
Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare

Treaty data

Treaty number 004145
Date of conclusion 17-06-1925
Place of conclusion Genève
Provisional application
Entry into force 10-05-1926
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Bulletin of Acts and Decrees
Parliamentary paper
Approval act 1930, 345
Consolidated text 0006252

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 31-10-1930
Netherlands (Bonaire) 10-10-2010
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius) 10-10-2010
Netherlands (Saba) 10-10-2010
Aruba 01-01-1986
Curaçao 10-10-2010
Sint Maarten 10-10-2010

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Afghanistan 09-12-1986 (A) 09-12-1986
Albania 20-12-1989 (A) 20-12-1989
Algeria 27-01-1992 (A) 27-01-1992
Angola 08-11-1990 (A) 08-11-1990
Antigua and Barbuda 27-04-1988 (Su) 01-11-1981
Argentina 12-05-1969 (A) 12-05-1969
Australia 24-05-1930 (A) 24-05-1930
Austria 17-06-1925 09-05-1928 (R) 09-05-1928
Bahrain 09-12-1988 (A) 09-12-1988
Bangladesh 20-05-1989 (A) 20-05-1989
Barbados 16-07-1976 (Su) 30-11-1966
Belgium 17-06-1925 04-12-1928 (R) 04-12-1928
Benin 09-12-1986 (A) 09-12-1986
Bhutan 19-02-1979 (A) 19-02-1979
Bolivia 13-08-1985 (A) 13-08-1985
Brazil 17-06-1925 28-08-1970 (R) 28-08-1970
Bulgaria 17-06-1925 07-03-1934 (R) 07-03-1934
Burkina Faso 03-03-1971 (A) 03-03-1971
Cabo Verde 15-10-1991 (A) 15-10-1991
Cambodia 15-03-1983 (A) 15-03-1983
Cameroon 20-07-1989 (A) 20-07-1989
Canada 17-06-1925 06-05-1930 (R) 06-05-1930
Central African Republic 31-07-1970 (A) 31-07-1970
Chile 02-07-1935 (R) 02-07-1935
China 17-06-1925 24-08-1929 (A) 24-08-1929
Colombia 24-11-2015 (A) 24-11-2015
Costa Rica 17-06-2009 (A) 17-06-2009
Côte d'Ivoire 27-07-1970 (A) 27-07-1970
Croatia 18-12-2006 (A) 18-12-2006
Cuba 24-06-1966 (A) 24-06-1966
Cyprus 12-12-1966 (Su) 16-08-1960
Czech Republic 17-06-1925 16-08-1938 (R) 16-08-1938
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 04-01-1989 (A) 04-01-1989
Denmark 17-06-1925 05-05-1930 (R) 05-05-1930
Dominican Republic 08-12-1970 (A) 08-12-1970
Ecuador 16-09-1970 (A) 16-09-1970
Egypt 17-06-1925 06-12-1928 (R) 06-12-1928
El Salvador 17-06-1925 12-01-2010 (R) 12-01-2010
Equatorial Guinea 20-05-1989 (A) 20-05-1989
Estonia 17-06-1925 28-08-1931 (R) 28-08-1931
Eswatini 23-07-1991 (A) 23-07-1991
Ethiopia 17-06-1925 07-10-1935 (A) 07-10-1935
Fiji 21-03-1973 (Su) 10-10-1970
Finland 17-06-1925 26-06-1929 (R) 26-06-1929
France 17-06-1925 10-05-1926 (R) 10-05-1926
Gambia, The 05-11-1966 (Su) 18-02-1965
Germany 17-06-1925 25-04-1929 (R) 25-04-1929
Ghana 03-05-1967 (A) 03-05-1967
Greece 17-06-1925 30-05-1931 (R) 30-05-1931
Grenada 03-01-1989 (Su) 07-02-1974
Guatemala 03-05-1983 (A) 03-05-1983
Guinea 11-12-1980 (Su) 02-09-1980
Guinea-Bissau 20-05-1989 (A) 20-05-1989
Holy See 18-10-1966 (A) 18-10-1966
Hungary 11-10-1952 (A) 11-10-1952
Iceland 02-11-1967 (A) 02-11-1967
India 17-06-1925 09-04-1930 (R) 09-04-1930
Indonesia 21-01-1971 (Su) 27-12-1949
Iran 05-11-1929 (A) 05-11-1929
Iraq 08-09-1931 (A) 08-09-1931
Ireland 29-08-1930 (A) 29-08-1930
Israel 20-02-1969 (A) 20-02-1969
Italy 17-06-1925 03-04-1928 (R) 03-04-1928
Jamaica 28-07-1970 (Su) 06-08-1962
Japan 17-06-1925 21-05-1970 (R) 21-05-1970
Jordan 20-01-1977 (A) 20-01-1977
