

Convention on the service abroad of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters


Authorities Albania


1. In accordance with Article 2, the Central Authority is the Department responsible for the international judicial cooperation, at the Ministry of Justice.
2. In accordance with Articles 6 and 18, the competent authorities are the Courts, which have requested judicial and extrajudicial documents for the purpose of this Convention.
3. In accordance with Article 9, the Competent Authority designated to receive documents transmitted by consular channels is the Department responsible for the consular issues, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Authorities Andorra


Central Authority:
Ministry of Social Affairs, Justice and Interior


Competent Authority (modification):
International Relations and Legal Cooperation Service - Ministry of Justice and Interior

Authorities Antigua and Barbuda


Central Authority:
1. The Governor-General, Antigua and Barbuda;
2. The Registrar of the High Court of Antigua and Barbuda, St. John's, Antigua.

Authorities Argentina


2. To Article 21, first paragraph, a):
The Argentine Government designates the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship as the Central Authority.

Authorities Armenia


Central Authority
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia

Authorities Australia


(a) Pursuant to Article 2 of the Convention, the Government of Australia nominates the Attorney General's Department to be designated as the Central Authority, responsible for receiving and executing requests for service from other Contracting States in accordance with the terms of the Convention.
Pursuant to Article 18 of the Convention, Australia designates the following authorities as Additional Authorities, responsible for receiving and executing requests for service of documents under the Convention:
(a) Supreme Court of New South Wales
(b) Supreme Court of Victoria
(c) Department of Justice and Attorney-General, Office of General Counsel, Queensland
(d) Supreme Court of Western Australia
(e) Supreme Court of South Australia
Registrar's Office
(f) Sheriff of the Supreme Court of Tasmania
(g) Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory
(h) Supreme Court of the Northern Territory
Registry Office
Darwin Supreme Court
Article 6 - competent authorities
The authorities designated under Articles 2 and 18 of the Convention, or persons authorised by those authorities, are competent to complete a Certificate of Service for the purposes of Article 6.
Article 8 - competent authority
The Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade will be the competent authority to serve documents for the purposes of Article 8.
Article 9 - competent authorities
The authorities designated under Articles 2 and 18 of the Convention are competent to receive requests for service transmitted by a foreign consul within Australia for the purposes of Article 9.
Article 17 - extrajudicial documents
The Central Authority is competent to receive requests for service of extrajudicial documents within Australia for the purposes of Article 17.


Pursuant to Article 18 of the Convention, Australia designates the following authority as Additional Authority, exclusively responsible for receiving and executing requests for service of documents under the Convention in maritime and admiralty matters:
The Federal Court of Australia
Principal Registry


Modification of the designation of an Additional Authority
In the future, the Additional Authority for the State of Queensland will be:
Supreme Court of Queensland

Authorities Austria


Designation of the Central Authority pursuant to Article 2:
Pursuant to Article 2 of the Convention, the Federal Ministry of Justice is designated as the Central Authority.
Designation of the authority competent to complete the certificate pursuant to Article 6:
Pursuant to Article 6 of the Convention, the district courts are competent to complete the certificate of service.
Designation of the authority competent to receive documents transmitted by consular channels pursuant to Article 9:
Pursuant to Article 9 of the Convention, the Federal Ministry of Justice as the Central Authority is designated to receive documents transmitted through consular channels within the Republic of Austria.

Authorities Azerbaijan


In accordance with Article 21 of the Convention of 15 November 1965 on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters (hereinafter - the Convention), the Republic of Azerbaijan hereby declares the following:
1. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been designated as the Central Authority for the purposes of Article 2 of the Convention, as well as the authority competent to receive documents transmitted by consulate in accordance with Article 9 of the Convention.
2. The following authorities shall make legal assistance request in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention within their competences under the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
- Courts of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- Executive power authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- Prosecution authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- Civil status acts registration authorities;
- Notaries and other officials competent to perform notarial activity;
- Guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
- Advocates.

Authorities Bahamas


In accordance with Article 2 and 18 the Commonwealth of The Bahamas designated the Honourable Attorney General as the Central Authority.

Authorities Barbados


The Government of Barbados has designated the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Barbados as the Central Authority for the purposes of Articles 2 and 18, in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of the Convention.

Authorities Belarus


The Republic of Belarus has designated the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus (220084 Minsk, ul.Kollektornaya, 10; tel. 00 375 172 208 687/ 208 829; fax 209 684) as the Central Authority.

Authorities Belgium


1. In accordance with article 2, paragraph 1 of the Convention, the Ministry of Justice, Administration de la Législation (Legislation Department), Place Poelaert, 4, 1000 Brussels, is designated as the Central Authority;
2. The Ministry of Justice is also designated as the competent authority for receiving documents forwarded through the channels provided for in article 9, paragraph 1 of the Convention.

Authorities Bosnia and Herzegovina


Central Authority
The Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Central Authority (additional information):
Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Square of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 1
71000 Sarajevo
phone: 00387/33/223-501, 00387/33/281-506
fax: 00387/33/223-504

Authorities Botswana


Under Article 2 Central Authority will be the Minister of State for External Affairs. Under Article 18 there is no need to designate other authorities.
Under Article 6 the Registrar of the High Court is do designated.
Under Article 9 the Minister of State is so designated.


1. Pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 2 of the Convention the Minister of State in the Office of the President of the Republic of Botswana has been designated the Central Authority to receive requests for service from other contracting states.
2. The Registrar of the High Court of Botswana is designated as the authority competent to complete the certificate in the form of the Model annexed to the Convention pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 6.
3. In accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Convention the Minister of State in the office of the President is designated as the receiver of process sent through Consular channels.

Authorities Brazil


Central Authority:
Ministry of Justice

Authorities Bulgaria


Declaration on articles 2 and 18:
The Republic of Bulgaria designates the Ministry of Justice and European Legal Integration as Central Authority. The same authority is competent to receive the documents forwarded under article 9, paragraph 1.
Declaration on article 6, paragraphs 1 and 2:
The Republic of Bulgaria designates the district courts as authorities which are competent to complete the certificate.

Authorities Canada


A. Transmission and execution of requests for service
1. Central Authority (Article 2 and Article 18, paragraph 3)
Comment: To save time, requests should be forwarded directly to the Central Authority of the province or territory concerned. They may, however, also be forwarded to the Federal Central Authority which will transmit them to the relevant Central Authority.

Attorney-General for Alberta
Att: Executive Director - Court Services
9833-109th Street
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada TSK 2E8
telephone (403) 427-4992

British Columbia
Ministry of the Attorney-General for British Columbia
Office of the Deputy Minister
Fifth Floor, 910 Government Street
Victoria, British Columbia
Canada VSV IX4
telephone (604) 387-5211

Attorney-General for Manitoba
c/o Director - Civil Legal Services
Woodsworth Building, 6th Floor
405 Broadway
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada, R3C 0V8
telephone (204) 945-2847

New Brunswick
Attorney-General for New Brunswick
P.O.Box 6000
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Canada, E3B 5H1
telephone (506) 453-2208

Department of Justice
Confederation Building
St. John's, Newfoundland
Canada AIC ST7
telephone (709) 576-2869

Nova Scotia
Attorney-General of Nova Scotia
Legal Services Division
P.O.Box 7
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2L6
telephone (902) 424-4024

Ministry of the Attorney General for Ontario
Reciprocity office: Civil Law Division
18 King Street East
Toronto, Ontario
Canada- MSC 1C5
telephone (416) 965-2570

Prince Edward Island
Attorney General of Prince Edward Island
Office of the Deputy Minister
P.O.Box 2000
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Canada ClA 7N8
telephone (902) 368-4570

Ministre de la Justice du Quebec
a/s Le service juridique
1200 route de l'Eglise, 5ème étage
Ste-Foy, Québec
Canada GIV 4M1
telephone (418) 643-1436

