Verdrag nopens de bestrijding van discriminatie in het onderwijs
Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren
Partij | Voorbehoud / verklaring | Bezwaren |
Argentinië | Ja | Nee |
Irak | Ja | Nee |
Israël | Ja | Nee |
With regard to this notification extending the application of the Convention and the
Protocol to the Falkland Islands, Argentina declared: [...] that the application of
these international instruments to these territories in no way affects the sovereignty
of Argentina over the said territories, whose occupation by force by the United Kingdom
is not accepted by the people or the Argentine Government and reaffirmed [...] the
indefeasible and inalienable rights of the Argentine Republic over the Malouines Islands,
the South Sandwich Islands and the South Georgia Islands, which are neither a colony
nor a possession of any power but rather are part of the Argentine territory and are
under its authority and sovereignty.
As a result of this declaration, the United Kingdom on 13 October 1964 declared: […]
that Her Majesty's Government have no doubts as to their sovereignty over the Falkland
Islands, South Georgia, and the South Sandwich Islands and they reserve their rights
in this matter.
Ratification of this Convention by the Government of the Republic of Iraq shall however, in no way signify recognition of Israel or entry into such dealings therewith as may be provided for in the Convention.
[...] the Government of Israel takes note that an instrument of ratification of the Convention against Discrimination in Education adopted at Paris on 14 December 1960, by the General Conference of Unesco, was deposited with the Director-General by the Government of Iraq, on 28 June 1977. The instrument deposited by the Government of Iraq contains a statement of a political character in respect to Israel. ln the view of the Government of Israel, this is not the proper place for making such political pronouncements, which are, moreover, in flagrant contradiction to the principles, objects and purposes of the Organization. That pronouncement by the Government of Iraq cannot in any way affect whatever obligations are binding upon Iraq under general international law or under particular treaties. The Government of Israel will, in so far as concerns the substance of the matter, adopt towards the Government of Iraq an attitude of complete reciprocity.