
Verdrag inzake de bestrijding van strafbare feiten verbonden met elektronische netwerken

Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren

Partij Voorbehoud / verklaring Bezwaren
Albanië Ja Nee
Andorra Ja Nee
Argentinië Ja Nee
Armenië Ja Nee
Australië Ja Nee
Azerbeidzjan Ja Ja
België Ja Nee
Benin Ja Nee
Bosnië en Herzegovina Ja Nee
Brazilië Ja Nee
Bulgarije Ja Nee
Canada Ja Nee
Chili Ja Nee
Colombia Ja Nee
Costa Rica Ja Nee
Cyprus Ja Nee
Denemarken Ja Nee
Dominicaanse Republiek Ja Nee
Duitsland Ja Nee
Ecuador Ja Nee
Estland Ja Nee
Fiji Ja Nee
Filipijnen Ja Nee
Finland Ja Nee
Frankrijk Ja Nee
Georgië Ja Nee
Ghana Ja Nee
Grenada Ja Nee
Griekenland Ja Nee
Hongarije Ja Nee
IJsland Ja Nee
Israël Ja Nee
Italië Ja Nee
Ivoorkust Ja Nee
Japan Ja Nee
Kaapverdië Ja Nee
Kameroen Ja Nee
Kiribati Ja Nee
Kroatië Ja Nee
Letland Ja Nee
Liechtenstein Ja Nee
Litouwen Ja Nee
Luxemburg Ja Nee
Malta Ja Nee
Marokko Ja Nee
Mauritius Ja Nee
Moldavië Ja Nee
Monaco Ja Nee
Montenegro Ja Nee
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der Ja Nee
Nigeria Ja Nee
Noord-Macedonië Ja Nee
Noorwegen Ja Nee
Oekraïne Ja Nee
Oostenrijk Ja Nee
Panama Ja Nee
Paraguay Ja Nee
Peru Ja Nee
Polen Ja Nee
Portugal Ja Nee
Roemenië Ja Nee
Rwanda Ja Nee
San Marino Ja Nee
Senegal Ja Nee
Servië Ja Nee
Sierra Leone Ja Nee
Slovenië Ja Nee
Slowakije Ja Nee
Spanje Ja Nee
Sri Lanka Ja Nee
Tonga Ja Nee
Tsjechië Ja Nee
Tunesië Ja Nee
Turkije Ja Nee
Verenigd Koninkrijk Ja Nee
Verenigde Staten van Amerika Ja Nee
Zweden Ja Nee
Zwitserland Ja Nee



In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention, Albania declares that the name and address of the authorities responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty are :
Ministry of Justice […]
National Central Office of Interpol[…]. In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, Albania declares that the name and address of the central authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution is:
Ministry of Justice […]


The 24/7 Network point of contact designated by Albania is the:
Police of State
Ministry of Interior



Pursuant to Article 2 of the Convention, the Principality of Andorra declares that it will incriminate the conducts provided for in Article 2 when committed with criminal intent in order to obtain data without being entitled thereto, to alter or damage data or programs of a computer system, or with any other criminal intent.
In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Principality of Andorra reserves the right not to apply Article 6, paragraph 1.a, on the procurement of devices for use and Article 6, paragraph 1.b, with respect to possession of any of the items referred to in subparagraphs a.i or a.ii.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Principality of Andorra reserves the right not to apply Article 9, paragraph 2.b, related to a person appearing to be a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct, and also the right not to apply Article 9, paragraph 2.c, related to realistic images representing a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct.
In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Principality of Andorra reserves the right not to apply Article 7 concerning certain forms of attempted computer-related forgery.
In accordance with Article 14, paragraph 3.a, of the Convention, the Principality of Andorra reserves the right to apply the measures provided for in Article 20 of the Convention only to major offenses as defined in the Criminal Code in force.
In accordance with Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Principality of Andorra declares that, in respect of offences other than those established in accordance with Articles 2 through 11 of the Convention, it will accept requests for mutual assistance aiming to order the preservation of stored computer data, as provided for in Article 16 of the Convention, only if the condition of dual criminality is fulfilled at the moment of the request.
In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention, the Principality of Andorra declares that, in the absence of a treaty, the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest is:
Service des Affaires générales et juridiques
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Principality of Andorra declares that the central authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance and for their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution is:
The Ministry of Justice, Social and Interior affairs
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the Principality of Andorra designates as point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis the following Department:
Police Department



The Argentine Republic makes a reservation to Article 6.1.b of the Convention on Cybercrime and declares that it’s not transposable to its jurisdiction because it contains an anticipatory assumption of the sanction since preparatory actions are established as criminal offences, which is unknown in Argentina’s legislative tradition in criminal legal matters.
The Argentine Republic makes a reservation to Articles 9.1.d, 9.2.b and 9.2.c of the Convention on Cybercrime and declares that they are not transposable to its jurisdiction because they contain anticipatory assumptions inconsistent with the Criminal Code in force, in accordance with the reform introduced by Law 26.38.
The Argentine Republic makes a partial reservation to Article 9.1.e of the Convention on Cybercrime and declares that it’s not transposable to its jurisdiction because, in accordance with the legislation in force until this date, this article is only applicable when the manifest purpose of the possession in question is the distribution or commercialisation (Article 128, second paragraph, of the Criminal Code).
The Argentine Republic makes a reservation to Article 22.1.d of the Convention on Cybercrime and declares that it’s not transposable to its jurisdiction because its content differs from the rules governing the definition of national criminal jurisdiction.
The Argentine Republic makes a reservation to Article 29.4 of the Convention on Cybercrime and declares that it’s not transposable to its jurisdiction because the requirement of dual criminality is one of the fundamental bases of the Law on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters No. 24.767 for the kind of cooperation measures provided for in the article and paragraph mentioned.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 24.7 of the Convention, the Government of Argentina designates as responsible authority the Directorate for International Mutual Legal Assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Argentine Republic.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 27.2.c of the Convention, the Government of Argentina designates as responsible authority the Directorate for International Mutual Legal Assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Argentine Republic.


In accordance with Article 43 of the Convention, the Argentine Republic withdraws its partial reservation to Article 9.1.e of the Convention on Cybercrime.



