
Protocol tot wijziging van de internationale Regeling tot bestrijding van de zogenaamde handel in vrouwen en meisjes, Parijs, 18 mei 1904, en van het Verdrag tot bestrijding van de zogenaamde handel in vrouwen en meisjes, Parijs, 4 mei 1910

Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren

Partij Voorbehoud / verklaring Bezwaren
Cuba Ja Nee



The Revolutionary Government of Cuba ratifies the present Protocol in order to co-operate in the supervision by the United Nations, as depositary, of all treaties drawn up prior to its establishment by international organizations which have ceased to exist, since, owing to the social and economic measures taken in Cuba under the revolutionary laws to increase employment opportunities for the mass of the people, the white slave traffic has been stamped out, the social evils inherited from former periods which were its main cause, unemployment and idleness, having been eliminated; and moreover, the fact that this Protocol shall likewise apply to colonial countries on a basis of equality shall not be taken to mean any acceptance of the position of subjection of these countries, since not only is it a fundamental principle of Cuba's present policy strongly to condemn colonialism and to proclaim the right of peoples under colonial rule to achieve national liberation, but colonialism has been denounced by the United Nations.

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