

Verklaring houdende verbod tot beziging van kogels die zich in het menselijk lichaam gemakkelijk uitzetten of vervormen, zoals kogels met harde mantel waarvan de mantel niet geheel de kern dekt of van kervingen voorzien is

Depositaire mededelingen m.b.t.

Joegoslavië (< 25-06-1991)


The Government of the Federal Socialist Republic of Yougoslavia confirmed by its Note of 27 March 1969, received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands on 8 April 1969, that it considers itself a party to the Hague treaties and declarations of 29 July 1899, ratified by Serbia.



The Government of the Federal Republic of Yougoslavia confirmed by its Note of 7 September 2001, received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands on 7 September 2001, that it considers itself a party to the Hague treaties and declarations of 29 July 1899.

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