Verdrag inzake de erkenning van kwalificaties betreffende hoger onderwijs in de Europese regio
Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren
Partij | Voorbehoud / verklaring | Bezwaren |
Albanië | Ja | Nee |
Andorra | Ja | Nee |
Armenië | Ja | Nee |
Azerbeidzjan | Ja | Nee |
België | Ja | Nee |
Bulgarije | Ja | Nee |
Canada | Ja | Nee |
Denemarken | Ja | Nee |
Duitsland | Ja | Nee |
Estland | Ja | Nee |
Finland | Ja | Nee |
Griekenland | Ja | Nee |
Heilige Stoel | Ja | Nee |
Hongarije | Ja | Nee |
Israël | Ja | Nee |
Italië | Ja | Nee |
Letland | Ja | Nee |
Liechtenstein | Ja | Nee |
Luxemburg | Ja | Nee |
Malta | Ja | Nee |
Moldavië | Ja | Nee |
Montenegro | Ja | Nee |
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der | Ja | Nee |
Nieuw-Zeeland | Ja | Nee |
Noord-Macedonië | Ja | Nee |
Noorwegen | Ja | Nee |
Oekraïne | Ja | Nee |
Oostenrijk | Ja | Nee |
Polen | Ja | Nee |
Roemenië | Ja | Nee |
Russische Federatie | Ja | Nee |
Servië | Ja | Nee |
Slovenië | Ja | Nee |
Slowakije | Ja | Nee |
Spanje | Ja | Nee |
Tsjechië | Ja | Nee |
Turkije | Ja | Nee |
Verenigd Koninkrijk | Ja | Nee |
Zwitserland | Ja | Nee |
Directory of Higher Education to the Ministry
of Education and Science of Albania.
Rruga e Durresit 23
Tirana - Albania
Tel: 00355 42 25987
Fax: 00355 42 32002
In accordance with Article II, paragraph 2, of the Convention, Andorra declares that the competent authority to make decisions in recognition cases in the principality of Andorra is the Ministry in charge of Higher Education.
In accordance with Article XI.4, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Republic of Armenia
declares that it will abstain from ratifying the European Convention on the General
Equivalence of Periods of University Study (ETS No. 138), signed by Armenia on 26
May 2000.
In accordance with Article XI.7 of the Convention, the Republic of Armenia declares
that it reserves the right not to apply Article IV.8 of the Convention.
In accordance with Article II.2 of the Convention, the Republic of Armenia declares
that the authority competent to make decisions in recognition cases in the Republic
of Armenia is the Ministry of Education and Science:
Ministry of Education and Science
13 Movses Khorenatsi Street
375010 Yerevan
Tel: +374(2) 526-602 +374(2) 589-543
Fax: +374(2) 151-651 +374(2) 580-403
Internet :
In accordance with Article X.2 of the Convention, the President of the Republic of
Azerbaijan by his Instruction No. 346 on 6 March 2000 has designated the Ministry
of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan to represent the Republic of Azerbaijan
in the Committee of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning
Higher Education in the European Region and to inform the competent authorities of
other States Parties to this Convention about the higher education system and higher
education qualifications in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The address of the competent authority is:
Ministry of Education
370008, Kathai av., 49,
Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel. + (994 12)93 66 60, 93 19 66, 93 72 66.
Fax +(994 12)93 80 97.
In accordance with Articles II.2 and IX.2 of the Convention, the Kingdom of Belgium
declares that the competent authorities are the following:
For the French Community of Belgium
Directrice générale f.f.
Direction générale de l'Enseignement non obligatoire et de la Recherche scientifique
Ministère de la Communauté française
Rue A. Lavallée 1
B-1080 Bruxelles
Tel.: 02.690.87.03/02
Fax: 02.690.87.60
(contact person for the NARIC Centre)
Direction générale de l'Enseignement non obligatoire et de la Recherche scientifique
Ministère de la Communauté française
Rue A. Lavallée 1
B-1080 Bruxelles
Tel.: 02.690.87.47
Fax: 02.690.87.60
For the Flemish Community of Belgium
NARIC- Vlaanderen
Hendrik Consciencegebouw
Toren A - 6de verdieping
Koning Albert II- laan 15
1210 Brussel
Tel.: 02.553.97.44
In accordance with Article IX.2 of the Convention, the functions of the Bulgarian Centre for Equivalence and Information are fulfilled by the National Centre for Information on Academic Recognition the Ministry of Education and Science's "International Activities" Directorate (address: 2 A, bd. Kniaz Dondoukov, Sofia 1000, tel. +359.2.9880.494 ; fax: +359.2.9880.600 ; email:
The authorities competent to make different categories of decision in recognition cases are: the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria and Higher Education Institutions.
Canada’s constitution provides for a federal system in which legislative powers are
allocated between the federal Parliament and the provincial legislatures.
In compliance with the exclusive legislative powers in the field of education granted
to the provinces by the Canadian Constitution and with the similar responsibilities
given to the territories by delegation from the federal government, the implementation
of the Convention in Canada will be ensured by the provinces and territories.
In accordance with Article IX.2, provincial and territorial governments have jointly
determined that the Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC)
will serve as the national information centre.
