

Convention for the pacific settlement of international disputes

Treaty data

Treaty number 002330
Date of conclusion 29-07-1899
Place of conclusion 's-Gravenhage
Provisional application
Entry into force 04-09-1900
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Bulletin of Acts and Decrees 1900, 163
Approval act 1900, 54
Consolidated text 0005494

Certified True Copy


The Convention is in force for the entire Kingdom as of 09-04-1900.

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 04-09-1900
Netherlands (Bonaire) 10-10-2010
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius) 10-10-2010
Netherlands (Saba) 10-10-2010
Aruba 01-01-1986
Curaçao 10-10-2010
Sint Maarten 10-10-2010

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Argentina 15-06-1907 (A) 15-06-1907
Australia 01-04-1960 (R) 01-04-1960
Austria 12-11-1918 (R) 12-11-1918
Austria/Hungary 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Belarus 04-06-1962 (R) 04-06-1962
Belgium 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Bolivia 15-06-1907 (A) 15-06-1907
Brazil 15-06-1907 (A) 15-06-1907
Bulgaria 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Burkina Faso 30-08-1961 (R) 30-08-1961
Cambodia 07-01-1956 (R) 07-01-1956
Cameroon 01-08-1961 (R) 01-08-1961
Canada 19-08-1960 (R) 19-08-1960
Chile 15-06-1907 (A) 15-06-1907
China 29-07-1899 21-11-1904 (R) 21-11-1904
Colombia 15-06-1907 (A) 15-06-1907
Croatia 07-10-1998 (R) 07-10-1998
Cuba 15-06-1907 (A) 15-06-1907
Democratic Republic of the Congo 25-03-1961 (R) 25-03-1961
Denmark 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Dominican Republic 15-06-1907 (A) 15-06-1907
Ecuador 03-07-1907 (A) 03-07-1907
El Salvador 20-06-1907 (A) 20-06-1907
Ethiopia 30-07-2003 (A) 30-07-2003
Fiji 02-04-1973 (R) 02-04-1973
France 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Germany 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Greece 29-07-1899 04-04-1901 (R) 04-04-1901
Guatemala 15-06-1907 (A) 15-06-1907
Haïti 15-06-1907 (A) 15-06-1907
Honduras 01-12-1961 (A) 01-12-1961
Hungary 16-11-1918 (R) 16-11-1918
Iceland 08-12-1955 (R) 08-12-1955
India 29-07-1950 (R) 29-07-1950
Iran 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Iraq 31-08-1970 (A) 31-08-1970
Italy 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Japan 29-07-1899 06-10-1900 (R) 06-10-1900
Kingdom of Sweden and Norway 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Kyrgyzstan 04-06-1992 (R) 04-06-1992
Laos 18-07-1955 (R) 18-07-1955
Lebanon 14-02-1968 (A) 14-02-1968
Luxembourg 29-07-1899 12-07-1901 (R) 12-07-1901
Mauritius 03-08-1970 (R) 03-08-1970
Mexico 29-07-1899 17-04-1901 (R) 17-04-1901
Montenegro 01-03-2007 (R) 01-03-2007
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
New Zealand 10-02-1959 (R) 10-02-1959
Nicaragua 15-06-1907 (A) 15-06-1907
North Macedonia 19-12-2000 (R) 19-12-2000
Norway 17-06-1905 (R) 17-06-1905
Pakistan 05-08-1950 (R) 05-08-1950
Panama 15-06-1907 (A) 15-06-1907
Paraguay 15-06-1907 (A) 15-06-1907
Peru 15-06-1907 (A) 15-06-1907
Portugal 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Romania 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Russian Federation 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Senegal 01-08-1977 (A) 01-08-1977
Serbia 07-09-2001 (R) 07-09-2001
Slovenia 01-10-1996 (R) 01-10-1996
Spain 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Sri Lanka 09-02-1955 (R) 09-02-1955
Sweden 17-06-1905 (R) 17-06-1905
Switzerland 29-07-1899 29-12-1900 (R) 29-12-1900
Thailand 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Türkiye 29-07-1899 12-06-1907 (R) 12-06-1907
Ukraine 04-04-1962 (R) 04-04-1962
United Kingdom 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
United States of America 29-07-1899 04-09-1900 (R) 04-09-1900
Uruguay 17-06-1907 (A) 17-06-1907
Venezuela 15-06-1907 (A) 15-06-1907
Vietnam 29-12-2011 (A) 29-12-2011
Zimbabwe 19-09-1984 (R) 19-09-1984



Extended to Entry into force Termination
Hong Kong SAR 01-07-1997
Macao SAR 20-12-1999

Child treaties

Title Date of conclusion Place of conclusion
Verdrag voor de vreedzame beslechting van internationale geschillen 18-10-1907 's-Gravenhage
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