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Note concerning extension to Netherlands New Guinea of the Agreement between the Netherlands
and France for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and
for the settlement of certain other fiscal questions
Treaty data
Treaty number |
008458 |
Date of conclusion |
05-11-1956 |
Place of conclusion |
Parijs |
Provisional application |
Entry into force |
04-01-1957 |
Retroactive effect |
Termination |
Treaty Series |
1957, 98 (external link) |
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Koninkrijksdeel |
Provisional application |
Entry into force |
Retroactive effect |
Termination |
Netherlands (in Europe) |
04-01-1957 |
Netherlands (Bonaire) |
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius) |
Netherlands (Saba) |
Aruba |
CuraƧao |
Sint Maarten |
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