Minister of Justice for Saskatchewan
Att. of Director of Sheriff Services
1874 Scarth St., 10th Floor
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4P 3V7
telephone (306) 787-5488

Director of Court Services
Department of Justice,
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
telephone (403) 667-5942

Northwest Territories
Deputy Minister of Justice
Government of the Northwest Territories
Box 1320
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
Canada X1A 2L9
telephone (613) 995-0119

Director, Legal Advisory Division
Department of External Affairs
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A OG2
telephone (613) 995-0119

Payment of Service Costs.
The payment of Service costs should be made to:
Alberta: Provincial Treasurer of Alberta
British Columbia: Minister of Finance of British Columbia
Prince Edward Island: Minister of Finance of Prince Edward Island
Manitoba: Minister of Finance of Manitoba
New Brunswick: Minister of Finance of New Brunswick
Nova Scotia: Minister of Finance of Nova Scotia
Ontario: Treasurer of Ontario
Québec: "Ministre des Finances du Québec"
Saskatchewan: Department of Justice of Saskatchewan - Sheriff Services
Newfoundland: Newfoundland Exchequer Account
Yukon: Territorial Treasurer of the Government of Yukon
Northwest Territories: Government of the Northwest Territories
3. Authority competent to complete the certificate of service (Article 6)
In addition to the Central Authorities, the sheriffs, deputy-sheriffs, sub-sheriffs, clerk of the court or his/her deputy for the judicial district (except in Manitoba where there are no judicial districts) in which the person is to be served or the huissiers (only in Quebec) are competent to complete the certificate of service.

B. Forwarding of requests for service to the Central Authority of another Contracting State
Forwarding Authorities (Article 3)
Requests for service to Central Authorities of other States may be transmitted by:
- The Attorney General for Canada.
- The Attorneys General or the Ministry of Attorney General or Minister of Justice of a province or a territory - as the case may be.
- Clerks of the courts and their deputies for a judicial or a court district.
- The members of the law societies of all provinces and territories.
- The members of the Board of Notaries of the Province of Québec (for non-litigious matters only).
- Local registrars.
- The huissiers and sheriffs.
- The prothonotaries and deputy prothonotaries.
- The "Percepteur des pensions alimentaires" in Québec.
Receiving authority (Article 9, paragraph 1)
The Central Authorities in Canada designated in accordance with Articles 2 and 18 of the Convention are competent to receive requests for service transmitted by a foreign consul within Canada.


Current information on the following can be found in the Service Section of the website of the Hague Conference on Private International Law under the heading “Canada – Central Authorities & practical information”:
- Coordinates of the Canadian Central Authorities
- Payment of service costs to Canadian provinces and territories (Article 12)
- Who may act as a forwarding authority in Canada (Article 3)

Authorities China


To designate according to Article 2 and Article 9 of the Convention the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China as the Central Authority and the authority competent to receive documents transmitted by foreign states through consular channels.
Bureau of International Judicial Assistance,
Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China


Hong Kong
2. In accordance with Article 18 of the Convention, it designates the Administrative Secretary of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the Other Authority in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
3. It designates the Registrar of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the authority for the purpose of Article 6 and 9 of the Convention.


1. In accordance with Article 6 and 9 of the Convention, it designates the Procurate, the Primary Courts, the Intermediate Courts and the Court of Final Appeal of the Macau Special Administrative Region as the Central Authorities in the Macau Special Administrative Region.


Macao (addition)
In accordance with Article 18 of the Convention, it designates the Procuratorate of the Macao Special Administrative Region as the Other Authority in the Macao Special Administrative Region, which will undertake to receive and transmit Requests for Services coming from other Contracting States.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, it designates the Court Clerks and Assistant Court Clerks from the Court of Final Appeal of the Macao Special Administrative Region as the authority competent to complete a certificate referred to in this Article.
In accordance with Article 9 of the Convention, it designates the Court Clerks and Assistant Court Clerks from the Court of Final Appeal of the Macao Special Administrative Region as the authority competent to receive Requests for Service forwarded by other Contracting States through consular channels.


Central Authority (modification)
International Legal Cooperation Center
Ministry of Justice


Designated authority of Hong Kong SAR (modification):
The contact information of the designated authority of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Chief Secretary for Administration
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government

Authorities Colombia


The Republic of Colombia designated the Department of Migratory, Consular and Civil Affairs (Dirección de Asuntos Migratorios, Consulares y Servicio al Ciudadano) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Colombia as a Central Authority.

Authorities Costa Rica


Central Authority:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship
Legal Directorate

Authorities Croatia


Declaration in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention:
The Republic of Croatia declares that the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia is the Central Authority for receiving requests for the service of judicial documents coming from other Contracting States.
Declaration in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention:
The Republic of Croatia declares that municipal courts according to residence, abode, and headquarters of the addressee of documents are competent for the completion of the certificate of reception of documents.
Declaration in accordance with Article 9 of the Convention:
The Republic of Croatia declares that the documents served in accordance with Article 9 of the Convention are forwarded to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia for the purpose of service to parties.

Authorities Cyprus


(a) Article 2:
Designation of Central Authority which will undertake to receive requests for service: Ministry of Justice.
(b) Article 6:
Designation of the authority competent to complete the certificate of Service: Ministry of Justice.
(c) Article 9:
Designation of the authority competent to receive documents transmitted by Consular Channels: Ministry of Justice.
(g) Article 18:
Designation of other authorities in addition to the Central Authorities.
The Courts of the Republic. Competence: Service of documents through their Registries.


... that the new title of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Cyprus, which has been designated as the National Organ of the Republic is as follows:
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Justice and Public Order
CY - 1461 Nicosia
Fax: (+357 2) 476383
Tel.: (+357 2) 303558.

Authorities Czech Republic


Central Authority:
Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic
128 10 Praha 2,
Vysehradská 16

Authorities Czechoslovakia (<01-01-1993)


Upon the deposit of the instrument of accession the Czechoslovak Government has designated the following authorities as the authorities referred to in Article 2, 6 and 9 of the Convention:
- competent for the Czech Socialist Republic:
Ministerstvo spravedlnosti Ceské socialistické republiky/
Ministry of Justice of the Czech Socialist Republic
128 10 Praha 2, Vysehradská 16.
- competent for the Slowakian Socialist Republic:
Ministerstvo spravodlivosti Slovenskej socialistickej republiky/
Ministry of Justice of the Slowakian Socialist Republic
883 11 Bratislava,
Suvorovova 12

Authorities Denmark


re Articles 2 and 18
The Ministry of Justice is designated as the Central Authority.
re Article 6
The Danish court which has requested service is designated competent to complete the certificate in accordance with article 6.
re Article 9
The local court of first instance - but in the case of the court of first instance in Copenhagen and in the city and canton of Arhus, the presiding judge - is designated as competent to receive documents forwarded through consular channels in accordance with article 9.

Authorities Dominican Republic


Central Authority:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MIREX)

Authorities Egypt


In conformity with Article 21 of the Convention the Government of the United Arab Republic has designated the Ministry of Justice as the Central authority as provided for in the articles 2 and 18.

Authorities El Salvador


Central Authority:
Supreme Court of Justice

Authorities Estonia


In accordance with Article 2 the Republic of Estonia has designated as Central Authority:
"Estonian Ministry of Justice".

Authorities Finland


1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been designated Central Authority, pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 2 of the Convention.
2. The Central Authority (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs) is acting as the authority presupposed in art. 9 of the Convention.


Central Authority (modification):
As of 01-06-1982 the Central Authority will be the Ministry of Justice.

