
Wijziging van artikel VI, lid A, sub 1 van het Statuut van de Internationale Organisatie voor Atoomenergie

Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren

Partij Voorbehoud / verklaring Bezwaren
Duitsland Ja Nee
Russische Federatie Ja Nee
Tsjechoslowakije (<01-01-1993) Ja Nee



De Regering van de Bondsrepubliek Duitsland heeft bij de aanvaarding van de wijziging verklaard: "that the said amendment shall also apply to Land Berlin with the effect from the date on which it has entered into force for the Federal republic of Germany".

Russische Federatie


The Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics refers to the note of the State Department of the United States of America received by the Embassy on August 10, 1987, in regard to adoption by a number of countries of the amendment to Article VI A. 1. of the Charter of the International Atomic Energy Agency approved by the General conference of the IAEA on Septmeber 24, 1984, and has the honor to reaffirm the position of the Soviet side on the unlawful extension by the FRG of the IAEA Charter to West Berlin. This position was set forth in the Embassy's note of June 21, 1974 to the Department of State. Any attempts by the FRG to extend amendments to the IAEA Charter to West Berlin likewise have no legal basis.
As regards the formula "Land Berlin" contained in the statement by the Government of the FRG, it is inconsistent with the legal and factual status of Berlin (West). This city, as is well known, does not constitute a "Land" or any other part of the FRG, which was confirmed by the Four-Party Agreement of September 3, 1971.
The Embassy of the USSR requests that the Department of State bring the content of this note to the attention of all countries that are party to the IAEA Charter".

Tsjechoslowakije (<01-01-1993)


Berlin/West/ was never the "Land of the Federal Republic of Germany", it is not a part of the Federal Republic of Germany and cannot be administrated by it. This fact was confirmed and legally expressed in the Quadipartite Agreement of September 3, 1971. The declarations of the Federal Republic of Germany extending the international agreements to the "Land Berlin" are qualified by the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic as the declarations that do not have any legal consequences".

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