been found necessary in the case of stateless persons. Any need for the documents or certifications mentioned in paragraph 2 of that Article would be met by affidavit.


Isle of Man and Channel Islands:
(i) The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland understand Articles 8 and 9 as not preventing the taking in the Isle of Man and in the Channel Islands, in time of war or other grave and exceptional circumstances, of measures in the interests of national security in the case of a stateless person on the ground of his former nationality. The provisions of Article 8 shall not prevent the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from exercising any rights over property or interests which they may acquire or have acquired as an Allied or Associated Power under a Treaty of Peace or other agreement or arrangement for the restoration of peace which has been or may be completed as a result of the Second World War. Furthermore, the provisions of Article 8 shall not affect the treatment to be accorded to any property or interests which, at the date of entry into force of this Convention for the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, are under the control of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland by reason of a state of war which exists or existed between them and any other State.
(ii) The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland can only undertake that the provisions of sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 1 of Article 24 and of paragraph 2 of that Article will be applied in the Channel Islands so far as the law allows, and that the provisions of that sub-paragraph, in respect of such matters referred to therein as fall within the scope of the Isle of Man Health Service, will be applied in the Isle of Man so far as the law allows.
(iii) The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland cannot undertake that effect will be given in the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands to paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 25 and can only undertake that the provisions of paragraph 3 will be applied in the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands so far as the law allows.


Falkland Islands:
Same reservations, in essence, as those made for the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, under Nos. (i) and (iii).
West Indies:
(i) The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland cannot undertake that effect will be given in the West Indies to articles 8, 9, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 31.



Article 22 (1):
The Government of the Republic of Zambia considers paragraph 1 of article 22 to be a recommendation only, and not a binding obligation to accord to stateless persons national treatment with respect to elementary education;
Article 26:
The Government of the Republic of Zambia reserves the right under article 26 to designate a place or places of residence for stateless persons;
Article 28:
The Government of the Republic of Zambia does not consider itself bound under article 28 to issue a travel document with a return clause in cases where a country of second asylum has accepted or indicated its willingness to accept a stateless person from Zambia;
Article 31:
The Government of the Republic of Zambia shall not undertake under article 31 to grant treatment more favourable than that accorded to aliens generally with respect to expulsion.

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