In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, Article 27, paragraph 2, and Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Armenia designated as the national point of contact for cooperation in combating cybercrime, available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis:

Mr. Samvel Hovsepyan, Police Major Deputy Head of 3rd division of the 1st department of the Main Department on Combat Against Organized Crime of the Police of the Republic of Armenia


In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, and Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Armenia updates its designation of the authorities to receive and handle requests for mutual assistance, extradition, or provisional arrest as follows:
a) The General Prosecutor’s Office – for requests related to mutual assistance, extradition, or provisional arrest during the pre-trial proceedings:
Prosecutor General’s Office, Department of International-Legal Cooperation
b) The Ministry of Justice – for requests related to mutual assistance, extradition, or provisional arrest during the court proceedings phase – National Contact Point (NCP)
Ministry of Justice of Armenia
In accordance with Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Armenia updates its designation of the national point of contact (NCP) for cooperation in combating cybercrime, available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis, as follows: National Police to the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Ministry of Internal Affairs
General Department of Criminal Police
Department for Combating Cybercrime



In accordance with Article 42 and Article 14, paragraph 3.a, of the Convention, Australia reserves the right to apply the measures referred to in Article 20 (Real-time collection of traffic data) only to offences that are punishable by imprisonment for at least 3 years and any other 'serious offences' as defined under domestic law governing the collection and recording of traffic data in real time and the interception of content data. Under Australian law, domestic agencies may only gain access to traffic data collected and recorded in real time in relation to offences that are punishable by imprisonment for at least 3 years and other 'serious offences'. Domestic agencies may only gain access to intercepted content data in relation to 'serious offences'.
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 22, paragraph 2, of the Convention, Australia reserves the right not to apply the jurisdiction rules laid down in Article 22, paragraph 1.b-d, to offences established in accordance with Article 7 (Computer-related forgery), Article 8 (Computer-related fraud) and Article 9 (Offences related to child pornography). The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia does not enjoy a plenary power to make laws establishing offences for computer-related forgery, computer-related fraud or offences related to child pornography. The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia has established offences for computer-related forgery, computer-related fraud and offences related to child pornography, committed on board ships flying Australian flags, on board aircraft registered under Australian law, or by Australian nationals outside Australia, where the offending conduct involves some subject matter with respect to which it has legislative power. In addition to those offences, the Australian States and Territories have also established offences in accordance with Articles 7, 8 and 9 when commited on their territory.
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 22, paragraph 2, of the Convention, Australia further reserves the right not to apply the jurisdiction rules laid down in Article 22, paragraphs 1.b-d, to offences established in accordance with Article 10 (Offences related to infringements of copyright and related rights). Autralian law does not presently provide jurisdiction over acts constituting infringements of copyright and related rights committed on board ships flying Australian flags, on board aircraft registered under Australian law, or by Australian nationals outside Australia.
Article 24(7) - Australia's Designated Competent Authority:
International Crime Cooperation Central Authority
Attorney-General's Department
Article 27(2) - Australia's Designated Competent Authority:
International Crime Cooperation Central Authority
Attorney-General's Department
Article 35 - 24/7 Network:
AOCC Watchfloor Operations
Australian Federal police


Up-dating of contact information:
Articles 24(7) and 27(2)
Authority: Attorney General’s Department - International Crime Cooperation Central Authority
Article 35 – 24/7 Network contact
Authority: Australian Federal Police



In relation to subparagraph "b" of paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan declares that when acts are not considered dangerous crimes for the general public, they will be evaluated not as criminal offences, but as punishable acts regarded as a breach of law. In case the deliberate perpetration of acts subject to the penalty risk which are not treated as dangerous crimes for the general public (action or inaction) generates a serious harm, then they are treated as crime.
In relation to paragraph 3 of Article 6 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan appraises the acts indicated in paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Convention not as criminal offences, but as punishable acts regarded as a breach of law in case these acts are not considered dangerous crimes for general public and stipulates that the given acts be subjected to criminal charge only at the event of incurrence of serious harm.
According to subparagraph "a" of paragraph 7 of Article 24 of the Convention, in case of the absence of an extradition treaty, the Republic of Azerbaijan designates the Ministry of Justice as a responsible authority for receiving inquiries regarding extradition and temporary arrest.
According to subparagraph "c" of paragraph 2 of Article 27 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan designates the Ministry of National Security as a responsible authority for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance and the execution of such requests.
According to subparagraph "e" of paragraph 9 of Article 27 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan informs the Secretary General that, for reasons of efficiency, requests made under this paragraph are to be addressed to its central authority.
According to paragraph 1 of Article 35 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan designates the Ministry of National Security as a point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis, in order to ensure the provision of immediate assistance for the purpose of investigations or proceedings concerning criminal offences related to computer systems and data, or collection of evidence in electronic form of a criminal offence.
According to Article 38 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan declares that the application of the provisions of the Convention in the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which have been occupied by the Republic of Armenia, cannot be guaranteed unless these territories are freed from occupation.
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan declares that criminal liability occurs if the acts described in Article 4 of the Convention result in serious harm.
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan reserves the right to refuse the request for preservation under this article in cases where it has reasons to believe that at the time of disclosure the condition of dual criminality cannot be fulfilled.

Bezwaar Armenië, 30-06-2009

The Republic of Azerbaijan deliberately distorts the core and essence of the Nagorno Karabakh issue with respect to the cause and effect of the conflict originated as consequence of Azerbaijan's policies of ethnic cleansing against the people of the Nagorno Karabakh, aimed at the suppression of its free will and followed by large-scale military aggression against the self-determined Nagorno Karabakh Republic. As a result, several territories of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic have been occupied by the Republic of Azerbaijan and some territories of Azerbaijan came under the control of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.
Furthermore, Article 38 of the Convention, to which the Declaration of the Republic of Azerbaijan refers, is not applicable in respect of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The clause on territorial application deals only with European States with territories having special status, such as overseas territories, allowing these States to extend the application of the Convention to those territories.