Authorities France


1) In accordance with the provisions of articles 2 and 18 of the Convention, the Ministry of Justice, Service Civil de l'Entraide Judiciaire Internationale, (Civil International Legal Cooperation Department), 13 Place Vendôme, Paris 1, is designated as the sole Central Authority.
2) The authority competent to complete the certificate referred to in article 6 is the Procureur de la République (Public Prosecutor of the Republic) in whose jurisdiction the person on whom service is being effected resides.
3) The Public Prosecutor of the Republic is also authorised to receive documents forwarded through consular channels in accordance with article 9.


Central Authority (modification):
Ministry of Justice
Direction des Affaires Civiles et du Sceau
Bureau de l'entraide civile et commerciale internationale (D3)
13, Place Vendôme
75042 Paris Cedex 01
telephone: + 33 (1) 44 77 64 52 - fax : + 33 (1) 44 77 61 22

persons to contact:

Mrs Christine DA LUZ
Magistrate - Deputy Head of Office
languages of communication: French, English, Spanish, Portuguese
tel.: +33 (1) 44 77 65 15

Mrs Jocelyne PALENNE
languages of communication: French, English
tel.: +33 (1) 44 77 65 78

Mrs Christine DEMEYERE
Officer handling document transfers
languages of communication: French, English, German
tel.: +33 (1) 44 77 67 35

Mrs Jocelyne MAUGEE
language of communication: French
tel.: +33 (1) 44 77 62 43

Mrs Julie ROUECK
language of communication: French
tel.: +33 (1) 44 77 62 59


The Government of the French Republic declares that it designates as the competent authorities to complete the certificate pursuant to Article 6, in addition to the public prosecutor in whose jurisdiction the addressee of the document to be served resides, the court bailiff with territorial jurisdiction to whom the document was transmitted for service.

Authorities Georgia


3. The Ministry of Justice shall be designated as the Central Authority, pursuant to the first Paragraph of Article 2 of the Convention.
9. For the purposes of:
a) Article 2 of the Convention the Ministry of Justice of Georgia shall be designated as the Central Authority;
b) Article 6 of the Convention the Courts of First Instance of Georgia are the authorities competent to complete the certificate;
c) Article 9 of the Convention the Ministry of Justice of Georgia shall be designated as the authority competent to receive documents forwarded by consular channels.

Authorities Germany


1. Requests for service shall be addressed to the Central Authority of the Land where the request is to be complied with. The Central Authority pursuant to Article 2 and paragraph 3 of Article 18 of the Convention shall be for:

Baden Württemberg
das Justizministerium Baden-Württemberg
D 7000 Stuttgart

das Bayrische Staatsministerium der Justiz
D 8000 München

der Senator für Justiz
D 1000 Berlin

der Präsident des Landgerichts Bremen
D 2800 Bremen

der Präsident des Amtgerichts Hamburg
D 2000 Hamburg

der Hessische Minister der Justiz
D 6200 Wiesbaden

Lower Saxony
der Niedersächsische Minister der Justiz
D 3000 Hannover

North Rhine-Westphalia
der Justizminister des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
D 4000 Düsseldorf

das Ministerium der Justiz
D 6500 Mainz

der Minister für Rechtspflege
D 6600 Saarbrücken

der Justizminister des Landes Schleswig-Holstein
D 2300 Kiel

2. The Central Authority shall complete the certificate (paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 6 of the Convention) if it has itself arranged for the request for service to be complied with directly by postal channels; in all other cases this shall be done by the registry of the local court.
3. The Central Authority of the Land where the documents are to be served and the authorities competent under Section 1 of the Act of 18th December 1958 implementing the Convention on Civil Procedure, signed at The Hague on lst March 1954, to receive requests from consuls of foreign States, shall be competent to receive requests for service transmitted by a foreign consul within the Federal Republic of Germany (paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Convention).
Under that Act the president of the regional court (Landgericht) in whose district the documents are to be served shall be competent; in his place the president of the local court shall be competent if the request for service is to be complied with in the district of the local court which is subject to his administrative supervision.


... that with effect from 1 April 1991 the designated authority for the Land Northrhine-Westphalia will no longer be "der Justizminister des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen" but "der Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Düsseldorf".


Designation of the following central authorities for the new 'Bundesländer' pursuant to Articles 2 and 18:

das Ministerium der Justiz des Landes Brandenburg
D - O - 1561 Potsdam

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
der Minister für Justiz
Bundes- und Europaangelegenheiten
D - O - 2754 Schwerin

Das Sächsische Staatsministerium der Justiz
D - O - 8060 Dresden

das Ministerium der Justiz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
D - O - 3037 Magdeburg

das Justizministerium Thüringen
D - O - 5082 Erfurt


Revised list of Central Authorities: (last update: 03-08-2001)

Postal Address:
Präsident des Amtgerichts Freiburg
D-79095 Freiburg
Visitors Address:
Präsident des Amtsgerichts Freiburg
Holzmarkt 2
D-79098 Freiburg
tel.: +49/761/205-0
fax: +49/761/205-1800

Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts München
Prielmayerstraße 5
80097 Munich
tel. : +49 (89) 5597-02
fax : +49 (89) 5597-3575

Senatsverwaltung für Justiz von Berlin
Salzburger Straße 21-25
10825 Berlin
tel. : +49 (30) 9013-0
fax : +49 (30) 9013-2000

Ministerium der Justiz und für Europaangelegenheiten des Landes Brandenburg
Heinrich-Mann-Allee 107
14460 Potsdam
tel. : +49 (331) 866-0
fax : +49 (331) 866-3080 / 3081

Der Präsident des Landsgerichts
Domsheide 16
28195 Bremen
tel. : +49 (421) 361-4204
fax : +49 (421) 361-6713

Präsident des Amtsgerichts Hamburg
Sievekingplatz 1
20355 Hamburg
tel.: +49 (40) 42843-0
fax: +49 (40) 42843-4318 / 4319

Hessisches Ministerium der Justiz und für Europaangelegenheiten
Luisenstraße 13
65185 Wiesbaden
tel.: +49 (611) 32-0
fax: +49 (611) 32-2763

Niedersächsisches Justiz-ministerium
Am Waterlooplatz 1
30169 Hannover
tel.: +49 (511) 120-0
fax: +49 (511) 120-5170 / 5181

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Justizministerium des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Demmlerplatz 14
19053 Schwering
tel.: +49 (385)) 588-0
fax: +49 (385) 588-3453

North Rhine-Westphalia
Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Düsseldorf
Cecilienallee 3
40474 Düsseldorf
tel.: +49 (211) 4971-0
fax: +49 (211) 4971-548

Ministerium der Justiz des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz
Ernst-Ludwig-Straße 3
55116 Mainz
tel.: +49 (6131) 16-0
fax: +49 (6131) 16-4887

Ministerium der Justizdes Saarlandes
Zähringerstraße 12
66119 Saarbrücken
tel.: +49 (681) 501-00
fax +49 (681) 501-5855

Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Dresden
Schlossplatz 1
01067 Dresden
tel.: +49 (351) 446-0
fax: +49 (351) 446-1529

Ministerium der Justiz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
Hegelstraße 40-42
39104 Magdeburg
tel.: +49 (391) 567-01
fax: +49 (391) 567-4226

Ministerium für Justiz, Frauen, Jugend und Familie des Landes Schleswig-Holstein
Lorentzdamm 35
24103 Kiel
tel.: +49 (431) 988-0
fax: +49 (431) 988-3870

Thüringer Justizministerium
Werner-Seelenbinder-Straße 5
99096 Erfurt
tel.: +49 (361) 3795000
fax: +49 (361) 3795888


The Central Authority under article 2, paragraph 1, of the Convention for the Land of Hessen has changed and is now:
Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main
Zeil 42
Postfach 10 01 01
60313 Frankfurt am Main
tel.: +49 69 1367 01
fax: +49 69 1367 2976
It replaces the former Central Authority: Hessisches Ministerium der Justiz, Luisenstrasse 13, 65185 Wiesbaden.


