
International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants of December 2, 1961, as Revised at Geneva on November 10, 1972, on October 23, 1978, and on March 19, 1991

Treaty data

Treaty number 004601
Date of conclusion 19-03-1991
Place of conclusion Genève
Provisional application
Entry into force 24-04-1998
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Parliamentary paper
Approval act 1996, 398
Consolidated text 0002685

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 24-04-1998
Netherlands (Bonaire)
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius)
Netherlands (Saba)
Sint Maarten

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Albania 15-09-2005 (A) 15-10-2005
Armenia 02-02-2024 (A) 02-03-2024
Australia 20-12-1999 (A) 20-01-2000
Austria 01-06-2004 (A) 01-07-2004
Azerbaijan 09-11-2004 (A) 09-12-2004
Belarus 05-12-2002 (A) 05-01-2003
Belgium 19-03-1991 02-05-2019 (R) 02-06-2019
Bosnia and Herzegovina 10-10-2017 (A) 10-11-2017
Bulgaria 24-03-1998 (A) 24-04-1998
Canada 09-03-1992 19-06-2015 (R) 19-07-2015
Costa Rica 12-12-2008 (A) 12-01-2009
Croatia 01-08-2001 (A) 01-09-2001
Czech Republic 24-10-2002 (A) 24-11-2002
Denmark 19-03-1991 26-04-1996 (R) 24-04-1998
Dominican Republic 16-05-2007 (A) 16-06-2007
Egypt 01-11-2019 (A) 01-12-2019
Estonia 24-08-2000 (A) 24-09-2000
EU (European Union) 29-06-2005 (A) 29-07-2005
Finland 20-06-2001 (A) 20-07-2001
France 19-03-1991 27-04-2012 (R) 27-05-2012
Georgia 29-10-2008 (A) 29-11-2008
Germany 19-03-1991 25-06-1998 (R) 25-07-1998
Ghana 03-11-2021 (A) 03-12-2021
Hungary 01-12-2002 (A) 01-01-2003
Iceland 03-04-2006 (A) 03-05-2006
Ireland 21-02-1992 08-12-2011 (R) 08-01-2012
Israel 23-10-1991 03-06-1996 (R) 24-04-1998
Italy 19-03-1991
Japan 24-11-1998 (A) 24-12-1998
Jordan 24-09-2004 (A) 24-10-2004
Kenya 11-04-2016 (A) 11-05-2016
Kyrgyzstan 26-05-2000 (A) 26-06-2000
Latvia 30-07-2002 (A) 30-08-2002
Lithuania 10-11-2003 (A) 10-12-2003
Moldova 28-09-1998 (A) 28-10-1998
Montenegro 24-08-2015 (A) 24-09-2015
Morocco 08-09-2006 (A) 08-10-2006
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 19-03-1991 14-10-1996 (R) 24-04-1998
New Zealand 19-12-1991
North Macedonia 04-04-2011 (A) 04-05-2011
OAPI (African Intellectual Property Organisation) 10-06-2014 (A) 10-07-2014
Oman 22-10-2009 (A) 22-11-2009
Panama 22-10-2012 (A) 22-11-2012
Peru 08-07-2011 (A) 08-08-2011
Poland 15-07-2003 (A) 15-08-2003
Republic of Korea, the 07-12-2001 (A) 07-01-2002
Romania 16-02-2001 (A) 16-03-2001
Russian Federation 24-03-1998 (A) 24-04-1998
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22-02-2021 (A) 22-03-2021
Serbia 05-12-2012 (A) 05-01-2013
Singapore 30-06-2004 (A) 30-07-2004
Slovakia 12-05-2009 (A) 12-06-2009
Slovenia 29-06-1999 (A) 29-07-1999
South Africa 19-03-1991
Spain 19-03-1991 18-06-2007 (R) 18-07-2007
Sweden 17-12-1991 18-12-1997 (R) 24-04-1998
Switzerland 19-03-1991 01-08-2008 (R) 01-09-2008
Tanzania 22-10-2015 (A) 22-11-2015
Tunisia 31-07-2003 (A) 31-08-2003
Türkiye 18-10-2007 (A) 18-11-2007
Ukraine 19-12-2006 (A) 19-01-2007
United Kingdom 19-03-1991 03-12-1998 (R) 03-01-1999
United States of America 25-10-1991 22-01-1999 (R) 22-02-1999
Uzbekistan 14-10-2004 (A) 14-11-2004
Vietnam 24-11-2006 (A) 24-12-2006


United Kingdom

Extended to Entry into force Termination
Man, Isle of 25-04-2023
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