
International Convention on the control of harmful anti-fouling systems on ships, 2001

Parties with reservations, declarations and objections

Party Reservations / Declarations Objections
Belgium Yes No
Denmark Yes No
Egypt Yes No
Iran Yes No
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the Yes No
Peru Yes No
Syria Yes No
Türkiye Yes No
Ukraine Yes No
United States of America Yes No



This signature is equally binding on the Walloon Region, the Flemish Region and the Brussels-Capital Region.



(...) with reservation for application to the Faroe Islands and Greenland.


(...) Denmark withdraws its declaration in respect of the Faroe Islands with regards to the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti Fouling Systems on Ships, 2001.



In accordance with the Regulations for Navigation and Traffic in the Suez Canal, and in order to ensure the freedom to use the canal, the Arab Republic of Egypt declares the non-application of the Convention to the Suez Canal maritime facility and to ships entering or departing its ports when using the Suez Canal.



[...] the implementation of the provisions of article 14 of the Convention, relating to Settlement of Disputes is subject to fulfilment of the requirements of the relevant domestic rules and regulations.

Netherlands, the Kingdom of the


The Embassy has the honour to inform the Secretary-General that, in accordance with article 9, paragraph 1, under a, of the Convention, the Kingdom of the Netherlands declares that the institutions which are competent to make decisions in the administration of matters relating to the control of anti-fouling systems are:
a. American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Houston Ltd;
b. Bureau Veritas (BV);
c. Det Norske Veritas (DNV);
d. Germanischer Lloyd (GL) AG;
e. Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR);
f. Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK);
g. Registro Italiano Navale (RINA).
The surveys by Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR) shall be carried out by Lloyd's Register Emea.



In accordance with article 16(2)(f)(ii)(3) of the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships, 2001, the Republic of Peru declares that the amendments to annex 1 of the Convention shall enter into force for Peru only after notification to the Secretary-General of its acceptance with respect to such amendments.



The Syrian Arab Republic by joining this Treaty does not in any way recognize Israel and will not enter into any dealings with it as prescribed by the Treaty.



Turkey is not a party and has objected to UNCLOS from the outset due to a number of serious shortcomings. Turkey believes that the said Convention does not reflect the customary international law of the sea as a whole. Accordingly, Turkey dissociates itself from the references made in the 'International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships, 2001' to the international instruments that it is not Party to. These references therefore should not be interpreted as a change in the legal position of Turkey with regard to the said instruments.



In accordance with article 16(2)(f)(ii)(2) of this Convention, an amendment to annex 1 shall enter into force for Ukraine only after the Secretary-General, prior to the entry into force of such amendment, is given a subsequent notification of such an acceptance.

United States of America


[...] pursuant to article 16(2)(f)(ii)(3) of the Convention, amendments to Annex 1 of the Convention shall enter into force for the United States of America only after notification to the Secretary-General of its acceptance with respect to such amendments.

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