The address of the Central Authority pursuant to Article 2 and paragraph 3 of Article 18 of the Convention for the Land of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has changed and is now:
Justizministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Puschkinstrasse 19 - 21
19055 Schwerin
Postal address:
Justizministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
19048 Schwerin


The contact details of the central authority for Berlin has changed as follows:
Senatsverwaltung für Justiz, Verbraucherschutz und Antidiskriminierung
Salzburger Strasse 21-25
10825 Berlin
tel.: +49 (30) 9013-0
fax: +49 (30) 9013-2000
Herr Dr. Peter Schwarzburg


Updated list of Central Authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany
Requests shall, in principle, be addressed to the Central Authority of the Land where the request is to be complied with. Requests may also be transmitted to the Federal Office of Justice in its capacity as Federal Central Authority; the Federal Office of Justice will forward the request to the competent Central Authority. To save time, however, it is advised to transmit requests directly to the Central Authority of the relevant Land. The Central Authorities pursuant to Article 2 and paragraph 3 of Article 18 of the Convention shall be the following.
Federal Central Authority:
Federal Office of Justice
Baden-Wuerttemberg (Baden-Württemberg):
Präsidentin des Amtsgerichts Freiburg
Bavaria (Bayern):
Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts München
Senatsverwaltung für Justiz, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung Berlin
Ministerium der Justiz des Landes Brandenburg
Präsidentin des Landgerichts Bremen
Präsident des Amtsgerichts Hamburg
Hesse (Hessen):
Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Frankfurt am Main
Mecklenburg Western Pomerania (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern):
Ministerium für Justiz, Gleichstellung und Verbraucherschutz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen):
Niedersächsisches Justizministerium
Northrhine-Westphalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen):
Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Düsseldorf
Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz):
Ministerium der Justiz Rheinland-Pfalz
Ministerium der Justiz Saarland
Saxony (Sachsen):
Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Dresden
Saxony-Anhalt (Sachsen-Anhalt):
Ministerium für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
Ministerium für Justiz, Europa und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Schleswig-Holstein
Thuringia (Thüringen):
Thüringer Ministerium für Migration, Justiz und Verbraucherschutz

Authorities Greece


The Greek Government has designated the Department of Administrative and Judicial Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic as the Central Authority pursuant to Article 2 of the Convention.


Central Authority pursuant to article 2:
Ministry of Justice
Directorate of Conferment of Pardon
and International Judicial Cooperation
Department of International
Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters.
Address: 96 Messogion Street, Athens 11527, Greece
Tel: 00-30-210-7767322
Fax: 00-30-210-7767499

Authorities Hungary


To Article 2
In the Republic of Hungary the Ministry of Justice is designated as the Central Authority in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention.
To Article 6
The certificate of service prescribed in Article 6 of the Convention is completed in the Republic of Hungary by the court that has performed such service.
To Article 9
In accordance with Article 9 of the Convention in the Republic of Hungary the Ministry of Justice receives the documents to be served sent through consular channels.


Central Authority (Art.2) (Modification):
Ministry of Public Administration and Justice
Department of Justice Cooperation and Private International Law
P.O. Box 2
1357 Budapest
Kossuth tér 2-4.
1055 Budapest
Telephone: +36 (1) 795-4846
Telefax: +36 (1) 795-0463
General website:
Language spoken by staff: Hungarian, English, German, French

Competent Authority - Article 9 (Modification):
Ministery of Public Administration and Justice

Authorities Iceland


In accordance with Article 2, paragraph 1, of the Convention of 15 November 1965 on the service abroad of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters, Iceland hereby designates the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs as the Central Authority which will undertake to receive requests for service coming from other Contracting States and to proceed in conformity with the provisions of Articles 3 to 6.


Central Authority (modification)
The Central Authority in Iceland has been moved from The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights since 1 January 2011 to the Ministry of the Interior.


Central Authority (modification)
District Commissioner of Sudurnes (Sýslumađurinn á Suđurnesjum)

Authorities India


... that the Ministry of Law and Justice, New Delhi will be the Central Authority under Article 2 and 6 of the Convention.

Authorities Ireland


Article 3
The authority or judicial officer competent under the laws of Ireland for the purpose of Article 3 of the Convention are the Central Authority, a practising Solicitor, a County Registrar or a District Court Clerk.


The Master of the High Court, the Four Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin 7, is designated as the Central Authority for Ireland in accordance with Article 2 and shall be the appropriate authority for completion of certificates in the form of the model annexed to the Convention.


... that the Master of the High Court (including any Deputy Master for the time being appointed) is hereby designated as the Central Authority for Ireland in accordance with Article 2 and shall be the appropriate authority for completion of certificates in the form of the model annexed to the Convention.

Authorities Israel


a) The Central Authority in Israel within the meaning of Articles 2, 6 and 18 of the Convention is: The Director of Courts, Directorate of Courts, Russian Compound, Jerusalem;

Authorities Italy


a) Under the provisions of articles 2 and 18, "l'Ufficio unico degli ufficiali giudiziari presso la corte d'appello di Roma" (the registry at Rome Court of Appeal) is designated as the Central Authority for the purposes of article 5;
b) "gli uffici unici degli ufficiali giudiziari constituiti presso le corti di appello e i tribunali e gli ufficiali giudiziari addetti alle preture" (the registries at the courts of appeal and the courts of first instance as well as the court officers at the courts of first instance) are authorised to issue the certificate referred to in article 6;
c) "gli uffici unici degli ufficiali giudiziari presso le corti di appello e i tribuni e gli ufficiali giudiziari addetti alle preture" (the registries at the courts of appeal and the courts of first instance as well as the court officers at the courts of first instance) are authorised to receive documents which, for the purposes of service, are forwarded through consular or diplomatic channels as set out in article 9;

Authorities Japan


(1) The Minister for Foreign Affairs is designated as the Central Authority which receives requests for service from other contracting States, pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 2.
(2) The District Court which has rendered judicial aid with respect to the service is designated as the authority competent to complete the certificate in the form of the model annexed to the Convention, pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 6.
(3) The Minister for Foreign Affairs is designated as the authority competent to receive documents transmitted through consular channels, pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 9.

Authorities Kazakhstan


Central Authority:
Department for Provision of Courts’ Activity under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan
(Administrative Office of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan)


The central authority for the Republic of Kazakhstan responsible for the implementation of the Convention […] is the Judicial Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Authorities Kuwait


Central Authority:
the Department of International Relations at the Ministry of Justice of the State of Kuwait


1. The Central Authority, which shall receive requests for service of documents, sent by the other contracting state, pursuant to Article 2 of the Convention, is the Ministry of Justice (International Relations Department). The State has the right to designate many central authorities, pursuant to Article 18 of the Convention.
2. The Ministry of Justice is the competent authority to complete a certificate, mentioned in Article 6 of the Convention.
3. The competent authority to receive documents mentioned in Article 9 of the Convention is the Ministry of Justice (International Relations Department).

Authorities Latvia


Central Authority:
Ministry of Justice
Brivibas blvd. 36,
Riga, LV-1536
Phone: +371 7036801, +371 7036716
Fax: +371 7210823, +371 7285575


Central Authority (modification):
Ministry of Justice
Brivibas Blvd. 36
Riga, LV-1536, Latvia
Tel: +371 67036801
Fax: +371 67285575


In accordance with Article 3 of the Convention the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia is the competent authority to forward a request for service of documents to the foreign Central Authority.
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Convention the Authority of the Republic of Latvia designated to complete a certificate in the form of the model, annexed to the Convention, is the respective district (city) court competent for service of documents under the Civil Procedure Law of the Republic of Latvia.