Each postsecondary institution in Canada determines what qualifications it will accept
for admission to various levels of study. Legislation also confers some autonomy on
professional governing bodies in setting the content of regulations under which credentials
and training are recognized. Professions therefore enjoy broad autonomy in recognizing
credentials, whether obtained in Canada or abroad, for the purposes of registration
or permission to practise a profession in Canada.
This declaration is not a reservation.
Denmark declares that, in accordance with Article IX.2 of the Convention the following
national information centre has been established:
Center for Vurdering af Udenlandske Uddannelser (CVUU)
H.C Andersens Boulevard 43
DK-1553 København V
Denmark declares that the Convention, in accordance with its Article XI.5, will not
apply to the Faroe Islands and Greenland.
With reference to Articles II.2 and IX.2 of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications
concerning Higher Education in the European Region, the Federal Republic of Germany
makes the following declaration:
Within the federal system of the Federal Republic of Germany, various bodies are competent
for matters of recognition:
- Assessment of foreign diplomas giving access to higher education
It is the higher education institutions that decide, in the context of the admission
and/or enrolment procedures, as to the recognition of foreign qualifications held
by German, foreign or stateless candidates permitting their entry to higher education.
Recognition is limited to the specified course of study. The schemes of assessment
published in the database in the section "Hochschulzugang" (access to
higher education) serve as a basis for the decision on recognition. Assessment of
foreign qualifications may nonetheless be entrusted to central bodies for the recognition
of certificates. The decisions of the bodies for the recognition of certificates,
and of the higher education institutions, are acknowledged in all Länder.
- Recognition of unit credits obtained in studies and examinations
This task falls to the higher education institutions. The Framework Act for higher
education and the laws of the Länder governing higher education only provide that
in order to be validated, these unit credits obtained abroad must be equivalent. The
framework regulations for examinations, and the examination regulations of the higher
education institutions, contain more detailed information on the certification of
In those streams leading to a "State examination" (Staatsexamen), transferable course
units are validated by the Land examination services within the purview of the Länder.
In those streams leading to other public examinations/qualifications, transferable
course units are also validated by services operating within the purview of the Länder.
In those streams leading to the "ecclesiastical examination" (Kirchliche Prüfung)
diploma or to other ecclesiastical qualifications, transferable course units are validated
by offices of the churches.
- Assessment of foreign qualifications
The Central Office for Education Abroad (Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen
- ZAB) has charge of assessing foreign qualifications on behalf of the German higher
education authorities and institutions. The ZAB provides relevant information for
assessment, particularly via the anabin database, and delivers opinions on individual
- Assessments without a specific object under Article III.1 of the Convention on the
Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region
The ZAB is responsible for carrying out Assessments termed "without a specific object"
under Article III.1 of the Convention.
The ZAB fulfils the mission of national information centre under the terms of Article
With reference to Article VI of the Convention, the Federal Republic of Germany makes
the following declaration:
Having regard to the great differences that persist between national legislations,
the Federal Republic of Germany points out that where higher education training syllabi
and qualifications professions in the legal sphere are concerned, substantial differences
within the meaning of Article VI.1 are to be expected as a rule, and that Article
VI.3 a) only covers access to further studies in a higher education institution. The
Federal Republic of Germany will therefore continue to make entry to a regulated profession
in the legal sphere, and the practice of such a profession, subject to compliance
with the provisions and procedures in force in its territory as well as with the other
requirements laid down by the bodies competent for the practice of the profession
concerned; this also applies to admission to the training course of such a regulated
Outside the countries which are members of the European Union, parties to the Agreement
on the European Economic Area or which are at all events bound by a convention with
provisions relating to the recognition of European Union professional qualifications,
the sphere of the medical professions is not harmonised. In the interest of public
health, it is nevertheless expedient to stipulate a minimum standard of training corresponding
to that of the European Union's sectoral directives on recognition. If it is found
from a comparison of qualifications that this minimum standard is not reached, the
Federal Republic of Germany points out that in such a case substantial differences
within the meaning of Article VI.1 are to be expected, and that Article VI.3 a) only
covers access to further studies in a higher education institution.
The Federal Republic of Germany will continue to make entry to a regulated profession
in the legal sphere, and the practice of such a profession, subject to compliance
with the provisions and procedures in force in its territory as well as with the other
requirements laid down by the bodies competent for the practice of the profession
Pursuant to Article II.2 of the Convention, the Government of Estonia declares that
the competence to make recognition decisions lies in Estonia with higher education
institutions. In case of employment recognition decisions are made by employers.
Pursuant to Article IX.2 to the Convention, the national information centre is located
in Archimedes Foundation :
Archimedes Foundation
Koidula 13A, Tallinn 10125
Phone : +372.6.962.415
Fax: +372.6.962.419
E-mail :
Pursuant to Article II.2 of the Convention, the Republic of Finland declares that
the competence to make recognition decisions lies with higher education institutions.
Pursuant to Article IX.2 of the Convention, the Republic of Finland declares that
the national information centre, in its role as a European Network Information Centre,
is :
National Board of Education
Hakaniemenkatu 2
Tel. +358.9.774775
Fax. +358.9.77477201
Internet :
In accordance with Article XI.7 of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications
concerning Higher Education in the European Region, the Hellenic Republic declares
that it shall not apply Article VI.3 of the Convention.
