
Verdrag inzake de Internationale Organisatie voor Mobiele Satellieten

Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren

Partij Voorbehoud / verklaring Bezwaren
Cuba Ja Nee
Indonesië Ja Nee
Italië Ja Nee
Koeweit Ja Nee
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten Ja Nee



In the name of the Government of the Republic of Cuba, at the time of ratification of the Amended Convention on the International Mobile Satellite Organization (INMARSAT),
In conformity with the provisions of Article 15 and the Annex to the afore-mentioned Convention, the Cuban State declares:
That disputes between the Parties concerning the interpretation and application of this International Legal Instrument must be settled through diplomatic negotiations. Cuba does not accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice and thus, does not recognize its decisions, nor the arbitration envisaged in the Annex concerning settlement of disputes.
Of which this Declaration shall be the formal expression.



Notwithstanding to the provision of the article 31 of this Convention the Government of the Republic of Indonesia declares that any dispute arising between the Republic of Indonesia and one or more Parties, or between the Republic of Indonesia and the Organisation, will be settled by negotiation among the parties concerned.



The Italian Government, at the moment of signing the INMARSAT Convention, wishes to reaffirm Italy's intention to become a party of the Organization, within the terms of ratification set by the Convention, and to participate with an initial investment share equal to that established in part (A) of the Annex to the operating Agreement.
The Italian Government, well aware of the fact that part (B) of the Annex was intended to secure the entry into force of the INMARSAT agreements within the terms set by Art. 33 of the Convention, is none the less convinced that said part (B) of the Annex cannot be interpreted in such a way as to become prejudicial to the right acquired by one State by virtue of part (A) of the Annex. In fact, the operating Agreement is not entitled to modify the right deriving from the Convention.
Therefore the Italian Government, pending the deposit of the instruments of ratification of the INMARSAT Convention, within the terms set by Art. 33 of the same, wishes to state that any acquisition of the Italian Signatory's initial investment share, which should take place before the said terms, would be considered illegal and would be claimed back by the Italian State.


... it is not the Italian Government's intention to confirm the declaration on initial investment shares which was deposited at the moment of the signature of the INMARSAT Convention.



It is understood that the Ratification of the State of Kuwait to the Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organisation (INMARSAT) 1976, does not mean in any way recognition of Israel by the State of Kuwait.
Furthermore, no treaty relations will arise between the State of Kuwait and Israel.

Verenigde Arabische Emiraten


On accepting the said convention and annexes, the Government of the United Arab Emirates takes the view that its acceptance of the said Convention and Annexes does not, in any way, imply its recognition of Israel, nor does it oblige to apply the provisions of the Convention and its Annexes in respect of the said country.
The Government of the United Arab Emirates wishes further to indicate that its understanding described above in conformity with general practice existing in the United Arab Emirates regarding signature, ratification, accession or acceptance to a Convention of which a country not recognized by the United Arab Emirates is a party.

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