Central Authority (modification):
Council of Sworn Bailiffs of the Republic of Latvia

Authorities Lithuania


And whereas it is provided in Article 2 of the said Convention, the Republic of Lithuania designates the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania as a Central Authority to receive requests for service coming from other Contracting States;

Authorities Luxembourg


1. Le Parquet Général près la Cour Supérieure de Justice (the Office of the Public Prosecutor at the Supreme Court of Justice) is designated as the Central Authority within the meaning of article 2 of the Convention. It is also competent to receive documents forwarded through the channels provided for in article 9, paragraph 1 of the Convention.

Authorities Malawi


In conformity with Article 21 of the Convention the Government of Malawi has designated the Registrar of the High Court of Malawi (P.O.Box 30244, Chichiri, Blantyre 3, Malawi) as the central authority as provided for in the Articles 2 and 18.

Authorities Malta


In accordance with the requirement of Article 2 of the said Convention and for the purposes of this Convention, the designated Central Authority for Malta is the Attorney General, The Palace, Valletta.

Authorities Marshall Islands


The designation of authorities pursuant to Article 2 and Article 18 is the Republic of the Marshall Islands Attorney-General, […];
the designation of the authority competent to complete the certificate pursuant to Article 6 should be the Republic of the Marshall Islands Attorney-General, […];
the designation of the authority competent to receive documents transmitted by consular channels pursuant to Article 9 should be the Republic of the Marshall Islands Secretary of Foreign Affairs, […].

Authorities Mexico


I. In relation to Article 2, the Government of Mexico designates the General Direction of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (la Dirección General de Asuntos Jurídicos de la Secretería de Relaciones Exteriores) as the Central Authority to receive requests for service of judicial and extrajudicial documents coming from other contracting States and which will in turn forward them to the competent Judicial Authority for its compliance.
III. In relation to Article 6, the Judicial Authority responsible of the matter will also be responsible for issuing the certificate concerning the service of the document, according to the model. The Central Authority will only validate the certificate.


The General Direction of Legal Affairs of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been designated as Central Authority.


Central Authority pursuant to Article 21 (modification):
Dirección General de Asuntos Jurídicos,
Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores,
Plaza Juárez No. 20, Piso 5,
Colonia Centro, Delegación Cuauhtémoc
C.P. 06010, México, D.F.


I. In relation to Article 2, the Government of Mexico appoints the Directorate-General for Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the Central Authority to receive requests for service of process of judicial and extrajudicial documents from other Contracting States who will forward them to the competent judicial authority for service.
III. In relation to Article 6, the competent judicial authority handling the request for service will also be responsible for issuing the certificate concerning the service of the document in accordance with the model form. The Central Authority will only validate the certificate.

Authorities Moldova


[...] the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova is the appointed national authority in conformity with the provisions of Article 21 of the Convention [...].

Authorities Monaco


... in accordance with article 21 of the Convention, the Principality of Monaco has designated:
la Direction des Services judiciaires,
Palais de Justice,
5, rue Colonel Bellando de Castro
MC - 98000 MONACO
Tel: 00 377 98 98 88 11
Fax: 00 377 98 98 85 89
* the Central Authority referred to in article 2;
* the competent authority for the purposes of article 6;
* the competent authority for the purposes of article 9.

Authorities Montenegro


a) Completion of the certificate in accordance with Article 6 of the Convention shall be completed by the Court which is competent for completion of the certificate;
f) the Ministry of Justice is designated as a Central Authority which will undertake to receive requests for service coming from other Contracting States pursuant to Article 2 and Article 9 of the Convention.

Authorities Morocco


... pursuant to Article 2, the duties of National Central Authority will be assumed by the Moroccan Ministry of Justice.

Authorities Netherlands, the Kingdom of the


1. The public prosecutor at The Hague district court is designated as the Central Authority, within the meaning of article 2 of the Convention, for the Netherlands. The public prosecutor's office is at Juliana van Stolberglaan 2-4, The Hague.
2. In accordance with article 18, paragraph 1 of the Convention, the public prosecutor at a district court other than The Hague district court is also authorised to receive and grant applications for service in its jurisdiction under articles 3 to 6 of the Convention.
3. The public prosecutor at the district court in whose jurisdiction service has been requested is authorised to complete the certificate referred to in article 6 of the Convention.
4. The public prosecutor at the district court in whose jurisdiction service has been requested is designated for the Netherlands as the authority within the meaning of article 9, paragraph 1 of the Convention competent to receive documents forwarded through consular channels for the purpose of service.


Central Authority for Aruba:
Procurator General
L.G. Smith Boulevard nr. 42-44
Oranjestad, Aruba
Telephone : (297) 834387 / 829132
Fax : (297) 838891.


Central Authority for Aruba (modification):
Havenstraat 2,
Oranjestad, Aruba
Tel: (297) 582-1415
Fax: (297) 583-8891


Central Authority for Aruba (modification):
Havenstraat 2,
Oranjestad, Aruba
Tel: (297) 512-4100
Fax: (297) 521-4190

Authorities Nicaragua


Central authority
Supreme Court of Justice

Authorities North Macedonia


The Republic of Macedonia declares that the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia is designated as the Central Authority referred to in Article 2 of the Convention to receive the requests for service of juridicial documents coming from other Contracting Parties and to proceed them.

Authorities Norway


1. In accordance with Article 2, the Ministry of Justice, Oslo/Dep, is designated as the Central Authority.
2. In accordance with Article 6, the County or Town Court in whose district the document has been served is designated for the purpose of completing the certificate in the form annexed to the Convention.
3. In accordance with Article 9, first paragraph, the County or Town Court in whose district the person to be served is a resident or is staying, is designated as receiver of documents forwarded through consular channels.


In accordance with Article 2 of the Convention, the Norwegian Civil Affairs Authority is designated as Central Authority. […] In accordance with Article 6 of the Convention, the Court in whose district the document has been served is designated for the purpose of completing the certificate in the form annexed to the Convention.

Authorities Pakistan


Central authority for receiving requests for service coming from other Contracting States: the Solicitor, Ministry of Law and Justice to the Government of Pakistan in Islamabad; other authorities: Registrars of Lahore High Court Lahore, Peshawar High Court Peshawar, Baluchistan High Court Quetta, and the High Court of Sind, Karachi, within their respective territorial jurisdictions.
The certificate prescribed by Article 6 of the Convention if not completed by a judicial authority shall be completed or countersigned by the Registrars of the High Courts.

Authorities Paraguay


Central Authority:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate of Legal Affairs, Department of Letters Rogatory and International Legal Cooperation (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Dirección de Asuntos Legales, Departamento de Exhortos y Cooperación Jurídica Internacional)

Authorities Philippines


Pursuant to Article 2 of the Service Convention […] the authority competent to perform the functions referred to in the Convention:
Competent Authority:
Office of the Court Administrator
Supreme Court of the Philippines


4. In accordance with Article 17 and 18, for service of extrajudicial documents, the additional authority is the Integrated Bar of the Philippines.


1. The Supreme Court of the Philippines - Office of the Court Administrator and judges having jurisdiction over the area where the document is to be served are competent to complete the certificate referred to in Article 6 of the Convention.
2. For purposes of Article 9.1 of the Convention, the receiving authority shall be the Supreme Court of the Philippines - Office of the Court Administrator.

Authorities Poland


In compliance with Article 21, the following actions are undertaken:
Article 2, Paragraph 1 - the Central Authority designated to receive requests for service coming from another contracting State shall be the Ministry of Justice.
Article 18 - other authorities (in addition to the Central Authority) designated to receive requests for service are Presidents of the voivodship courts.
Article 6 - the authority designated to complete a certificate of service in the Republic of Poland shall be the court that has performed such service.
Article 9, Paragraph 1 - the authorities designated for that purpose shall be the voivodship courts.