In accordance with Article II.2 and IX.2 of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications
concerning Higher Education in the European Region, the Hellenic Republic declares
that the competent national authority is the Hellenic National Academic Recognition
and Information Centre (Hellenic NARIC – DOATAP).
Heilige Stoel
With reference to Article II.2, the Holy See states that its own central authorities
are competent to make decisions in recognition cases. The component of the central
authority which exercises this competence is the Congregation for Catholic Education.
Correspondence should be directed to the Secretary of the Congregation for Catholic
Education, 00120 Città del Vaticano, Vatican City State (tel. + 39.0669884167; fax
+ 39.0669884172; e-mail
The academic institutions of the Holy See subject to the Convention are located in
different nations, and they depend on the Holy See for conditions of enrolment, programmes
of studies and the conferral of degrees.
The Holy See reserves the right not to apply Article IX.3, in accordance with the
provisions of Article XI.7.1.
The Republic of Hungary declares that the national information centre mentioned in
Article IX.2(1) of the said Convention shall be the Hungarian Centre for Equivalence
and Information, which was established under paragraph 3 of Government Decree No.
47 of 27 April 1995, as amended by Government Decree No. 276 of 22 December 1997.
The functions of the Hungarian Centre for Equivalence and Information, defined in
paragraph 4 of the above-mentioned Decree, are as follows:
- preparing legislation concerning the recognition of foreign studies and diplomas
obtained abroad;
- preparing international agreements in the area of academic mobility and mutual recognition
of school certificates and diplomas certifying academic and vocational qualifications
in higher education;
- recognising higher education diplomas obtained abroad or higher education qualifications
certified through diplomas awarded by foreign higher education institutions in Hungary,
whose operational arrangements are set out in paragraph 110(2) of the 1993 Higher
Education Act, No. LXXX;
- recognising vocational qualifications obtained in higher education institutions;
- collecting, classifying, collating and registering information concerning foreign
higher education systems, the legal status of foreign higher education institutions,
higher education and the criteria for obtaining a higher education qualification;
- providing information on foreign higher education systems to the authorities and
to national higher education institutions;
- providing - at the request of foreign authorities, professional organisations and
institutions of higher education - information on Hungarian higher education (e.g.,
on Hungarian higher education institutions), the higher education system and the diplomas
certifying academic and vocational qualifications obtained in higher education institutions;
- providing information and delivering - at the client's request and for the purposes
of use abroad - attestations on studies pursued in Hungarian higher education institutions
and on the diplomas certifying an academic or vocational qualification obtained in
the Hungarian higher education system;
- maintaining professional contacts with equivalence centres in other countries and
with international organisations;
- carrying out duties connected with the responsibilities of the Hungarian Equivalence
Committee's Secretariat;
- carrying out tasks entrusted to it by the Ministry of Education.
In accordance with Article II.2 of the Convention, the Government of Hungary declares
that the competence to make decisions on the recognition of qualifications issued
by foreign educational institutions or, of periods of study completed abroad with
a view to admission to higher education, shall lie in each case with that particular
higher education institution, in which the applicant wishes to pursue his or her studies.
The Government of Hungary declares that the national information centre mentioned
in Article IX.2, paragraph 1, of the Convention shall be the Hungarian Equivalence
and Information Centre which operates within the Ministry of Education, in accordance
with the provisions of Act No. 100 of 2001 on the Recognition of Foreign Certificates
and Degrees.
The Hungarian Equivalence and Information Centre shall carry out the following functions,
in accordance with Article IX.2, paragraph 2, of the Convention as well as the relevant
provisions of Act No. 100 of 2001 :
- facilitating access to authoritative and accurate information on the higher education
system and qualifications of Hungary;
- facilitating access to information on the higer education systems and qualifications
of the other Parties to the Convention;
- giving advice or information on recognition matters and assessment of qualifications,
in accordance with national laws and regulations in force in Hungary.
In accordance with Article II.2 of the Convention, the Government of the State of
Israel declares that the competence to make recognition decisions lies with higher
education institutions.
In accordance with Article IX.2 of the Convention, the Government of the State of
Israel declares that the function of the national information center is fulfilled
by the following authorities :
The Council for Higher Education
P.O.B. 4037
Jerusalem 91040
Tel.: 972-2-5679911
Fax: 972-2-5679969
The Council shall facilitate access to information on the higher education system
and qualifications in Israel, on the higher education systems and qualifications of
the other Parties, and give advice or information on academic recognition matters
and academic assessment of qualifications, also by referring to higher education institutions.
The Foreign Academic Degrees Evaluation Division in the Ministry of Education
2 Dvora Ha'Neviaa St.
Jerusalem 91911
Tel.: 972-2-5602863
Fax: 972-2-5603876
The Division shall give advice or information on evaluation of foreign academic degrees
and diplomas, only for puposes of ranking and salary.