In relation to subparagraph "b" of paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan declares that when acts are not considered dangerous crimes for the general public, they will be evaluated not as criminal offences, but as punishable acts regarded as a breach of law. In case the deliberate perpetration of acts subject to the penalty risk which are not treated as dangerous crimes for the general public (action or inaction) generates a serious harm, then they are treated as crime.
In relation to paragraph 3 of Article 6 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan appraises the acts indicated in paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Convention not as criminal offences, but as punishable acts regarded as a breach of law in case these acts are not considered dangerous crimes for general public and stipulates that the given acts be subjected to criminal charge only at the event of incurrence of serious harm.
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan declares that criminal liability occurs if the acts described in Article 4 of the Convention result in serious harm.
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan reserves the right to refuse the request for preservation under this article in cases where it has reasons to believe that at the time of disclosure the condition of dual criminality cannot be fulfilled.
According to subparagraph "a" of paragraph 7 of Article 24 of the Convention, in case of the absence of an extradition treaty, the Republic of Azerbaijan designates the Ministry of Justice […] as a responsible authority for receiving inquiries regarding extradition and temporary arrest.
According to subparagraph "c" of paragraph 2 of Article 27 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan designates the Ministry of National Security […] as a responsible authority for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance and the execution of such requests.
According to subparagraph "e" of paragraph 9 of Article 27 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan informs the Secretary General that, for reasons of efficiency, requests made under this paragraph are to be addressed to its central authority.
According to paragraph 1 of Article 35 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan designates the Ministry of National Security as a point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis, in order to ensure the provision of immediate assistance for the purpose of investigations or proceedings concerning criminal offences related to computer systems and data, or collection of evidence in electronic form of a criminal offence.
According to Article 38 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan declares that it is unable to guarantee implementation of the provisions of the Convention in its territories occupied by the Republic of Armenia until the liberation of those territories from the occupation.



In accordance with Article 22 of the Convention, the Belgian Government reserves the possibility of applying Article 22.1.c of the Convention only if the following specific condition is fulfilled: Article 36 of the Law of 27 June 1937, relating to the regulation of air navigation, considers as committed in Belgium the offences committed on board a Belgian aircraft in flight.
In accordance with Article 42 of the Convention, Belgium reserves the right to apply Article 22.1.d of the Convention to a Belgian national who is guilty of a criminal offence committed outside the territory of the Kingdom, only in cases where such an offence is considered to be a criminal offence according to Belgian law, and the offence is punished by the law of the country where it was committed, and the perpetrator is found in Belgium. Belgium reserves the right to institute proceedings, in cases where the victim of the offence is a foreigner, only upon a preliminary complaint from the victim, his or her family or an official notice from the authorities of the State where the offence was committed.
In accordance with Article 2 of the Convention, the Belgian Government declares that it will establish as criminal offences the conducts referred to in Article 2, in relation to "internal hacking" as provided for by Article 550bis, §2 of the Penal Code, only when those conducts are committed with intent to defraud or to cause damage.
In accordance with Article 7 of the Convention, the Belgian Government declares that it will establish as criminal offences the conducts provided for by Article 7 only when they are committed with fraudulent intent or intent to cause damage.
In accordance with Article 24.7.a of the Convention, the Belgian Government declares that the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest, in the absence of a treaty, is:
Service Public Fédéral Justice
Service de la coopération internationale pénale
(until the end of 2012).
In accordance with Article 27.2 of the Convention, the Belgian Government declares that the authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, and for the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution is:
Service Public Fédéral Justice
Service de la coopération internationale pénale
(until the end of 2012).
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the Belgian Government designates as a point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis, the following department:
Federal Judicial Police
Direction for Combating Economic and Financial Crime
Federal Computer Crime Unit (FCCU)



In accordance with Articles 24, 27 and 35 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Benin designates the competent national authorities for Benin as follows:
1. Authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty
Name: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2. Central authority responsible for sending, responding, executing or transmitting requests for mutual assistance to the competent authorities for their execution
Name: Bureau de la Coopération et de l’entraide judiciaire (Office of Cooperation and Mutual Legal Assistance)
3. Focal Point designated for the 24/7 Network
Name: Centre National d’Investigations Numériques (CNIN)

Bosnië en Herzegovina


The Permanent Representation of Bosnia and Herzegovina declares that it will deposit the declaration by which the competent authorities for the purposes of the Convention on cybercrime will be designated, as soon as possible after the deposit of the instrument of ratification.


In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, Article 27, paragraph 2, and Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention on Cybercrime, Bosnia and Herzegovina designated as the competent authority for the purposes of the Convention : the State Investigation and Protection Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The point of contact is Mr Jasmin GOGIC, Director of Sarajevo's regional office of the State Investigation and Protection Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Competent authorities (articles 24, 27)
Up-dating of information:
State Investigation and Protection Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Ministry of Security)
Point of Contact (Article 35)
Up-dating of information:
Direction for cooperation of police bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina
International police cooperation Sector, INTERPOL
(Ministry of Security)



Pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 7.a, and Article 27, paragraph 2.c, of the Convention, the Federative Republic of Brazil declares that the authority responsible for making requests for extradition and provisional arrest and for exercising the function of competent central authority is:
Ministry of Justice and Public Security
Department of Asset Recovery and International Judicial Cooperation
Pursuant to Article 35 to the Convention, the Federative Republic of Brazil declares that the function of point of contact for the 24/7 Network will be exercised by the Federal Police.
Pursuant to Article 40 of the Convention, the Federative Republic of Brazil declares that no presentation of declaration was decided during the legislative process of approval.



In accordance with Article 14, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Republic of Bulgaria reserves the right to apply the measures referred to in Article 20 only to serious offences, as they are defined by the Bulgarian Criminal Code.
In a Note Verbale, the Republic of Bulgaria undertakes to designate its central authorities under the respective articles of the Convention on Cybercrime as soon as possible after the deposit of its instrument of ratification.


In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7.a, of the Convention, the Republic of Bulgaria declares that it designates the Ministry of Justice as the Central Authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition, and the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor's Office as the Central Authority responsible for making and receiving requests for provisional arrest.
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2.c, of the Convention, the Republic of Bulgaria declares that it designates the following Central Authorities responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance:
- the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor's Office - in respect of requests for mutual assistance at the stage of pre-trial proceeding;
- the Ministry of Justice - in respect of requests for mutual assistance at the stage of the trial.
In accordance with Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Bulgaria declares that it designates the National Service for Combating Organized Crime under the Ministry of Interior to perform the functions of point of contact for the purposes of investigations concerning cybercrime.