Authorities Portugal


The Legal Affairs Department of the Ministry of Justice has been designated as Central Authority, in accordance with Article 2, paragraph 1, of the 1965 Convention on the service abroad of judicial and extra-judicial documents in civil or commercial matters.
The Justice Department officials: court clerks (escrivaes) and proces-servers (officiais de diligências) have been designated as the persons competent to prepare the certificate referred to in Article 6 of the Convention.


1. In accordance with article 18 of the Convention, the Ministério Público de Macau is designated as the competent authority in Macau to receive requests for service coming from other contracting States and to proceed in conformity with the provisions of articles 3 to 6.
The address of the Ministério Público is as follows:
Ministério Público de Macau
Praceta 25 de Abril
Phone: 326736
Fax: 326747
2. Court clerks (escrivães de direito) and deputy court clerks (escrivães adjuntos) from the Supreme Court of Justice (Tribunal Superior de Justiça) of Macau are entitled to complete in Macau the certificate provided for [in] articles 6 and 9 of the Convention.
4. The Ministério Público de Macau is also designated as the competent authority in Macau to receive documents forwarded through consular channels, in accordance with article 9 of the Convention.


Central Authority (modification):
Direcção-Geral da Administração da Justiça - Ministério da Justiça
(Directorate-General of Justice Administration - Ministry of Justice)


Central Authority (modification):
Direcção-Geral da Administração da Justiça - Ministério da Justiça
(Directorate-General for the Administration of Justice - Ministry of Justice)

Authorities Republic of Korea, the


Designation pursuant to Articles 2 and 6:
1. Central Authority (Article 2):
Ministry of Court Administration
Att. Director of International Affairs
967, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-750, Republic of Korea
Telephone: 2 -3480 -1378
2. Authority competent to complete the certificate of service (Article 6):
In addition to the Central Authority, the clerk of the court for the judicial district in which the person is to be served.

Authorities Romania


1. In accordance with Article 2 of the Convention, the Ministry of Justice is the Central Authority in Romania designated to receive and to transmit the requests for service abroad of the judicial or extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters.
2. In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Convention, the law court is the competent Authority designated to complete the certificate in the form of the model annexed to the Convention.

Authorities Russian Federation


Central Authority:
I. The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation is designated as the Central Authority for the purposes to Article 2 of the Convention, as well as the authority competent to receive documents transmitted by consular channels, pursuant Article 9 of the Convention.
The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
ul.Vorontsovo Pole, 4a
109830, GSP, Gh-28
Russian Federation
(7095) 200-15-79
(7095) 209-61-79
II. The following authorities are competent to forward requests in accordance with Article 3 of the Convention:
- Federal courts (the Constitution Court of the Russian Federation; the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation; the supreme courts of Republics, the courts of Krai (Territory) and Oblast (Region), the courts of cities of federal importance (Moscow and St.Petersburg), the courts of Autonomous Oblast and Autonomous Okrug, regional courts, military and specialized courts, which form the system of federal courts of common jurisdiction; The Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, federal arbitration courts of Okrug (arbitration cassation courts), arbitration appellate courts, arbitration courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which form the system of federal arbitration courts), constitutional (charter) courts and Justices of the Peace of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
- Federal bodies of executive power and bodies of executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
- The Procurator's Office of the Russian Federation;
- Civilian registry offices;
- Notaries and other officials authorised to perform notary functions;
- Guardianship and trusteeship bodies;
- Members of advocacy.
IV. It is highly desirable that documents intended for service upon the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation are transmitted through diplomatic channels, i.e. by Notes Verbales of diplomatic missions of foreign States accredited in the Russian Federation.
VII. Certificates of service provided for by the Article 6 of the Convention are completed and countersigned by the courts of the Russian Federation which directly execute requests for service of documents.


Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
ul.Zhitnaya, 14
Moscow, 117970
Russian Federation
+7 (495) 200-15-79,
+7 (495) 209-61-38,
+7 (495) 209-74-75,
+7 (495) 955-59-99,
Fax: +7 (495) 209-61-79.

Authorities Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


The Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has designated the Registrar, High Court in Kingstown as the Central Authority for the purposes of Articles 2 and 18, in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of the Convention.


a) In accordance with article 18 of the Convention the Registrar of the High Court of Justice in Kingstown (hereinafter called the designated authority) is designated as the authority competent to receive requests for service in accordance with article 2 of the Convention.
b) The authority competent under article 6 of the Convention to complete the Certificate of Service is the designated authority.
c) In accordance with the provisions of article 9 of the Convention the designated authority shall receive process sent through consular channels.

Authorities San Marino


1. In conformity with Article 21, first paragraph, letter a), the Republic of San Marino designates the Secretariat of State for Foreign Affairs (Palazzo Begni - Contrada Omerelli, 31 - 47890 San Marino - Repubblica di San Marino) as the competent Central Authority pursuant to Articles 2 and 18, without prejudice to the provisions contained in bilateral agreements authorising direct relations with the San Marino judicial authority.
2. In conformity with Article 21, first paragraph, letter b), the Republic of San Marino designates the Civil and Criminal Court as the competent authority pursuant to Article 6.
3. In conformity with Article 21, first paragraph, letter c), the Republic of San Marino designates the Secretariat of State for Foreign Affairs as the competent authority pursuant to Article 9.


- Declaration to Article 21, first paragraph, letter a):
In conformity with Article 21, first paragraph, letter a), the Republic of San Marino declares that the competent Central Authority under Articles 2 and 18 is the Single Court of the Republic of San Marino (Via XVIII Luglio n. 194-47893 Borgo Maggiore, Repubblica di San Marino).
- Declaration to Article 21, first paragraph, letter b):
In conformity with Article 21, first paragraph, letter b), the Republic of San Marino declares that the competent Authority under Article 6 is the Single Court of the Republic of San Marino.


Central Authority (Articles 2 and 18) (modification):
Tribunale Unico of the Republic of San Marino
Via 28 Luglio n. 194
47893 Borgo Maggiore
Republic of San Marino
Telephone: +378 0549885435
Fax: +378 0549882598
Contact person:
Avv. Davide Gasperoni
Avv. Silvia Ricci
Languages: Italian, English and French

Authorities Serbia


In the Republic of Serbia, the Belgrade First Instance Court is determined as Central Organ in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention and as State Organ which will receive Requests in accordance with Article 9 of the Convention.


Central Authority (modification):
Ministry of Justice and State Administration of the Republic of Serbia;
Department for the International Legal Assistance in Civil Procedure

Authorities Seychelles


(i) Article 2
The Central Authority designated is:
The Registrar, Supreme Court, Victoria, Mahé.
Republic of Seychelles.

Authorities Singapore


Central Authority (Art. 2):
Ministry of Law, International Legal Division

Competent Authority (Art. 6):
Registrar of the Supreme Court

Authorities Slovakia


Central Authority:
Ministry of Justice of the Slowakian Republic
Zupné námestie 13,
813 11 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
fax: (00427) 5316035

Authorities Slovenia


Central Authority:
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia
Zupanciceva 3
SI-1000 Ljubljana
tel. +386 1 478 5244
fax. +386 1 426 1050.


Pursuant to Article 6 of the Convention, the district courts are competent to complete the certificate of service.
Pursuant to Article 9 of the Convention, the Ministry of Justice as the Central Authority is designated to receive documents transmitted by consular channels.

