
Convention on the recognition of decisions recording a sex reassignment

Parties with reservations, declarations and objections

Party Reservations / Declarations Objections
Spain Yes No



If the present Convention is applied to Gibraltar, Spain would like to make the following declaration:
1. Gibraltar is a non-self-governing territory for whose external relations the United Kingdom is responsible, and which is subject to a process of decolonisation by virtue of the relevant decisions and resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
2. The Gibraltar authorities have a local character and exercise exclusively domestic powers. These powers originated and are based on a distribution and allocation of powers performed by the United Kingdom in accordance with the provisions of its domestic legislation, as a sovereign state on which the aforesaid non-self-governing territory is dependent.
3. Consequently, any role that the Gibraltar authorities may play in applying the Convention should be considered to be restricted entirely to the sphere in which these authorities exercise their domestic powers, and may not be seen as modifying in any way the provisions of the two preceding paragraphs.
The procedure set out in the Agreed arrangements relating to Gibraltar authorities in the context of certain international treaties (2007), adopted by Spain and the United Kingdom on 19 December 2007, [...] is applicable to the present Convention.

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