In accordance with Article 10, paragraph 3 and Article 42 of the Convention, Canada reserves the right not to impose criminal liability under paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 10 since effective remedies, such as civil remedies, are available under Canadian law.
In accordance with Article 22, paragraph 2 and Article 42 of the Convention, Canada reserves the right not to exert its jurisdiction in relation to its nationals who commit offences established in accordance with the Convention outside its territorial jurisdiction.
In accordance with Articles 2 and 40 of the Convention, Canada will require that the offence be committed with dishonest intent.
In accordance with Articles 3 and 40 of the Convention, Canada will require that the offence be committed with dishonest intent.
In accordance with Articles 27 and 40 of the Convention, Canada declares that all requests for mutual assistance be addressed to its central authority.
For the purpose of Articles 24, 27 and 40 of the Convention, Canada designates as its central authority for extradition and mutual assistance, the International Assistance Group of the Department of Justice.
International Assistance Group
Department of Justice
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, Canada designates the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as its point of contact that is available on a twenty-four hour, seven day-a-week basis.
Royal Canadian Mounted
National Operations Centre (NOC)



The Republic of Chile declares that it will require that the offense be committed with a specified dishonest intent, to punish the actions described in Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention on Cybercrime, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of Law No. 19.223 on computer-related offenses.
The Republic of Chile declares that it will require that the offense be committed with fraudulent intent and that it causes harm to third parties, to punish the actions described in Article 7 of the Convention on Cybercrime in accordance with the provisions of Article 197 of the Criminal Code.
The Republic of Chile declares that, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Convention on Cybercrime, it will establish as criminal offences under its domestic law, any deliberate and illegitimate act causing the damaging, deletion, deterioration, alteration or suppression of computer data without right, providing that this conduct results in serious harm.
The Republic of Chile declares that, in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 3, of the Convention on Cybercrime, it will not apply paragraph 1 of the same Article inasmuch as it does not affect the sale, distribution or otherwise making available of the items referred to in paragraph 1 a) ii) of said Article 6.
The Republic of Chile declares that, in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Convention on Cybercrime, it will not apply paragraph 2, sub-paragraphs b and c of the same article.
The Republic of Chile declares that, in accordance with Article 22, paragraph 2, of the Convention on Cybercrime, it will not apply the jurisdiction rules laid down in paragraph 1.d of the same article.
The Republic of Chile, in respect of Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention on Cybercrime, reserves the right to refuse the request for international assistance in cases where the conduct is not defined under Chilean law at the time of the request.
The Republic of Chile declares that, under Article 24 "Extradition", paragraph 7, of the Convention, the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest is:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chile
The Republic of Chile declares that, as regards to Article 27 “Procedures pertaining to mutual assistance requests in the absence of applicable international agreements”, paragraph 2.a, the central authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution is:
The Office of Public Prosecution of Chile
International Cooperation and Extradition Unit
The Republic of Chile declares that, as regards to Article 35 “24/7 Network”, paragraph 1, the point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis is:
The Office of Public Prosecution of Chile
International Cooperation and Extradition Unit.



In accordance with Article 14, paragraph 3, and with reference to Articles 20 and 21 of the Convention, Colombia reserves the right to apply the measures referred to in the aforementioned articles in accordance with its internal regulations in matters of personal data and protection of the right to privacy.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention, Colombia designates as competent authority in matters of extradition the:
Directorate of International Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia
In accordance with Article 27 of the Convention, Colombia designates the following authorities as responsible for mutual legal assistance:
For mutual legal assistance during the investigation phase:
Department of International Affairs of the General Prosecutor's Office
For mutual legal assistance during the legalisation phase:
Department of International Affairs of the Ministry of Justice and Law
In accordance with article 35 of the Convention, Colombia designates as the contact point 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
National Police - Colombian Cybercrime Competence Center C4
Cybercrime Directorate

Costa Rica


Regarding Article 10 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Costa Rica interprets that it is understood that the use of copyright of literary or artistic works obtained through a computer system will not be punishable when its purpose is not for profit, to the extent required for illustration purposes for teaching, as long as the said use is done in accordance with proper use, and mention is made of the source and the name of the author, if this author appears in the source. Similarly, the reproduction and digital storage of literary or artistic works obtained by students and academic staff by computer means solely for illustration for teaching purposes shall not be punishable.
Regarding Article 24 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Costa Rica interprets that it is understood that it will not apply to extradition of Costa Rican nationals who are in the territory of Costa Rica.
The Republic of Costa Rica indicates that, in conformity with the provisions of the Convention on Cybercrime in its Article 35, it designates the Judicial Authority as contact point to ensure the provision of immediate assistance for the purpose of investigations or proceedings concerning criminal offences related to computer systems and data, or for the collection of evidence.
In accordance with the provisions of Articles 24 and 27 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the authority designated by the Republic of Costa Rica is as follows:
Authority : Office of Technical Advice and International Affairs of the General Prosecutors office of the Republic of Costa Rica

Updating of information: 16-04-2018
In accordance with the provisions of Articles 24 and 27 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the authority designated by the Republic of Costa Rica is as follows:
Authority :
Oficina de Asesoría Técnica y Relaciones Internacionales
Fiscalía General de la República
Ministerio de Público de Costa Rica



The Government of the Republic of Cyprus designates as the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention, for requests in accordance with Article 27 of the Convention and as point of contact in accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, and in accordance with the provisions of section 17 of the Cybercrime Convention (Ratification) Law of 2004 (22(III)/2004) as from its entry into force (i.e. on 30 April 2004), the following authority:
Ministry of Justice and Public Order



In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark declares that the criminal area according to Article 9 shall not comprehend the possession of obscene pictures of a person attained the age of fifteen, if the person concerned has given his or her consent to the possession, cf. Article 9, paragraph 1, letter e.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark declares that the criminal area according to Article 9 shall not comprehend visual representations of a person appearing to be a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct, cf. Article 9, paragraph 2, letter b.
In accordance with Article 14, paragraph 3, letter a, of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark declares that Denmark will only apply article 20 concerning monitoring of traffic data to the extent where in accordance with Article 21 there is an obligation to empower the competent authorities to monitor content data, in relation to inquiries of serious crimes, as defined by national law.
Pursuant to Article 38 of the Convention, Denmark declares that, until further notice, the Convention will not apply to the Feroe Islands and Greenland.