Authorities Spain


3) The Spanish State designates as the Central Authority to issue the certificates in the form of the model annexed to the Convention:
Secretaría General Técnica,
Subdirección de Cooperación Jurídica Internacional,
Ministerio de Justicia.
San Bernardo, 45.
28015 Madrid


Central Authority (modified)
Secretaría General Técnica del Ministerio de Justicia
Calle San Bernardo No 62.
28071 Madrid

Authorities Sri Lanka


a) In terms of Article 2, the Secretary/Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs is designated the Central Authority.
b) The authority competent to act upon a Letter of Request pursuant to Article 6 would be the Secretary, Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs/Registrar of the Court of Appeal.
e) Secretary/Ministry of Foreign Affairs would be the competent authority to receive documents transmitted by consular channels, pursuant to Article 9.

Authorities Sweden


a) Central Authority:
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Utrikesdepartementet, Juridiska byran,
Box 16121
S-103 23 Stockholm 16
b) The Central Authority (the Ministry for Foreign Affairs) has been designated to receive documents transmitted through consular channels, pursuant to art. 9.


Central Auhority (modification):
the Ministry of Justice
Division for Criminal Cases and International Judicial Co-operation
Central Authority
S-103 33 Stockholm
Telephone:+46 8 405 45 00 (Secretariat)
Fax:+46 8 405 46 76


Central Authority (modification):
Country Administrative Board of Stockholm

Authorities Switzerland


Re articles 2 and 18
2. In accordance with article 21, first paragraph (a), Switzerland designates the cantonal authorities listed in the annex as Central Authorities as referred to in articles 2 and 18 of the Convention. Requests for the service of documents may also be addressed to the Federal Justice and Police Department in Bern, which will forward them to the appropriate Central Authority.
Re article 6
4. In accordance with article 21, first paragraph (b), Switzerland designates the competent cantonal court or the cantonal Central Authority as the body responsible for completing the certificate referred to in article 6.
Re article 9
6. In accordance with article 21, first paragraph (c), Switzerland designates the cantonal Central Authorities as the competent authorities to receive documents forwarded through consular channels pursuant to article 9 of the Convention.

Cantonal Central Authorities (modification) (up to date as per 18-09-2001):
Official language(s): a = German, f = French, i = Italian

Aargau (AG) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Aargau, Obere Vorstadt 40, 5000 Aargau
tel ++ 41628353850
fax ++ 41628353949

Appenzell Ausserrhoden (AR) - a
Kantonsgericht Appenzell A.Rh., 9043 Trogen
tel ++ 41713436399
fax ++ 41713436401

Appenzell Innerrhoden (AI) - a
Kantonsgericht Appenzell I.Rh., 9050 Appenzell
tel ++ 41717889551
fax ++ 41717889554

Basel-Landschaft (BL) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Basel-Landschaft, 4410 Liestal
tel ++ 41619255111
fax ++ 41619256964

Basel-Stadt (BS) - a
Appellationsgericht Basel-Stadt, 4051 Basel
tel ++ 41612678181
fax ++ 41612676315

Bern (BE) - a/f
Justiz-, Gemeinde- und Kirchendirektion des Kantons Bern, Münstergasse 2, 3011 Bern
tel ++ 41316337676
fax ++ 41316337626

Fribourg (FR) - f/a
Tribunal cantonal, 1700 Fribourg
tel ++ 41263053910
fax ++ 41263053919

Genève (GE) - f
Parquet du Procureur général, 1211 Genève 3
tel ++ 41223192797
fax ++ 41227814365

Glarus (GL) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Glarus, 8750 Glarus
tel ++ 41556452525
fax ++ 41556452500

Graubünden (GR) - a
Justiz-, Polizei- und Sanitätsdepartement, Graubünden, 7001 Chur
tel ++ 41812572121
fax ++ 41812572166

Jura (JU) - f
Département de la Justice, Service juridique, 2800 Delémont
tel ++ 41324215111
fax ++ 41324215555

Luzern (LU) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Luzern, Hirschengraben 16, 6003 Luzern
tel ++ 41412286262
fax ++ 41412286264

Neuchâtel (NE) - f
Département de la justice, de la santé et de la sécurité; service de la justice, Château, 2001 Neuchâtel
tel ++ 41328894110
fax ++ 41328896064

Nidwalden (NW) - a
Kantonsgericht Nidwalden, 6370 Stans
tel ++ 41416187950
fax ++ 41416187963

Obwalden (OW) - a
Kantonsgericht Obwalden, Postfach 1260, 6061 Sarnen
tel ++ 41416666222
fax ++ 41416608286

Schaffhausen (SH) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Schaffhausen, Postfach 568, 8201 Schaffhausen
tel ++ 41526327422
fax ++ 41526367836

Schwyz (SZ) - a
Kantonsgericht Schwyz, 6430 Schwyz
tel ++ 41418191124

Solothurn (SO) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Solothurn, 4500 Solothurn
tel ++ 41326277311
fax ++ 41326272298

St. Gallen (SG) - a
Kantonsgericht St. Gallen, Klosterhof 1, 9001 St. Gallen
tel ++ 41712293898
fax ++ 41712293787

Thurgau (TG) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Thurgau, 8500 Frauenfeld
tel ++ 41527223121
fax ++ 41527223125

Ticino (TI) - i
Tribunale di appello, 6901 Lugano
tel ++ 41918155111
fax ++ 41918155478

Uri (UR) - a
Landgericht Uri, Am Rathausplatz 2, 6460 Altdorf
tel ++ 41418752244
fax ++ 41418752277

Valais (VS) - f/a
Tribunal cantonal, 1950 Sion
tel ++ 41273229393
fax ++ 41273226351

Vaud (VD) - f
Tribunal cantonal, 1014 Lausanne
tel ++ 41213161511
fax ++ 41213161328

Zug (ZG) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Zug, Rechtshilfe, 6300 Zug
tel ++ 41417283154
fax ++ 41417283144

Zürich (ZH) - a
Obergericht des Kantons Zürich, Rechtshilfe, 8023 Zürich
tel ++ 4112579191
fax ++ 4112611292


Switzerland had taken the opportunity to designate several Central Authorities. A multifunctional data bank (ELORGE) allows the judicial authorities in the contracting States to find the competent Swiss authority on the basis of the place to which the request can be directly addressed. This information can be found at the following adress:


Cantonal Central Authorities:
A list of the Central Cantonal Authorities including their address and phone/fax numbers can be consulted online at the following address:

To determine the Central Authority competent by reason of its location, the database of the Swiss localities and Courts can be consulted online at the following address:


A list of Central Cantonal Authorities including their address and phone/fax numbers can be consulted online at the following address:


Cantonal Central Authorities (modification) (list up to date as per 12 October 2012)
A list of the Central Cantonal Authorities including their address and phone/fax numbers can be consulted online at the following address:


Cantonal Central Authorities (modification) (list up to date as per 23 July 2020)
A list of the Central Cantonal Authorities including their address, email address and phone/fax numbers can be consulted online at the following address:

Authorities Tunisia


Central Authority:
Ministry of Justice

Authorities Türkiye


1. In accordance with article 2, paragraph 1 of the Convention, the Adalet Bakanligi Hukuk Isleri Genel Müdürlügü, Ankara (General Directorate of Civil Affairs at the Ministry of Justice in Ankara) is designated as the Central Authority.
2. The General Directorate of Civil Affairs at the Ministry of Justice is also competent to complete the certificate referred to in article 6 of the Convention.
3. The General Directorate of Civil Affairs is also designated as the authority competent to receive documents forwarded through the channels provided for in article 9, paragraph 1 of the Convention.

