
Wijziging van artikel XXI van de Overeenkomst inzake de internationale handel in bedreigde in het wild levende dier- en plantensoorten

Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren

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Verenigd Koninkrijk Ja Nee

Verenigd Koninkrijk


On 2 August 1976, the CITES was extended to the Falkland Islands, but not to the Falkland Island Dependencies. On 28 November 1980, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland notified the Depositary in error of the acceptance of the Bonn Amendment in respect of the Falkland Islands and Dependencies. It wishes to correct this error and hereby confirms that it accepts the Bonn Amendment in respect of the Territory of the Falkland Islands only, not the Dependencies of the Falklands Islands, now the Territory of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands. Similarly, on 13 December 1985, it notified the Depositary in error of the acceptance of the Gaborone Amendment in respect of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands. It wishes to correct this error and hereby confirms that it does not accept the Gaborone Amendment in respect of the Territory of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands.

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