In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark has designated the Rigsadvokaten (Director of Public Prosecution) as competent authority. (information updated 23-08-2018)
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark has designated the Rigsadvokaten (Director of Public Prosecution) as competent authority. (information updated 23-08-2018)
In accordance with Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark has designated the Danish National Police, Police Department, […], Denmark, as competent authority.

Dominicaanse Republiek


The Dominican competent authorities as provided for by Articles 24(7) and 27(2) of the Convention are:
Procuraduría General de la República:
Ave. Jinénez Moya esq. Juan Ventura Simó,
Palacio de Justicia,
Departamento de Investigaciones de Crímenes y Delitos de Alta Tecnología de la Policía Nacional
Palacio de la Polícia,
The Dominican competent authority as provided for by Article 35 of the Convention is:
Departamento de Investigaciones de Crímenes y Delitos de Alta Tecnología de la Policía Nacional
Palacio de la Polícia,



1.In accordance with Article 40 of the Convention, the Federal Republic of Germany declares that it avails itself of the possibility of requiring that,
(a) according to Article 2, second sentence, the additional element of commission by infringing security measures be included as an element of the offence of data espionage, which has been established under German law in section 202a of the Criminal Code pursuant to Article 2, first sentence, and
(b) according to Article 7, second sentence, the additional element of an "intent to defraud, or similar dishonest intent" that takes the form of deception in legal transactions be included as an element of the offence of falsification of legally relevant data, which has been established under German law in section 269 of the Criminal Code pursuant to Article 7, first sentence.
2.The Federal Republic of Germany declares that it avails itself of Article 42 of the Convention to the extent that
(a) Article 6, paragraph 1.a.i, as relates to "devices", and sub-paragraph b shall not be applied,
(b) the attempt to commit the acts specified under Article 3 shall not be established as criminal offence under national law, and
(c) requests for expedited preservation of stored data under Article 29 may be refused on the ground that dual criminality is not given, provided there is reason to believe that at the time of disclosure the condition of dual criminality cannot be fulfilled, unless the offence in question is an offence established pursuant to Articles 2 to 11.
3.In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, sub-paragraph a, of the Convention, the Federal Republic of Germany declares that the central authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest is the Federal Foreign Office […].
4.In accordance with Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Federal Republic of Germany declares that the point of contact designated to fulfil the functions specified in this article is the National High Tech Crime Unit at the Federal Criminal Police Office […].


In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2.a, of the Convention, the Federal Republic of Germany declares that the central authority responsible for mutual aasistance requests in the absence of applicable international agreements is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs […].



In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Government of the Republic of Ecuador designates the Ecuadorian authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty as follows:
Institution: National Court of Justice
In accordance with Article 27 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Government of the Republic of Ecuador designates the Ecuadorian authority responsible for international cooperation in criminal matters as follows:
Institution: Office of the Prosecutor General of the Nation – Directorate of Cooperation and International Affairs
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Government of the Republic of Ecuador designates the Ecuadorian 24/7 Point of contact as follows:
Office of the Prosecutor General of the Nation
Institution: Office of the Prosecutor General of the Nation
National Police
Institution: National Police
Institution: National Police



Pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 7, subparagraph a, of the Convention, the Republic of Estonia designates the Ministry of Justice, in the absence of an extradition treaty, as the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest.
Pursuant to Article 27, paragraph 2, subparagraph c, of the Convention, the Republic of Estonia designates the Ministry of Justice as the central authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution.
Pursuant to Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Estonia designates the Central Criminal Police as the point of contact.


Estonia designates as point of contact for the network 24/24-7/7:

Estonian Central Criminal Police
Tel.: +372 612 3684


Estonia designates as point of contact for the network 24/24-7/7:

Bureau of Criminal Intelligence
Criminal Police Department
Estonian Police- and Border Guard Board
Republic of Estonia



In accordance with Articles 24 (7), 27 (2) and 35 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Fiji designates the competent national authorities for Fiji as follows:
Article 24(7)
Authority: Office of the Attorney-General Solicitor-General
Article 27(2)
Authority: Office of the Attorney-General Solicitor-General
Article 35
Authority: Head of the Cybercrime Unit
Authority: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions



In accordance with Articles 24, 27 and 35 of the Convention, the Republic of the Philippines designates the following authorities mainly responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or for mutual assistance with another State Party:
Central authority:
Authority: Department of Justice
Point of contact 24/7 network:
Authority: Department of Justice - Office of Cybercrime



Pursuant to Article 2 of the Convention, the Republic of Finland declares that it requires for the punishability of illegal access as referred to in the Article that the offence be committed by infringing security measures.

Pursuant to Article 11, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Republic of Finland declares that it will not apply paragraph 2 of the same article, concerning the criminalisation of attempt, to petty criminal damage nor petty forgery.

Pursuant to Article 14, paragraph 3.a, of the Convention, the Republic of Finland declares that it only applies Article 20 to offences aimed at a computer system committed by using telecommunications terminal equipment, pandering, threatening of persons to be heard in the administration of justice, menace, narcotic offences or attempts of the above, preparation of offences to be committed with terrorist intent and offences punishable by imprisonment of at least four years.

Pursuant to Article 14, paragraph 3.b, of the Convention, the Republic of Finland declares that it does not apply the measures referred to in Articles 20 and 21 to communications being transmitted within a computer system if the system is being operated for the benefit of a closed group of users and does not employ public communications networks and is not connected with another computer system, whether public or private.

Pursuant to Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Finland designates the National Bureau of Investigation, Criminal Intelligence Division / Communications Centre as the point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis.


Pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention, the Republic of Finland declares that the authority responsible for making and receiving requests in Finland is:

- for requests for extradition, the Ministry of Justice, […], and
- for requests for provisional arrest, the National Bureau of Investigation, […]

Pursuant to Article 27, paragraph 2.a, of the Convention, the Republic of Finland declares that the central authority who is responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution is the Ministry of Justice, […].


