Protocol inzake het optreden in volle zee in gevallen van verontreiniging door andere stoffen dan olie, 1973
Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren
Partij | Voorbehoud / verklaring | Bezwaren |
Australië | Ja | Nee |
Frankrijk | Ja | Nee |
Nieuw-Zeeland | Ja | Nee |
Verenigd Koninkrijk | Ja | Nee |
Australia recalls the statement made by the Australian Delegation to the International
Conference on Marine Pollution 1973 which was in the following terms:
'...Australia believes that no coastal State would refrain from taking whatever action
was necessary to protect areas under its jurisdiction from serious environmental damage
and it believes that this right of a coastal State to intervene on the high seas to
protect areas under its jurisdiction is recognized under customary international law.'
In becoming a party to the Protocol, Australia declares that it believes that it may
still take action to protect areas and resources under its jurisdiction which is permitted
under customary international law and which is consistent with the Protocol.
According to article 1 of the Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in
Cases of Pollution by Substances Other than Oil, done at London on 2 Novermber 1973,
States Parties may take measures on the high seas following upon a maritime casualty
only in the case of grave and imminent danger of pollution or threat of pollution
which may reasonably be expected to result in major harmful consequences.
On the basis of the definition of type A packages, the French Government considers
that radioactive substances that may be stored or carried as substances in type A
packages cannot give rise to such a danger.
Accordingly the French Government does not accept the application of the provisions
of the Protocol to such packages.
[...] consistent with the constitutional status of Tokelau and taking into account the commitment of the Government of New Zealand to the development of self-government for Tokelau through an act of self-determination under the charter of the United Nations, this ratification shall not extend to Tokelau unless and until a Declaration to this effect is lodged by the Government of New Zealand with the depositary on the basis of appropriate consultation with that territory.
Verenigd Koninkrijk
[...] reserving the right to extend the Protocol at a later date to any territory for whose international relations the Government of the United Kingdom is responsible and to which the International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties has been extended in accordance with the provisions of article XIII, paragraph 1, thereof.