
Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary Fluxes

Parties with reservations, declarations and objections

Party Reservations / Declarations Objections
United States of America Yes No

United States of America


In accordance with Article 2, paragraph 1 of the protocol, the Government of the United States of America specifies 1978 as the applicable calendar year for determining measures to control and/or reduce its national annual emissions of nitrogen oxides or their transboundary fluxes.
The Government of the United States of America believes that there must be a follow-on protocol to establish a control obligation based on scientific, technical and economic factors, including consideration of the protocol's effect on the innovative control technologies program of the United States. If such a protocol is not adopted by 1996, the United States of America will consider withdrawal from this protocol.
The Government of the United States of America understands that nations will have the flexibility to meet the overall requirements of the protocol through the most effective means.

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