Pursuant to Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Finland designates as the point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis:

National Bureau of Investigation



In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 2.b, of the Convention, France shall apply Article 9, paragraph 1, to any pornographic material that visually depicts a person appearing to be a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct, in so far as it is not proved that the said person was 18 years old on the day of the fixing or the registering of his or her image.
In accordance with Article 21 of the Convention, France shall apply the provisions contained in Article 21 only if the prosecuted offence is punished with a deprivation of liberty superior or equal to two years of custody.
In accordance with Article 22 of the Convention, France reserves itself the right not to establish jurisdiction when the offence is committed outside the territorial jurisdiction of any State. France declares also that, whenever the offence is punishable under criminal law where it has been committed, proceedings shall be instituted only upon request from the public prosecutor and must be preceded by a complaint from the victim or his/her beneficiaries or by an official complaint from the authorities of the State where the act was committed (Article 22, paragraph1.d).
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention, France declares that:
- the Ministry for Foreign Affairs is the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition in the absence of a treaty (Ministère des Affaires étrangères, […]);
- the territorially competent State Prosecutor shall be the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty.
In accordance with Article 27 of the Convention, France declares that, even in cases of urgency :
- requests for mutual assistance from the French judiciary authorities and directed to foreign judiciary authorities are transmitted through the Ministry of Justice (Ministère de la Justice, […]);
- requests for mutual assistance from foreign judiciary authorities and directed to the French judiciary authorities are transmitted through diplomatic channel (Ministère des Affaires étrangères, […]).
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, France designates as point of contact the "Office central de lutte contre la criminalité liée aux technologies de l'information et de la communication" ([…]). (Information updated 07-07-2010)



In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 3, of the Convention, Georgia declares that criminal liability for acts provided for by Article 6, paragraph 1(a), can be imposed where a device, including a computer program, is designed or can be adapted for the purpose of commiting acts under Articles 2 to 5 of the Convention.
In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, sub-paragraph a, of the Convention, Georgia declares that the central authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty is:
Ministry of Justice of Georgia
In accordance with the Article 27, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph c, of the Convention, Georgia declares that the central authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution is:
Ministry of Justice of Georgia
In accordance with Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, Georgia designates the following as the national point of contact for cooperation in combating cybercrime, available on a 24/7 basis:
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
Criminal Police Department
In accordance with Article 40 and Article 27, paragraph 9, sub-paragraph e, of the Convention, Georgia declares that, for reasons of efficiency, requests for mutual assistance made under Article 27, paragraph 9, are to be addressed to its central authority.



The Ghanaian competent authority as provided for by Article 24 (7) of the Convention is:
The Attorney-General’s Department
Office of the Attorney-General and Ministry of Justice
The Ghanaian competent authority as provided for by Article 27 (2) of the Convention is:
The Attorney-General’s Department
Office of the Attorney-General and Ministry of Justice
The Ghanaian competent authorities as provided for by Article 27 (2) of the Convention are:
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
Ghana Emergency Command Centre
Bureau of National Communications (BNC)
National Security Council Secretariat


In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, and Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention on Cybercrime, Ghana updates its designation of the authorities to receive and handle requests for mutual assistance, extradition, or provisional arrest as follows:
Cyber Security Authority



In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention, Grenada declares that the name and address of the authorities responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty is:
Attorney General’s Chambers
Ministry of Legal Affairs, Labour and Consumer Affairs

In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, Grenada declares that the central authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance and for their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution is:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, Grenada designates as point of contact available on a twenty-four hours, seven-days-a-week the following Department:
Digital Forensic Unit
Royal Grenada Police Force



In accordance with Article 42 and Article 14, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Hellenic Republic reserves the right to apply the measures referred to in Article 20 (Real-time collection of traffic data) only to offences to which the measures referred to in Article 21 (interception of content data) apply.
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Hellenic Republic reserves the right to refuse a request for preservation under Article 29 in cases where the condition of dual criminality is not fulfilled.
The Hellenic Republic designates as the authority responsible under Article 24 and 27 of the Convention for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty and for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance and for the execution of such requests or their transmission to the competent authorities, the following authority:
Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights
Directorate of Legislative Work, International Relations and International Judicial Co-operation
Department of International Judicial Co-operation in Civil and Criminal Cases
The Hellenic Republic designates as a point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-days-a-week basis in accordance with Article 35 of the Convention:
Hellenic Police Headquarters / Cyber-crime Division



In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4, the Republic of Hungary reserves the right not to apply Article 9, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph b.
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 9, sub-paragraph e, the Republic of Hungary informs that, for reasons of efficiency, requests made under this paragraph are to be addressed to its central authority, due to practical reasons.
In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, sub-paragraph a, of the Convention, the Republic of Hungary communicates that the Ministry of Justice is responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty. The National Central Bureau of Interpol is only responsible for making or receiving requests for provisional arrest.
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2, sub-paragraphs a and c, the Republic of Hungary communicates that, regarding requests delivered before starting the criminal procedure, the designated central authority is:
. the Hungarian National Police International Implementing Co-operation Centre
Regarding requests delivered after starting the criminal procedure, the designated central authority is:
. the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Hungary
In accordance with Article 35, the Republic of Hungary communicates that the designated point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis is the Hungarian National Police International Implementing Co-operation Centre.



Pursuant to Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Convention, Iceland reserves the right not to apply Article 9, paragraph 2, letters b and c, of the Convention.

In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention, the Government of Iceland has designated the Ministry of Justice, Skuggasundi, 150 Reykjavík, Iceland, as the authority responsible for the making or receipt of a request for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty.

In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2.c, of the Convention, the Government of Iceland has designated the Ministry of Justice, Skuggasundi, 150 Reykjavík, Iceland, as the authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests, or the transmission of them to the authorities competent for their execution.

In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the the Government of Iceland has designated the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police (Ríkislögreglustjórinn), Skúlagata 21, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland, as the point of contact available on a 24 hours, 7 days per week basis in order to ensure the provision of immediate assistance for the purpose of investigations or proceedings concerning criminal offences related to computer systems and data, or for the collection of evidence in electronic form of a criminal offence.