Pursuant to Article II.2 of the Convention, Italy declares that, depending on the
use to be made with the qualification obtained abroad, the following authorities are
competent to make decisions on the recognition of qualifications :
- University institutions: for admission to further studies;
- The Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department of Civil Service: for participation
in public competitions;
- The Ministry of Education, University and Research: for granting points with a view
to participation in public competitions, for issues regarding social welfare, registration
with employment agencies, access to internships (or to "praticantato") and registration
of a contract with a view to granting the qualification of volunteer;
- The Administration that has recognised or granted a scholarship or another benefit,
after a reasoned opinion from the Ministry of Education, University and Research;
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs for recognition of points in case of competitions
or granting of scholarships or other benefits granted by the Ministry itself, which
may request a reasoned opinion to the Ministry of Education, University and Research.
Pursuant to Article IX.2 to the Convention, Italy designates the "Centro di Informazione
sulla Mobilità e le Equivalenze Accademiche (CIMEA)" as the national information centre.
The CIMEA's contact details are the following:
Viale XXI Aprile 36
I - 00162 Roma
Phone : +39.06-
Fax: +
E-mail :
The competence to make recognition decisions lies with higher education institutions.
Decisions are to be made on basis of recognition statement issued by the Academic
Information Centre (Latvian ENIC/NARIC), located :
Valnu str. 2,
Riga LV-1050,
Tel.: +371-6722 51 55
Fax: +371-6722 10 06
E-mail :
Internet :
The National Information Centre is located in the Academic Information Centre (Latvian
Article II.2
In Liechtenstein, the competence to make different categories of decisions in recognition
cases lies in the first instance within the organs of the «Fachhochschule» and the
institutes of higher education, and in the second instance within the Office for school
matters and the Government respectively.
Article VIII. 1a and VIII.2
The Principality of Liechtenstein shall take the adequate measures for the development,
maintenance and provision of the information specified in these provisions.
Article IX.2
The national information center of Liechtenstein concerning recognition is the following:
ENIC/NARIC Liechtenstein
Herrengasse 2
FL - 9490 Vaduz
The contact person is:
Hans Peter Walch
Tel. +423-236.67.58
Fax. +423-236.67.71
e-mail :
In accordance with Article II.2 of the Convention, the competent authority in Luxembourg
to make different categories of decisions in recognition cases is :
. the Ministry of Culture, Higher Education and Research
20, montée de la Pétrusse
L - 2273 Luxembourg
. Responsible officials:
Mr Germain Dondelinger, Professeur-attaché - Tel. 00 352 478 66 33
Mr Jean Tagliaferri, Professeur-attaché - Tel. 00 352 478 51 39
In accordance with Article II.2 of the Convention, the Government of Malta declares
that the authorities that are competent to make different categories of decisions
in recognition cases are as follows:
1. Recognition of Qualifications National Coordination
Il-Kordinatur ta' Rikonoxximent Reciproku
The Mutual Recognition Coordinator
2. Recognition of Qualifications Authorities
Centru Malti ghal Rikonoxximent ta' Kwalifiki u ta' Informazzjoni (Malta QRIC)
Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (ENIC/NARIC Malta)
Bord ta' l -Appell dwar ir-Rikonoxximent Reciproku ta' Kwalifiki
Mutual Recognition Appeals Board
3. Coordinating Bodies for the uniform application of Recognition
Kunsill ta' l-Awtoritajiet Kompetenti dwar ir- Rikonoxximent Reciproku ta' Kwalifiki
Mutual Recognition of Qualifications Council
Il-Konferenza ghal-Awtoritajiet Nominati
The Designated Authorities Conference
4. Competent Authorities
Decisions in connection with access into Further and Higher Education
The University of Malta
The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology
The Institute of Tourism Studies
The Malta Centre for Restoration
5. Designated Authorities
Decisions taken in connection with warrants, licences and permits for the practice
of regulated professions
Ministry of Education, Youth and Employment
Council for Malta Stock Exchange
Accountancy Board
Malta Statistics Authority
Malta Financial Services Authority
Association of Insurance Brockers
Department of Civil Aviation Personnel Licensing Unit
Malta Communications Authority
Port Workers Board
Malta Transport Authority
Council for the Professions Complementary to Medicine
Pharmacy Council
Council for Nurses and Midwives
Veterinary Surgeon Council
Malta Environment and Planning Authority
Engineering Board
Masons Board
Bord-tal-Warrant tal-Periti
President of Malta (Lawyers)Commissioner of Police
Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs
Malta Tourism Authority
Malta Council for Economic and Social Development
Malta Social Workers Board
Malta Psychology Profession Board
Malta Maritime Authority
Pilotage Board
The Permanent Representation of Malta to the Council of Europe, in accordance with
Article IX.2, would like to notify that the National Information Centre is the following:
Centru Malti ghal Rikonoxximent ta' Kwalifiki u ta' Informazzjoni
(MaltaQRIC) Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre
Ministry of Education
Room No 327
Great Siege Road
Floriana CMR 02
Phone: 356 21 240419
Fax: 356 2598 2340
Contact person: Mr Anthony DeGiovanni
Director of Education
Further studies and Adult Education
Referring to the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning the Higher Education in the European Region, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova informs that, according to Article II.2, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Moldova is the authority which is competent to make different categories of decisions in recognition cases.