Authorities Ukraine


1) on Article 2 of the Convention:
the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine is the Central Authority of Ukraine;
2) on Article 6 of the Convention:
the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and its territorial departments of Justice are competent to complete the certificate of service;
4) on Article 9 of the Convention:
the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine is the authority competent to receive documents transmitted by consular channels or, if exceptional circumstances so require, by diplomatic channels;

Authorities United Kingdom


(a) In accordance with the provisions of Articles 2 and 18 of the Convention, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs is designated as the Central Authority; and the Senior Master of the Supreme Court, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London W.C.2, the Crown Agent for Scotland, Lord Advocate's Department, Crown Office, 9 Parliament Square, Edinburgh 1, and the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Royal Courts of Justice, Belfast 1, are designated as additional authorities for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland respectively.
(b) The authorities competent under Article 6 of the Convention to complete the Certificate of Service are the authorities designated under Articles 2 and 18.
(c) In accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Convention, the United Kingdom designates as receivers of process through consular channels the same authorities as those designated under Articles 2 and 18.


(a) In accordance with Article 18 of the Convention the authority shown against the name of each territory in the Annex (hereinafter severally called "the designated authority") is designated as the authority in that territory competent to receive requests for service in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention.
(b) The authority in each territory competent under Article 6 of the Convention to complete the Certificate of Service is the designated authority.
(c) In accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Convention, the designated Authority shall receive process sent through consular channels.
Antigua: The Registrar, High Court of Justice, West Indies Associated States Supreme Court, St. John's, Antigua.
Bermuda: The Registrar of the Supreme Court, Bermuda
British Honduras: The Supreme Court Registry, British Honduras
British Solomon Islands: The Registrar of the High Court, Honiara, British Solomon Islands Protectorate
British Virgin Islands: The Administrator, British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands: Her Majesty's Principle Secretary of State for Foreign and Comonwealth Affairs, London, S.W.1
Central and Southern Line Islands: The Registrar of the High Court, Honiara, British Solomon Islands Protectorate
Falkland Islands and Dependencies: The Registrar of the Supreme Court, Stanley, Falkland Islands
Fiji: The Registrar of the Supreme Court, Fiji
Gibraltar: The Deputy Governor, Gibraltar
Gilbert and Ellice Islands: The Registrar of the High Court, Tarawa, Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony
Guernsey: The Bailiff, Bailiff's Office, Royal Court House, Guernsey, Channel Islands
Isle of Man: The First Deemster and Clerk of the Rolls, Rolls Office, Douglas, Isle of Man
Jersey: The Attorney General, Jersey, Channel Islands
Montserrat: The Registrar of the High Court, Montserrat
Pitcairn: The Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Pitcairn
St.Helena and Dependencies: The Supreme Court, St.Helena
St.Lucia: The Registrar of the High Court of Justice, St.Lucia
St. Vincent: The Registrar of the Supreme Court, St.Vincent
Seychelles: The Supreme Court, Seychelles
Turks and Caicos Islands: The Administrator, Turks and Caicos Islands

Hong Kong
(a) In accordance with Article 18 of the Convention the Colonial Secretary of Hong Kong is designated as the Authority competent to receive requests for service in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention.
(b) The authority competent under Article 6 of the Convention to complete the Certificate of Service is the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong.
(c) In accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Convention, the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong is designated as the receiver of process sent through consular channels.


The designated authority for Gibraltar is:
The Registrar of the Supreme Court, Gibraltar


The British Government notified that instead of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Northern Ireland, designated in 1967 as the additional authority for Northern Ireland in conformity with Article 18 of the Convention, the Master (Queen's Bench and Appeals) is designated as the said additional authority. The address of the Master (Queen's Bench and Appeals) is Royal Courts of Justice, Belfast 1.


Modification of the designation of authorities of the British Virgin Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands:
- the Registrar of the Supreme Court, British Virgin Islands;
- the Registrar of the Supreme Court, Turks and Caicos Islands

Declarations for Anguilla:
(a) in accordance with Article 18 of the Convention the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Anguilla (hereinafter called the designated authority) is designated as the authority competent to receive requests for service in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention.
(b) the authority competent under Article 6 of the Convention to complete the Certificate of Service is the designated authority.
(c) in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Convention the designated authority shall receive process sent through consular channels.


Declarations for Saint Christopher and Nevis:
a) In accordance with Article 18 of the Convention the Registrar of the West Indies Associated State Supreme Court, Saint Christopher and Nevis circuit (hereinafter called the designated authority) is designated as the authority competent to receive requests for service in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention;
b) the authority competent under Article 6 of the Convention to complete the Certificate of Service is the designated authority;
c) in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Convention the designated authority shall receive process sent through consular channels;


... that "the Colonial Secretary of Hong Kong" has been re-designated as "the Chief Secretary of Hong Kong"


The designated authority for the Cayman Islands ceases to be "Her Majesty's Principle Secretary of State for Foreign and Comonwealth Affairs" but is "the Clerk of the Courts, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands".


The designated authority for Scotland is:
The Scottish Executive Justice Department, Civil Justice & International Division, Hayweight House, 23 Lauriston Street, Edinburgh EH3 9DQ, Scotland, tel: 00 44 131 221 6815, fax: 00 44 131 221 6894.


Central Authority for England and Wales (modification from 22 August 2008):
The Senior Master
The Foreign Process Department
Royal Courts of Justice
London WC2A 2LL
Switchboard: +44 20 7947 6000
Tel: +44 20 7947 6691
Fax: +44 20 7947 6237


Competent authority for the Isle of Man

The Chief Registrar should be substituted for the First Deemster as the competent authority for the Isle of Man. The contact details of the Chief Registrar are as follows:
The Chief Registrar
Isle of Man Courts of Justice
Deemsters Walk


Authority for Scotland (modification):
Scottish Government
EU & International Law Branch
2W St. Andrew's House
Scotland, UK
tel.: +44 (131) 244 2417
fax: +44 (131) 244 4848

Authorities United States of America


1. In accordance with Article 2, the United States Department of State is designated as the Central Authority to receive requests for service from other Contracting States and to proceed in conformity with Articles 3 to 6.
2. In accordance with Article 6, in addition to the United States Department of State, the United States Department of Justice and the United States Marshal or Deputy Marshal for the judicial district in which service is made are designated for the purpose of completing the certificate in the form annexed to the Convention.


Under Article 2 of the Convention, each State is required to designate a Central Authority to receive requests for service of documents coming from other countries. Although this Central Authority always is to be available, its use is not compulsory and there is provision (Articles 8 through 11) for service through channels outside the Central Authority, including service by diplomatic or consular officers. These provisions are optional, however, and, since consular officers of the United States are prohibited by regulation from serving legal process or appointing other persons to do so, the United States will not avail itself of these provisions of the Convention. It is anticipated that courts in the United States will be advised by the Department of Justice of the possibility of sending requests for service of legal process directly to the Central Authority of the country concerned.
The Department of State has been designated as the Central Authority under the Convention by Executive Order 11471, issued on May 28, 1969. As such, it will receive requests for service of legal process from the Courts of countries parties to the Convention and forward them to the Department of Justice for service by the appropriate United States Marshal. When action has been completed, the documents will be returned to the Department of State and sent to the appropriate mission abroad for mailing to the court.


The Department of Justice of the United States has been designated as the Central Authority under the Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extra judicial Documents effective December 31, 1973. As such it will receive requests for service of legal process from the courts of parties to the Convention. When action has been completed, the documents will be returned by the Department of Justice.
After December 31, it wil not be necessary to send such documents to the Department of State. Except for this procedural alteration, the Ministry is advised that the Embassy's note of April 22, 1970 remains in effect.
Documents to the Department of Justice under the Convention should be addressed to the Office of International Judicial Assistance, Department of Justice, Washingon, D.C. 20530.


The authorities currently designated by the Government of the United States of America to perform certain functions under the Treaty shall also be the authorities designated to perform those functions for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Authorities Venezuela


In accordance with Article 2 Venezuela designated "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs" as the Central Authority.

Authorities Vietnam


The Ministry of Justice of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam is designated to be the Central Authority in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention and the one and only authority designated for the purpose of Article 6 and Article 9 of the Convention.

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