Iceland declares that it withdraws its reservation made on 29 January 2007 with respect to Article 9, paragraph 2, letters b and c, of the Convention.
Change of competent authority:
(Articles 24 and 27)
Ministry of the Interior
Sölvhólsgötu 7
150 Reykjavík



In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 3, and Article 42 of the Convention, the State of Israel reserves the right not to apply Article 6, paragraph 1, when the offence concerns procurement for use or import, as they refer to Article 6, paragraphs 1.a.i and 1.a.ii.
In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 3, and Article 42 of the Convention, the State of Israel reserves the right not to apply Article 6, paragraph 1.b, regarding the possession of items designated in paragraph 1.a.ii.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4, and Article 42 of the Convention, for the purposes of Article 9, paragraphs 1.a and 1.e, the State of Israel reserves the right not to apply Article 9, paragraph 2.b.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4, and Article 42 of the Convention, the State of Israel reserves the right not to apply Article 9, paragraph 1.d.
In accordance with Article 10, paragraph 3, and Article 42 of the Convention, the State of Israel reserves the right not to impose criminal liability broader than provided for in the TRIPS Agreement.
In accordance with Article 14, paragraph 3, and Article 42 of the Convention, the State of Israel reserves the right to apply the measures referred to in Article 21 only to offences defined as felonies in the Israeli Penal Law 1977.
In accordance with Article 22, paragraph 2, and Article 42 of the Convention, the State of Israel reserves the right not to apply Article 22, paragraph 1.d, unless the offence is punishable under criminal law in the country where it was committed, in accordance with the limits of dual criminality and with the approval of the Attorney General of Israel.
In accordance with Article 29, paragraph 4, and Article 42 of the Convention, in respect of offences other than those established in accordance with Articles 2 through 11 of the Convention, the State of Israel reserves the right to refuse the request for preservation under Article 29 in cases where it has reasons to believe that at the time of disclosure the condition of dual criminality cannot be fulfilled.
The Israeli competent authority, in accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7.a, of the Convention, responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrests in the absence of a treaty, is:
Department of International Affairs,
Israeli State attorney's office.
The Ministry of Justice.
The Israeli competent authority, in accordance with Article 27, paragraphs 2.a and c, of the Convention, responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, is:
Legal Assistance to Foreign Countries department
Office of the Legal Advisor,
The Administration of Courts
The Israeli competent authority, in accordance with Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, designated as Point of contact available on a twenty-four-hour, seven-day-a-week basis, for provision of immediate assistance for the purpose of investigations or proceedings concerning criminal offences related to computer system and data, or for the collection of evidence in electronic form of criminal offence is:
LAHAV 433 UNIT (National Unit),
the Israel Police



In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, and Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Italian Republic declares that the Minister of Justice of the Italian Republic is designated as the competent authority:

Ministry of Justice
Department for Affairs of Justice
Directorate General of Criminal Justice
Office II (International Judicial Cooperation)

In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the Italian Republic notifies that the point of contact is to be determined by the Minister of the Interior, in concertation with the Minister of Justice.


In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, Italy designates as point of contact for the purposes of the Convention:
Mr Giuseppe Corasaniti
District Attorney


In accordance with Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, Italy designates the "Servizio Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni" of the Ministry of Interior as point of contact for the network 24/7. The contact details of the Service are :

Servizio Polizia Postale e delle Comunicazioni



In accordance with Article 24, Article 27 and Article 35 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the
Government of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire designates the following competent authorities:
– with regard to Article 24, paragraph 7.a:
Direction des Affaires Civiles et Pénales
Ministère de la Justice et des Droits de l’Homme
– with regard to Article 27, paragraph 2:
Capitaine de Police KAKOU Kouadio Symphorien
Chef du Service Informatique du BCN-INTERPOL Abidjan
Responsable des infraction pénales financières liées aux NTIC
– with regard to Article 35:
Lieutenant-Colonel de Gendarmerie SAMASSI Aly
Sous-Directeur informatique à la Direction de l’Informatique et des Traces Technologiques



In accordance with Article 42 and Article 6 (Misuse of devices), paragraph 3 of the Convention, the Government of Japan reserves the right not to apply Article 6, paragraph 1, except for:
(a) the offences set forth in Article 168-2 (Creation of electromagnetic record of unauthorised commands) or Article 168-3 (Obtainment of electromagnetic record of unauthorised commands) of the Penal code (Law No. 45, 1907);
(b) the offences set forth in Article 4 (Prohibition of acts of unauthorised obtainment of another person's identification code), Article 5 (Prohibition of acts of facilitating unauthorised computer access) or Article 6 (Prohibition of acts of unauthorised storage of another person's identification code) of the Act on the Prohibition of Unauthorised Computer Access (Law No. 128, 1999).
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 9 (Offences related to child pornography), paragraph 4 of the Convention, the Government of Japan reserves the right not to apply Article 9, paragraph 1.d and e and paragraph 2.b and c, except for the offences set forth in Article 7 (Provision of child pornography and other related activities) of the Act on Punishment of Activities Relating to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, and the Protection of Children (Law No. 52, 1999).
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 11 (Attempt and aiding or abetting), paragraph 3 of the Convention, the Government of Japan reserves the right not to apply Article 11, paragraph 2 to the offences established pursuant to Article 4, Article 5, Article 7 and Article 9, paragraph 1.a and c, except for the offences set forth in Article 168-2 (Creation of electromagnetic record of unauthorised commands) or Article 234-2 (Obstruction of business by damaging a computer) of the Penal Code.
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 22 (Jurisdiction), paragraph 2 of the Convention, the Government of Japan reserves the right not to apply the jurisdiction rules laid down in Article 22, paragraph 1.d to the offences established pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1.a.ii of the Convention as far as the offences set forth in Article 13 (Prohibition of acts of facilitating unauthorised computer access without knowing the purpose of unauthorized computer access of the obtainer) of the Act of Prohibition of Unauthorised Computer Access are concerned.
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 29 (Expedited preservation of stored computer data), paragraph 4 of the Convention, the Government of Japan reserves the right to refuse the request for preservation under Article 29 in cases where it has reasons to believe that at the time of disclosure the condition of dual criminality cannot be fulfilled.
In accordance with Article 40 and Article 2 (Illegal access) of the Convention, the Government of Japan requires that the offences established pursuant to Article 2 be commited by infringing security measures and in relation to a computer system that is connected to another computer system.
In accordance with Article 40 and Article 3 (Illegal interception) of the Convention, the Government of Japan requires that the offences established pursuant to Article 3 be committed in relation to a computer system that is connected to another computer system, and that, in addition, be committed with dishonest intent as far as the offences set forth in Article 109-2 (Decoding the content of cipher communications) of the Radio Law (Law No. 131, 1950) are concerned.
In accordance with Article 40 and Article 27 (Procedures pertaining to mutual assistance requests in the absence of applicable international agreements), paragraph 9.e of the Convention, for reasons of efficiency, requests made to the Government of Japan under the said paragraph are to be addressed to the central authorities of the Government of Japan.
Pursuant to Article 24 (Extradition), paragraph 7.a of the Convention, the Government of Japan notifies that:
The Minister for Foreign Affairs
is the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrests in the absence of a treaty
Pursuant to Article 27 (Procedures pertaining to mutual assistance requests in the absence of applicable international agreements), paragraph 2.a and c of the Convention, the Government of Japan designates, a) as the authorities responsible for answering requests for mutual assistance:
The Minister of Justice
or the person designated by the Minister (Director of International Affairs Division)
Criminal Affairs Bureau
Ministry of Justice
b) as the authorities responsible for sending requests for mutual assistance:
The Minister of Justice
or the person designated by the Minister (Director of International Affairs Division)
The National Public Safety Commission
or the person designated by the Commission (Director of International Investigative Operations Division)
Organized Crime Department
National Police Agency
Pursuant to Article 35 (24/7 Network), paragraph 1 of the Convention, the Government of Japan designates as a point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis:
The International Investigative Operations Division
Organized Crime Department
National Police Agency