With regard to Article II.2, the authority which is competent to make different categories
of decision in recognition cases in the Republic of Montenegro is the following:
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Montenegro
Vuka Karadzica 3
81000 Podgorica
Republic of Montenegro
Tel. +381 81 248 847
Fax. +381 81 248 526
With regard to Article IX.2, functions of the National Information Centre for the
Republic of Montenegro are fulfilled by:
Ministry of Education and Science
Mrs Vanja Srdanovic
Vuka Karadzica 3
81000 Podgorica
Republic of Montenegro
Tel. +381 81 265 016
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der
In accordance with Article II.2 of the Convention, the Kingdom of the Netherlands
declares that the authorities which are competent to make decisions in recognition
cases in the Netherlands are the higher education institutions.
In accordance with Article IX.2 of the Convention, the Kingdom of the Netherlands
declares that the national information centre is:
NUFFIC (Netherlands Organisation for International Cooperation in Higher Education)
PO Box 29777
2502 LT The Hague
The Netherlands
Tel.: (+31 0) 70 4260 260
Fax: (+31 0) 70 4260 399
New Zealand declares that, consistent with the constitutional status of Tokelau and
taking into account the commitment of the Government of New Zealand to the development
of self-government for Tokelau through an act of self-determination under the Charter
of the United Nations, this accession shall not extend to Tokelau unless and until
a declaration to this effect is lodged by the Government of New Zealand with the Depositary
on the basis of appropriate consultation with that territory.
In accordance with Article II.2 of the Convention, the competence to make recognition
decisions lies with tertiary education institutions.
In accordance with Article IX.2 of the Convention, the national information center,
in its role as European Network Information Centre, established for New Zealand, is
New Zealand Qualifications Authority
125 The Terrace
Wellington 6011
New Zealand
PO Box 160
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
In accordance with Article II.2 of the Convention in the Republic of Macedonia the
authorities competent to make different categories of decision in recognition cases
are the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia and Higher
Education Institutions.
In accordance with Article IX.2 of the Convention the function of the Republic of
Macedonia information center is fulfilled by the:
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia
Information Center ENIC
"Dimitrie Cuposki" str., No 9
1000 Skopje /Republic of Macedonia
Contact person: Nadezda Uzelac
Tel : ++ 389 2 106 523
Fax : ++ 389 2 117 631
E-mail :
In accordance with Article X.3, the Information Center of the Republic of Macedonia
is designated as a member of the European Network of National Information Centers
on academic mobility and recognition (the ENIC Network).
According to The Act No. 22 of 12 May 1995 on Universities and Colleges, the higher
education institutions are the competent authorities to make decisions in recognition
cases. The Act applies to :
- the Universities : University of Oslo, University of Bergen, Norwegian University
of Science and Technology, University of Tromsø with the Norwegian College of Fishery
- specialised University institutions : Oslo School of Architecture, Norwegian School
of Economics and Business Administration, Norwegian College of Sport Sciences, Norwegian
Academy of Music, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Agricultural University
of Norway;
- University Colleges : Agder University College, Akershus University College, Bergen
University College, Bodø University College, Buskerud University College, Finnmark
University College, Gjøvik University College, Harstad University College, Hedmark
University College, Lillehammer University College, Molde University College, Narvik
University College, Nesna University College, Nord-Trøndelag University College, Oslo
University College, Sogn og Fjordane University College, Stavanger University College,
Stord/Haugesund University College, Sør-Trøndelag University College, Telemark University
College, Tromsø University College, Vestfold University College, Østfold University
College, Volda University College, Ålesund University College, Saami University College
- National Institutes of Arts : Bergen Institute of Art, Oslo Institute of Art.
The National Information Centre of Norway is the:
National Academic Information Centre
Network Norway Council
P.O. Box 8150 Dep.
0032 Oslo
Tel. : +47 210 818 60
Fax : +47 210 218 02
Internet :
The Ukrainian authority competent to make different categories of decisions in recognition
cases is the:
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Main Department of International Co-operation
Prospect Peremogy, 10
Tel. : 38 (044) 216 22 35
Fax : 38 (044) 274 49 33
Referring to the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher
Education in the European Region, the Government of Austria submits the following
Article II.2
In Austria, the competence to make decisions in recognition cases lies with the organs
of the universities or with "Fachhochschul-Studiengänge" or with the "Fachhochschulrat"
(advisory council on "Fachhochschule" matters).
Article IV.5
Austria avails itself of the provisions of this Article, intending - at present -
to apply it in regard to school leaving certificates from Greece (until the entry
into force in Greece of the Law on a unified Lyceum) and from Turkey.
Article VIII.1
Austria is a Party under lit.a, having established a system of formal assessment of
higher education institutions and programmes, with separate assessments for universities
on one hand and for "Fachhochschul-Studiengänge" on the other.
Article VIII.2
The categories of information addressed in this provision are available in Austria.
Article IX.2
The following office is the national information centre of Austria on recognition
NARIC AUSTRIA, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur
Abteilung VII/D/3
Teinfaltstrasse 8
A-1014 Wien.
