
Convention on the accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the Convention on the Law applicable to Contractual Obligations, opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980, and to the First and Second Protocols on its interpretation by the Court of Justice

Treaty data

Treaty number 007454
Date of conclusion 29-11-1996
Place of conclusion Brussel
Provisional application
Entry into force 01-10-1998
Retroactive effect
Treaty Series
Consolidated text 0001299

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Koninkrijksdeel Provisional
Entry into force Retroactive effect Termination
Netherlands (in Europe) 01-10-1998
Netherlands (Bonaire) 01-12-2010
Netherlands (Sint Eustatius) 01-12-2010
Netherlands (Saba) 01-12-2010
Aruba 01-10-1998
CuraƧao 01-12-2010
Sint Maarten 01-12-2010

PartiesParties with a link have a reservation.

Party Signature RatificationS=Signature without reservation or requirement of ratification R=Ratification, Acceptance, Approval or Notification A=Accession Su=Succession NK=Not Known Entry into force Renunciation Termination
Austria 29-11-1996 17-09-1998 (R) 01-12-1998
Belgium 29-11-1996 05-05-2004 (R) 01-08-2004
Bulgaria 08-11-2007 (A) 15-01-2008
Denmark 29-11-1996
Finland 29-11-1996 22-01-1999 (R) 01-04-1999
France 29-11-1996 30-05-2000 (R) 01-08-2000
Germany 29-11-1996 08-10-1998 (R) 01-01-1999
Greece 29-11-1996 19-04-1999 (R) 01-07-1999
Ireland 29-11-1996
Italy 29-11-1996 08-03-2002 (R) 01-06-2002
Luxembourg 29-11-1996 14-02-2000 (R) 01-05-2000
Netherlands, the Kingdom of the 29-11-1996 04-07-1997 (R) 01-10-1998
Portugal 29-11-1996 05-11-1999 (R) 01-02-2000
Romania 08-11-2007 (A) 15-01-2008
Spain 29-11-1996 22-01-1999 (R) 01-04-1999
Sweden 29-11-1996 07-07-1998 (R) 01-10-1998
United Kingdom 29-11-1996 26-10-2000 (R) 01-01-2001

Parent treaties

Title Date of conclusion Place of conclusion
Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations 19-06-1980 Rome
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