Additional Protocol to the Trade Agreement of 1 August 1958 between the Kingdom of
the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on the one
side and the Republic of Tunisia on the other
Treaty data
Treaty number |
008995 |
Date of conclusion |
29-03-1961 |
Place of conclusion |
Tunis |
Provisional application |
Entry into force |
29-03-1961 |
Retroactive effect |
Termination |
Treaty Series |
Parliamentary paper |
0000262333 (external link) |
The Protocol was in force for the Netherlands Antilles from 29-03-1961 until 14-02-1997.
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Koninkrijksdeel |
Provisional application |
Entry into force |
Retroactive effect |
Termination |
Netherlands (in Europe) |
29-03-1961 |
14-02-1997 |
Netherlands (Bonaire) |
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius) |
Netherlands (Saba) |
Aruba |
01-01-1986 |
CuraƧao |
Sint Maarten |