Persons to be addressed:
Dr Heinz KASPAROVSKY, Tel.: 00431.53120/5920, Fax: 00431.53120/7890, Email:
Dr Christoph DEMAND, Tel.: 00431.53120/5922, Fax: 00431.5320/7890, Email:
In accordance with Article II.2 of the Convention, the Republic of Poland declares
that the authorities which are competent to make decisions in recognition cases in
Poland are the local governmental educational authorities, higher education institutions
and accredited science institutions.
In accordance with Article IX.2 of the Convention, the Republic of Poland declares
that the national information centre is the:
Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange
ul. Smolna 13
00-375 Warsaw - Poland
Tel.: +48 22 826 74 34
Fax.: +48 22 826 28 23
Pursuant to Article II.2 of the Convention, Romania declares that the authority which
is competent to make decisions on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher
education is the :
National Centre for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas - ENIC/NARIC
30 General Berthelot street
Tel./Fax : +401 313 26 77
E-mail :
Russische Federatie
Pursuant to Article IX.2 of the Convention and in accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federal State Scientific Institution "Main State Expert Centre of Education Estimation" has been nominated as the organisation authorised to carry out functions as the national information centre to provide information regarding recognition procedure in the Russian Federation of foreign education and (or) qualifications, academic degrees and academic ranks.
With regard to Article II.2, the authority which is competent to make different categories
of decision in recognition cases in the Republic of Serbia is the following:
Ministry of Education and Sport
Nemanjina 22-26
11000 Beograd
Republic of Serbia
Tel. +381 11 361 64 89
Fax. +381 11 361 64 91
With regard to Article IX.2, functions of the National Information Centre for the
Republic of Serbia is fulfilled by:
ENIC Centre - Ministry of Education and Sport
Mrs Olga Jovanovic and Mr Mirko Ozegovic
Nemanjina 22-26
11000 Beograd
Republic of Serbia
Tel. +381 11 361 66 07
Fax. +381 11 361 65 15
Referring to the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher
Education in the European Region, the Government of Slovenia declares that:
With regard to Article II.2
The authorities, which are competent to make different categories of decisions in
recognition cases in the Republic of Slovenia are the following Higher Education Institutions:
- University of Ljubljana, Kongresni trg 12, 1000 Ljubljana
- University of Maribor, Krekova ulica 2, 2000 Maribor
- School of Environmental Sciences, Vipavska 13, 5000 Nova Gorica
- Postgraduate School in Humanities, Bethovnova 2, 1000 Ljubljana
- College of Hotel and Travel Administration, Obala 29, 6320 Portoroz
- College of Management, Caniarjeva 5, 6000 Koper
- College of Global Entrepreneurship, Sencna pot 10, 6320 Portoroz
- College of Business and Management, Na Loki 2, 8000 Novo mesto.
With regard to the paragraph 1 of Article IX.2
The National Information centre of the Republic of Slovenia was established in 1997
at the Ministry of Education and Sport.
In accordance with Article IX.2 of the Convention, the Government of Slovakia declares that the functions of the national information centre are fulfilled by the Centre for Equivalence of Diplomas, Institute of Information and Prognoses of Education (Stredisko pre ekvivalenciu dokladov o vzdelaní Ústavu informácií a prognóz skolstva), address: Staré grunty 52, 842 44 Bratislava, Slovak Republic; tel. fax: 00421 7 6542 6521.
In accordance with Article II.2 of the Convention, the Government of Slovakia declares
that the authorities which are competent to make different categories of decisions
in recognition cases are the following:
Authorities which are competent to make different categories of decisions in recognition
cases according to the Article II.2 Section II. "The Competence of Authorities":
a. Qualifications giving access to higher education:
KRAJSKÝ ÚRAD V BRATISLAVE (Regional Office in Bratislava)
Staromestská 6 - 812 71 Bratislava - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 7/593 121 85 - Fax : +421 7/531 009 72
KRAJSKÝ ÚRAD V TRNAVE (Regional Office in Trnava)
Kollárova 8 - 917 00 Trnava - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 805/55 64 401 - Fax : +421 805/55 12 320
KRAJSKÝ ÚRAD V TRENCÍNE (Regional Office in Trencín)
Hviezdoslavova 3 - 911 49 Trencín - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 831/411 401 - Fax : +421 831/534 686
KRAJSKÝ ÚRAD V NITRE (Regional Office in Nitra)
Stefánikova 69 - 949 68 Nitra - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 87/522 879 - Fax : +421 87/515 329
KRAJSKÝ ÚRAD V ZILINE (Regional Office in Zilina)
J.Krála 4 - 040 01 Zilina - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 89/67 77 374 - Fax : +421 89/48 138
KRAJSKÝ ÚRAD V BANSKEJ BYSTRICI (Regional Office in Banská Bystrica)
Nám.L.Stúra 1 - 975 41 Banská Bystrica - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 88/43 06 407 - Fax : +421 88/43 06 407
KRAJSKÝ ÚRAD V PRESOVE (Regional Office in Presov)
Levocská 3 - 080 73 Presov - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 91/713 443 - Fax : +421 91/711 033
KRAJSKÝ ÚRAD V KOSICIACH (Regional Office in Kosice)
Komenského 52 - 041 70 Kosice - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 95/60 01 601 - Fax : +421 95/63 36 718
b. Higher education qualifications