Kazakhstan 20-04-2020 (A) 20-04-2020
Kenya 06-07-1970 (A) 06-07-1970
Kuwait 15-12-1971 (A) 15-12-1971
Kyrgyzstan 29-06-2020 (A) 29-06-2020
Laos 20-05-1989 (A) 20-05-1989
Latvia 17-06-1925 03-06-1931 (R) 03-06-1931
Lebanon 17-04-1969 (A) 17-04-1969
Lesotho 10-03-1972 (Su) 04-10-1966
Liberia 17-06-1927 (A) 17-06-1927
Libya 29-12-1971 (A) 29-12-1971
Liechtenstein 06-09-1991 (A) 06-09-1991
Lithuania 17-06-1925 15-06-1933 (R) 15-06-1933
Luxembourg 17-06-1925 01-09-1936 (R) 01-09-1936
Madagascar 02-08-1967 (A) 02-08-1967
Malawi 14-09-1970 (A) 14-09-1970
Malaysia 10-12-1970 (A) 10-12-1970
Maldives 27-12-1966 (A) 27-12-1966
Malta 21-09-1964 (Su) 21-09-1964
Mauritius 12-03-1968 (Su) 12-03-1968
Mexico 28-05-1932 (A) 28-05-1932
Moldova 31-01-2011 (A) 31-01-2011
Monaco 06-01-1967 (A) 06-01-1967
Mongolia 06-12-1968 (A) 06-12-1968
Morocco 13-10-1970 (A) 13-10-1970
Nepal 09-05-1969 (A) 09-05-1969
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 17-06-1925 31-10-1930 (R) 31-10-1930
New Zealand 24-05-1930 (A) 24-05-1930
Nicaragua 17-06-1925 05-10-1990 (R) 05-10-1990
Niger 05-04-1967 (Su) 03-08-1960
Nigeria 15-10-1968 (A) 15-10-1968
North Macedonia 20-08-2015 (A) 20-08-2015
Norway 17-06-1925 27-07-1932 (R) 27-07-1932
Pakistan 15-04-1960 (Su) 15-08-1947
Palestine 19-01-2018 (A) 19-01-2018
Panama 04-12-1970 (A) 04-12-1970
Papua New Guinea 11-12-1980 (Su) 16-09-1975
Paraguay 22-10-1933 (A) 22-10-1933
Peru 13-08-1985 (A) 13-08-1985
Philippines 08-06-1973 (A) 08-06-1973
Poland 17-06-1925 04-02-1929 (R) 04-02-1929
Portugal 17-06-1925 01-07-1930 (R) 01-07-1930
Qatar 18-10-1976 (A) 18-10-1976
Republic of Korea, the 04-01-1989 (A) 04-01-1989
Romania 17-06-1925 23-08-1929 (R) 23-08-1929
Russian Federation 05-04-1928 (A) 05-04-1928
Rwanda 11-05-1964 (Su) 01-07-1962
Saint Kitts and Nevis 27-04-1989 (Su) 19-09-1983
Saint Lucia 21-12-1988 (Su) 22-02-1979
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 08-05-1999 (Su) 09-04-1930
Saudi Arabia 27-01-1971 (A) 27-01-1971
Senegal 15-06-1977 (A) 15-06-1977
Sierra Leone 20-03-1967 (A) 20-03-1967
Slovakia 17-06-1925 16-08-1938 (R) 16-08-1938
Slovenia 08-04-2008 (A) 08-04-2008
Solomon Islands 01-06-1981 (Su) 01-06-1981
South Africa 24-05-1930 (A) 24-05-1930
Spain 17-06-1925 22-08-1929 (R) 22-08-1929
Sri Lanka 20-01-1954 (A) 20-01-1954
Sudan 17-12-1980 (A) 17-12-1980
Sweden 17-06-1925 25-04-1930 (R) 25-04-1930
Switzerland 17-06-1925 12-07-1932 (R) 12-07-1932
Syria 17-12-1968 (A) 17-12-1968
Tajikistan 15-11-2019 (A) 15-11-2019
Tanzania 22-04-1963 (A) 22-04-1963
Thailand 17-06-1925 06-06-1931 (R) 06-06-1931
Togo 05-04-1971 (A) 05-04-1971
Tonga 19-07-1971 (Su) 04-06-1970
Trinidad and Tobago 31-08-1962 (Su) 24-11-1970
Tunisia 12-07-1967 (A) 12-07-1967
Türkiye 17-06-1925 05-10-1929 (R) 05-10-1929
Uganda 24-05-1965 (A) 24-05-1965
Ukraine 15-07-2003 (Su) 15-07-2003
United Kingdom 17-06-1925 09-04-1930 (R) 09-04-1930
United States of America 10-04-1975 10-04-1975 (R) 10-04-1975
Uruguay 17-06-1925 12-04-1977 (R) 12-04-1977
Uzbekistan 13-04-2021 (A) 13-04-2021
Venezuela 17-06-1925 08-02-1928 (R) 08-02-1928
Vietnam 15-12-1980 (A) 15-12-1980
Yemen 17-03-1971 (A) 17-03-1971
Yugoslavia (< 25-06-1991) 17-06-1925 12-04-1929 (R) 12-04-1929
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