
Internationaal Verdrag betreffende economische statistieken

Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren

Partij Voorbehoud / verklaring Bezwaren
Australië Ja Nee
Denemarken Ja Nee
Frankrijk Ja Nee
India Ja Nee
Italië Ja Nee
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der Ja Nee
Noorwegen Ja Nee
Portugal Ja Nee
Verenigd Koninkrijk Ja Nee
Zimbabwe Ja Nee



Does not apply to the territories of Papua and Norfolk Island, New Guinea and Nauru.
(1) The provision under Article 3, Annex I, Part I (b), for separate returns for direct transit trade shall not apply to the Commonwealth of Australia.
(2) The provision under Article 3, Annex I, Part I, Paragraph IV, that when the quantity of goods of any kind is expressed in any unit or units of measure other than weight, an estimate of the average weight of each unit, or multiple of units, shall be shown in the annual returns, shall not apply to the Commonwealth of Australia.



In pursuance of Article 11, Greenland is excepted from the provisions of this Convention. Furthermore, the Danish Government, in accepting the Convention, does not assume any obligation in respect of statistics concerning the Faroe Islands.



By its acceptance, France does not intend to assume any obligation in regard to any of its Colonies, Protectorates and Territories under its suzerainty or mandate.



A. Under the terms of Article 11, the obligations of the Convention shall not extend to the territories in India of any Prince or Chief under the suzerainty of His Majesty the King Emperor.
B. (1) Article 2. I (a). The provisions for returns of "transit trade" made in Annex I, Part I, 1 (b) shall not apply to India nor shall returns of the "land frontier trade" of India be required.
(2) Article 2. II (a). The question whether a general census of agriculture can be held in India and, if so, on what lines and at what intervals still remains to be settled. For the present, India can assume no obligations under this article.
(3) Article 2. III (b). (1).For farms in the "permanently settled" tracts in India, estimates of the cultivated areas may be used in compiling the returns.
(4) Article 2. III (b). (2). The returns of quantities of crops harvested may be based on estimates of yield each year per unit area in each locality.
(5) Article 2. III (d). Complete returns cannot be guaranteed from Burma, and in respect of the rest of India the returns shall refer to Government forests only.
The Government of India further declared that, with regard to the second paragraph of Article 3 of the Convention, they cannot, with the means of investigation at their disposal, usefully undertake to prepare experimentally the specified tables, and that for similar reasons they are not in a position to accept the proposal contained in Recommendation II of the Convention.



In accepting the present Convention, Italy does not assume any obligation in respect of her Colonies, Protectorates and other Territories referred to in the first paragraph of Article 11.

Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der


This ratification applies only to the territory of the Netherlands in Europe; the Netherlands do not intend to assume, at present, any obligation as regards the whole of the Netherlands overseas territories.



In accordance with Article 11, the Bouvet Island is excepted from the provisions of the present Convention. Furthermore, in ratifying the Convention, Norway does not assume any obligation as regards statistics relating to the Svalbard.



In accordance with Article 11, the Portuguese Delegation declares on behalf of its Government that the present Convention does not apply to the Portuguese Colonies.

Verenigd Koninkrijk


Does not include any of His Britannic Majesty's Colonies, Protectorates or Territories under suzerainty or mandate.



Returns provided for in Article 2, III (B), will not contain information with regard to areas under crops on native farms, and in native reserves, locations and mission stations.

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