i. Higher education institutions :
UNIVERZITA MATEJA BELA V BANSKEJ BYSTRICI (Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica)
Národná ul. 12 - 974 01 Banská Bystrica - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 88/412 33 67, 412 32 95 - Fax : +421 88/ 415
UNIVERZITA KOMENSKÉHO V BRATISLAVE (Comenius University in Bratislava)
Safárikovo nám. 6 - 818 06 Bratislava - Slovak Republic
Tel. : +421 7/304 111 - Fax : +421 7/363 836
E.mail :
EKONOMICKÁ UNIVERZITA V BRATISLAVE (University of Economics in Bratislava)
Dolnozemská cesta 1 - 852 35 Bratislava - Slovak Republic
Tel. : +421 7/6729 5111, 6729 1111 - Fax : +421 7/847 348
E.mail :
SLOVENSKÁ TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA V BRATISLAVE (Slovak Technical University in Bratislava)
Vazovova 5 - 813 43 Bratislava - Slovak Republic
Tel. : +421 7/359 4110 - Fax : +421 7/3594 677
E.mail :
Srobárová ulica 2 - 041 90 Kosice - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 95/62 22 602 - Fax : +421 95/766 959
E.mail :
in Kosice)
Komenského 73 - 041 81 Kosice - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 95/62 29 924 - Fax : +421 95/ 63 23 666
E.mail :
TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA V KOSICIACH (Technical University in Kosice)
Letná 9 - 042 00 Kosice - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 95/63 22 485, 63 31 813, 60 22 001 - Fax : +421 95/63 32 748
E.mail :
Trieda A. Hlinku 2 - 949 76 Nitra - Slovak Republic
Tel. : +421 87/511 751-4, 512 251-4 - Fax : +421 87/511 560
E.mail :
TRNAVSKÁ UNIVERZITA V TRNAVE (University of Trnava in Trnava)
Hornopotocná 23 - 918 43 Trnava - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 805/55 11 672 - Fax : +421 805/511 129
E.mail : Isolté
ZILINSKÁ UNIVERZITA V ZILINE (University of Zilina in Zilina)
Moizesova 20 - 010 26 Zilina - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 89/622 758 - Fax : +421 89/477 02
E.mail :
TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA VO ZVOLENE (Technical University in Zvolen)
Masarykova 24 - 960 53 Zvolen - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 855/274 22 - Fax : +421 855/200 27
E.mail :
UNIVERZITA KONSTANTÍNA FILOZOFA V NITRE (University of Constantine Philosopher in
Trieda A. Hlinku 1 - 949 74 Nitra - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 87/514 755-9 - Fax : +421 87/511 243
E.mail :
Sklabinská 1 - 831 06 Bratislava - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 7/44 88 83 72 - Fax : +421 7/286 220
E.mail :
VOJENSKÁ AKADÉMIA V LIPTOVSKOM MIKULÁSI (Military Academy in Liptovský Mikulás)
Demanovská cesta, P.O.Box: 761 - 031 19 Liptovský Mikulás - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 849/55 22 234-35 - Fax : +421 849/522 237
E.mail :
PRESOVSKÁ UNIVERZITA (University of Presov)
Nám. legionárov 3 - 080 01 Presov - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 91/733 106, 733 260 - Fax : +421 91/732 054
E.mail :
Rektor : PhDr. Karol Fec, CSc.
E.mail :
VYSOKÁ SKOLA MUZICHÝCH UMENÍ V BRATISLAVE (Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava)
Ventúrska 3 - 814 01 Bratislava - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 7/544 323 06 - Fax : +421 7/544 301 25
E.mail :
VYSOKÁ SKOLA VÝTVARNÝCH UMENÍ V BRATISLAVE (Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava)
Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18 - 814 37 Bratislava - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 7/544 322 51 - Fax : +421 7/533 23 40
E.mail :
UNIVERZITA ST. CYRILA A METODA V TRNAVE (University of St. Cyril and Methodius in
Námestie J. Herdu 2 - 917 00 Trnava - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 805/5565 111 - Fax : +421 805/565 122
E.mail :
AKADEMIA UMENÍ V BANSKEJ BYSTRICI (Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica)
Ul. J. Kollára 22 - 974 01 Banská Bystrica - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 88/743 302 - Fax : +421 88/743 305
E.mail :
Miroslav Rastislav Stefanik Academy of Aviation in Kosice)
Rampová 7 - 041 21 Kosice - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 95/633 91 18 - Fax : +421 95/633 91 18
E.mail :
TRENCIANSKA UNIVERZITA V TRENCÍNE (University of Trencín in Trencín)
Studentská 2 - 911 50 Trencín - Slovak Republic
Tel. : +421 831/400 503, 400 111 - Fax : +421 831/400 102
E.mail :
KATOLÍCKA UNIVERZITA V RUZOMBERKU (Catholic University in Ruzomberok)
Hrabovská cesta 1/1652
034 01 Ruzomberok
Slovak Republic
Tel.: 00421/848/432 27 09
Fax: 00431/848/432 27 08
VYSOKÁ SKOLA MANAZMENTU V TRENCINE (Academy of Management in Trencin)
Bezrucova 64
911 01 Trencin
Slovak Republic
Tel./Fax : 00421/831/(6) 529 337
E-mail :
ii. In the case there is no higher education institution in Slovakia with the same
or similar programe of study :
MINISTERSTVO SKOLSTVA SR (Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic)
Sekcia vysokýn skôl - Stromova 1 - 815 30 Bratislava 1 - Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421 7/547 726 95 - Fax : +421 7/547 743 68
E.mail :
If the Convention on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education
in the European region were to be applied to Gibraltar, Spain would like to make the
following declaration:
1. Gibraltar is a non-autonomous territory whose international relations come under
the responsibility of the United Kingdom and which is subject to a decolonisation
process in accordance with the relevant decisions and resolutions of the General Assembly
of the United Nations.
