
Amendment to article 15 of the Statutes of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)

Treaty data

Treaty number 001990
Date of conclusion 01-10-1987
Place of conclusion Madrid
Provisional application
Entry into force
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Parliamentary paper 20938-1359 (external link)
Consolidated text 0004272

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 14-10-1983
Netherlands (Bonaire) 10-10-2010
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius) 10-10-2010
Netherlands (Saba) 10-10-2010
Aruba 01-01-1986
Curaçao 10-10-2010
Sint Maarten 10-10-2010

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Andorra 11-05-2001 (R)
Argentina 10-01-1997 (R)
Austria 12-09-1988 (R)
Azerbaijan 29-09-2001 (R)
Bahamas 25-11-2005 (R)
Bahrain 29-09-2001 (R)
Belarus 14-06-2005 (R)
Bhutan 19-10-2003 (R)
Bolivia 09-03-2004 (R)
Brunei 29-11-2007 (R)
Cabo Verde 29-09-2001 (R)
Canada 28-01-2000 (R)
Chile 08-10-1998 (R)
Colombia 10-06-1997 (R)
Cuba 15-06-1989 (R)
Czech Republic 11-05-2001 (R)
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 13-01-2004 (R)
El Salvador 22-03-2001 (R)
Equatorial Guinea 16-11-2000 (R)
Germany 17-07-2018 (R)
Greece 08-05-1995 (R)
Honduras 29-09-2001 (R)
Hungary 22-08-2005 (R)
Iraq 15-06-1989 (R)
Israel 03-11-2004 (R)
Italy 14-02-1990 (R)
Jamaica 10-12-2000 (R)
Jordan 28-06-2000 (R)
Kenya 17-05-2001 (R)
Kuwait 03-03-2003 (R)
Lithuania 19-10-2003 (R)
Madagascar 19-04-2001 (R)
Malaysia 06-02-2001 (R)
Maldives 31-08-1988 (R)
Mali 31-01-2005 (R)
Malta 15-06-1989 (R)
Mexico 02-03-1989 (R)
Moldova 01-01-2002 (R)
Montenegro 29-11-2007 (R)
Morocco 21-12-2000 (R)
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 06-03-1989 (R)
Oman 01-07-2004 (R)
Pakistan 09-08-2000 (R)
Palau 03-07-2019 (R)
Panama 17-10-1996 (R)
Papua New Guinea 02-12-2005 (R)
Paraguay 17-11-2015 (R)
Peru 07-08-2003 (R)
Poland 11-08-2003 (R)
Portugal 16-12-1992 (R)
Qatar 01-01-2002 (R)
Romania 20-11-2000 (R)
Russian Federation 13-11-2007 (R)
San Marino 29-04-1988 (R)
Saudi Arabia 17-06-2002 (R)
Serbia 29-09-2001 (R)
Seychelles 21-09-2000 (R)
Slovakia 20-09-2004 (R)
Slovenia 13-06-2017 (R)
Spain 28-04-1998 (R)
Syria 10-06-2003 (R)
Tajikistan 29-11-2007 (R)
Tanzania 02-04-2001 (R)
Thailand 08-11-2002 (R)
Timor-Leste 02-12-2005 (R)
Togo 07-03-1988 (R)
Türkiye 23-12-2004 (R)
Turkmenistan 30-11-2000 (R)
United Kingdom 25-11-2005 (R)
Uruguay 05-09-2003 (R)
Uzbekistan 09-03-2001 (R)
Vietnam 17-11-2000 (R)
Yemen 13-08-2000 (R)
Zimbabwe 22-03-2019 (R)

Parent treaties

Title Date of conclusion Place of conclusion
Statutes of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) 27-09-1970 Mexico DF
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