
Agreement for the implementation of the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 december 1982 relating to the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks

Treaty data

Treaty number 007039
Date of conclusion 04-08-1995
Place of conclusion New York
Provisional application
Entry into force 11-12-2001
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Parliamentary paper 27892-1693 (external link)
Approval act 2001, 535
Consolidated text 0001615

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 18-01-2004
Netherlands (Bonaire)
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius)
Netherlands (Saba)
Sint Maarten

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Argentina 04-12-1995
Australia 04-12-1995 23-12-1999 (R) 11-12-2001
Austria 27-06-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
Bahamas 16-01-1997 (A) 11-12-2001
Bangladesh 04-12-1995 05-11-2012 (R) 05-12-2012
Barbados 22-09-2000 (A) 11-12-2001
Belgium 03-10-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
Belize 04-12-1995 14-07-2005 (R) 13-08-2005
Benin 02-11-2017 (A) 02-12-2017
Brazil 04-12-1995 08-03-2000 (R) 11-12-2001
Bulgaria 13-12-2006 (A) 12-01-2007
Burkina Faso 15-10-1996
Cambodia 06-03-2020 (A) 05-04-2020
Canada 04-12-1995 03-08-1999 (R) 11-12-2001
Chile 11-02-2016 (A) 12-03-2016
China 06-11-1996
Cook Islands 01-04-1999 (A) 11-12-2001
Costa Rica 18-06-2001 (A) 11-12-2001
Côte d'Ivoire 24-01-1996
Croatia 10-09-2013 (A) 10-10-2013
Cyprus 25-09-2002 (A) 25-10-2002
Czech Republic 19-03-2007 (A) 18-04-2007
Denmark 27-06-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
Ecuador 07-12-2016 (A) 06-01-2017
Egypt 05-12-1995
Estonia 07-08-2006 (A) 06-09-2006
EU (European Union) 27-06-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
Federated States of Micronesia 04-12-1995 23-05-1997 (R) 11-12-2001
Fiji 04-12-1995 12-12-1996 (R) 11-12-2001
Finland 27-06-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
France 04-12-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
Gabon 07-10-1996
Germany 28-08-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
Ghana 27-01-2017 (A) 26-02-2017
Greece 27-06-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
Guinea 16-09-2005 (A) 16-10-2005
Guinea-Bissau 04-12-1995
Hungary 16-05-2008 (A) 15-06-2008
Iceland 04-12-1995 14-02-1997 (R) 11-12-2001
India 19-08-2003 (A) 18-09-2003
Indonesia 04-12-1995 28-09-2009 (R) 28-10-2009
Iran 17-04-1998 (A) 11-12-2001
Ireland 27-06-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
Israel 04-12-1995
Italy 27-06-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
Jamaica 04-12-1995
Japan 19-11-1996 07-08-2006 (R) 06-09-2006
Kenya 13-07-2004 (A) 12-08-2004
Kiribati 15-09-2005 (A) 15-10-2005
Latvia 05-02-2007 (A) 07-03-2007
Liberia 16-09-2005 (A) 16-10-2005
Lithuania 01-03-2007 (A) 31-03-2007
Luxembourg 27-06-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
Maldives 08-10-1996 30-12-1998 (R) 11-12-2001
Malta 11-11-2001 (A) 11-12-2001
Marshall Islands 04-12-1995 19-03-2003 (R) 18-04-2003
Mauritania 21-12-1995
Mauritius 25-03-1997 (A) 11-12-2001
Monaco 09-06-1999 (A) 11-12-2001
Morocco 04-12-1995 19-09-2012 (R) 19-10-2012
Mozambique 10-12-2008 (A) 09-01-2009
Namibia 19-04-1996 08-04-1998 (R) 11-12-2001
Nauru 10-01-1997 (A) 11-12-2001
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 28-06-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
New Zealand 04-12-1995 18-04-2001 (R) 11-12-2001
Nigeria 02-11-2009 (A) 02-12-2009
Niue 04-12-1995 11-10-2006 (R) 10-11-2006
Norway 04-12-1995 30-12-1996 (R) 11-12-2001
Oman 14-05-2008 (A) 13-06-2008
Pakistan 15-02-1996
Palau 26-03-2008 (A) 25-04-2008
Panama 16-12-2008 (A) 15-01-2009
Papua New Guinea 04-12-1995 04-06-1999 (R) 11-12-2001
Philippines 30-08-1996 24-09-2014 (R) 24-10-2014
Poland 14-03-2006 (A) 13-04-2006
Portugal 27-06-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
Republic of Korea, the 26-11-1996 01-02-2008 (R) 02-03-2008
Romania 16-07-2007 (A) 15-08-2007
Russian Federation 04-12-1995 04-08-1997 (R) 11-12-2001
Saint Kitts and Nevis 23-02-2018 (A) 25-03-2018
Saint Lucia 12-12-1995 09-08-1996 (R) 11-12-2001
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 29-10-2010 (A) 28-11-2010
Samoa 04-12-1995 25-10-1996 (R) 11-12-2001
Saudi Arabia 22-06-2023 (A) 22-07-2023
Senegal 04-12-1995 30-01-1997 (R) 11-12-2001
Seychelles 04-12-1996 20-03-1998 (R) 11-12-2001
Slovakia 06-11-2008 (A) 06-12-2008
Slovenia 15-06-2006 (A) 15-07-2006
Solomon Islands 13-02-1997 (A) 11-12-2001
South Africa 14-08-2003 (A) 13-09-2003
Spain 03-12-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
Sri Lanka 09-10-1996 24-10-1996 (R) 11-12-2001
Sweden 27-06-1996 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
Thailand 28-04-2017 (A) 28-05-2017
Togo 11-05-2022 (A) 10-06-2022
Tonga 04-12-1995 31-07-1996 (R) 11-12-2001
Trinidad and Tobago 13-09-2006 (A) 13-10-2006
Tuvalu 02-02-2009 (A) 04-03-2009
Uganda 10-10-1996
Ukraine 04-12-1995 27-02-2003 (R) 29-03-2003
United Kingdom 04-12-1995 19-12-2003 (R) 18-01-2004
United States of America 04-12-1995 21-08-1996 (R) 11-12-2001
Uruguay 16-01-1996 10-09-1999 (R) 11-12-2001
Vanuatu 23-07-1996 15-03-2018 (R) 14-04-2018
Vietnam 18-12-2018 (A) 17-01-2019



Extended to Entry into force Termination
Faroes 18-01-2004
Greenland 18-01-2004

New Zealand

Extended to Entry into force Termination
Tokelau Islands 11-12-2001

United Kingdom

Extended to Entry into force Termination
Anguilla 09-01-2002
Bermuda 09-01-2002
British Indian Ocean Territory 09-01-2002
British Virgin Islands 09-01-2002
Falkland Islands 09-01-2002
Pitcairn Islands 09-01-2002
South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands 09-01-2002
Turks and Caicos Islands 09-01-2002

Parent treaties

Title Date of conclusion Place of conclusion
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 10-12-1982 Montego Bay
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