2. The authorities of Gibraltar have a local character and exercise exclusively internal
competences which have their origin and their foundation in a distribution and attribution
of competences performed by the United Kingdom in compliance with its internal legislation,
in its capacity as sovereign State on which the mentioned non-autonomous territory
3. As a result, the eventual participation of the Gibraltarian authorities in the
application of this Convention will be understood as carried out exclusively as part
of the internal competences of Gibraltar and cannot be considered to modify in any
way what was established in the two previous paragraphs.
If the Convention on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education
in the European region were to be applied to Gibraltar, Spain would like to make the
following declaration:
1. Gibraltar is a non-autonomous territory whose international relations come under
the responsibility of the United Kingdom and which is subject to a decolonisation
process in accordance with the relevant decisions and resolutions of the General Assembly
of the United Nations.
2. The authorities of Gibraltar have a local character and exercise exclusively internal
competences which have their origin and their foundation in a distribution and attribution
of competences performed by the United Kingdom in compliance with its internal legislation,
in its capacity as sovereign State on which the mentioned non-autonomous territory
3. As a result, the eventual participation of the Gibraltarian authorities in the
application of this Convention will be understood as carried out exclusively as part
of the internal competences of Gibraltar and cannot be considered to modify in any
way what was established in the two previous paragraphs.
In accordance with Article XI.7 of the Convention, the Czech Republic expresses its
consent to the commitments arising out of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications
concerning Higher Education in the European Region.
In accordance with Article X.1 of the Convention, the Czech Republic appoints Mrs.
Helena Sebkovà, Director of the Centre for Higher Education Studies in Prague, as
representative of the Czech Republic on the Committee of the Convention on the Recognition
of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region. Address: U Luzického
semináre 13, 118 00 Praha 1. - tel. 00420 2 543573 - fax 00420 2 551945 - e-mail:
In accordance with Article X.3 of the Convention, the Czech Republic appoints the
Centre for Equivalence of Documents about Education of the Centre for Higher Education
Studies in Prague as representative of the Czech Republic in the European Network
of National Information Centres on academic mobility and recognition. Address: U Luzického
semináre 13, 118 00 Praha 1. - tel. 00420 2 532332 - fax 00420 2 551945 - e-mail:
The Permanent Representation of Turkey declares that, due to an administrative oversight,
the following reservation communicated to the Secretariat after the deposit of the
instrument of ratification of the Convention is to be considered as being deposited
simultaneously with the said instrument:
In accordance with Article XI.7 of the Convention, the Government of the Republic
of Turkey does not bind itself with Article IV.8.
In accordance with Article II.2 of the Convention, the Republic of Turkey declares
that the authority which is competent to make different categories of decisions in
recognition cases is:
The Council of Higher Education (YÖK)
Bilkent, Ankara 06539 TURKEY
Telephone: +90-312-266 47 25-26
Fax: +90-312-266 51 53
In accordance with Article IX.2, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Turkey
declares that the national information centre, in its role as a European Network Information
Centre, is:
The EU and International Relations Office (EUIRO)
The Council of Higher Education (YÖK)
Bilkent, Ankara 06539 TURKEY
Telephone : +90-312-298 72 43
Fax: +90-312-266 47 44
E-mail :
Verenigd Koninkrijk
The Government of the United Kingdom declares that, in accordance with Article II.2
of the Convention, the competence to make recognition decisions lies with higher education
In accordance with Article IX.2 of the Convention, the Government of the United Kingdom
declares that the national information centre, in its role as a European Network Information
Centre, is:
Ecctis Ltd
Oriel House - Oriel Road
Cheltenham - Gloucerstershire
GL50 1XP
Switzerland declares that it reserves the right to apply in part Article IV.8, in accordance with the provisions of Article XI.7.
The Central Office of the Swiss Universities (SZfH)
National Recognition Information Centre (Swiss ENIC)
Sennweg 2
CH-3012 Bern
Tel.: +41 (0)31 306 60 33/32
Fax: +41 (0)31 302 68 11
provides all informations on the authorities competent to make different categories
of decisions in recognition cases.
These informations are available on its web-site (*):
Following a restructuring of the Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS),
the Central Office of the Swiss Universities (COSU) has been dissolved and integrated
into the Secretariat General of the Conference. Henceforth, the address of the National
Information Center now reads as follows :
Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities (CRUS)
Information Centre for questions concerning recognition / Swiss ENIC
Sennweg 2
CH-3012 Berne
Internet :