In accordance with Article 24, 27 and 35 of the Convention, the Republic of Cabo Verde designates the following authorities mainly responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or for mutual assistance with another State Party:
Central authority:
Attorney General’s Office, Central Department of Cooperation and Compared Law
Point of contact 24/7 network
International Cooperation Office of the National Direction of Criminal Police
Central Department of Cooperation and Compared Law



Pursuant to Articles 24, 27 and 35 of the Convention, the Government of the Republic of Cameroon
declares that:
- The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of External Relations are the authorities responsible
for extradition (Art. 24);
- The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of External Relations are the authorities responsible
for requests for mutual assistance (Art. 27);
- The Ministry of External Relations and the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications are the
point of contact 24/7 (Art. 35).



In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention, Kiribati declares that the name and address of the authorities responsible for making or receiving request for extradition are:
Primary: The Attorney General – Office of the Attorney General
Secondary: Criminal Investigation Division, Interpol and Cybercrime Unit – Kiribati Police Service
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, Kiribati declares that the central authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance and their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution is:
The Attorney General – Office of the Attorney General
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, Kiribati designates as a point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis the following:
Criminal Investigation Division, Interpol and Cybercrime Unit – Kiribati Police Service



In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, Article 27, paragraph 2, and Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention on Cybercrime, Croatia designates as the competent authorities for the purposes of the Convention:
Articles 24 and 27: the Ministry of Justice, […].
Article 35: the Ministry of interior, Police - Directorate for crime […].



In accordance with Article 22, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Republic of Latvia reserves the right not to establish its jurisdiction over any offence established in accordance with Articles 2 through 11 of the Convention when the offence is committed by one of its nationals, if the offence is punishable under criminal law where it was committed.

In accordance with Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Republic of Latvia reserves the right to refuse the request for preservation under this article in cases where it has reasons to believe that at the time of disclosure the condition of dual criminality cannot be fulfilled.

In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7.a, of the Convention, the Republic of Latvia declares that the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty is :

Prosecutor General Office

In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2.c, of the Convention, the Republic of Latvia declares that the authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution is:

Ministry of Justice

In accordance with Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Latvia declares that the point of contact is :

International Cooperation Department of Central Criminal Police Department of State Police


Updating of contact information:
In accordance with Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Latvia declares that the point of contact is :
International Cooperation Department of the Central Criminal Police Department of the State Police


In accordance with Article 43 of the Convention, the Republic of Latvia withdraws its reservation to Article 22 contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 14 February 2007 and completed by a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated 31 May 2007.



In accordance with Article 14, paragraph 3, of the Convention, Liechtenstein reserves the right to apply the measures referred to in Article 20 only to crimes and offences that are punishable by imprisonment for more than one year, as they are defined by the Liechtenstein Criminal Code.
Liechtenstein will, in accordance with Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, refuse a request for mutual assistance to order the preservation of stored computer data, as provided for under Article 16 of the Convention, if the condition of dual criminality is not fulfilled; this does not apply to the offences established in accordance with Articles 2 through 11 of this Convention.
Liechtenstein declares that according to Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention, the member of Government responsible for the Ministry of Justice decides about sending and receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest.
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Office of Justice is the authority responsible for sending and receiving legal requests for mutual assistance:
Office of Justice of the Principality of Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein declares that mutual assistance requests and annexed documents are, if they are not in German language, be accompanied by a translation into German or English.
Liechtenstein declares that in case of emergency, within the context of Article 27, paragraph 9, of the Convention, the Office of Justice, […], is the central authority to which all requests to Liechtenstein for mutual assistance must be addressed.
Liechtenstein declares that the following authority has been designated as point of contact pursuant to Article 35 of the Convention:
International Police Cooperation
National Police
24 hours a day, 7 days a week



In accordance with Article 42 and Article 4, pararaph 2, of the Convention, the Republic of Lithuania declares that criminal liability occurs if the acts described in Article 4 of the Convention result in serious harm.
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 29, pararaph 4, of the Convention, the Republic of Lithuania declares that it reserves the right to refuse to execute the request for preservation of the data in cases where there is reason to believe that at the time of disclosure the offence, on which the request for preservation of the data is based, is not considered as a crime by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
In accordance with Article 40 and Article 2 of the Convention, the Republic of Lithuania declares that criminal liability for the act described in Article 2 of the Convention occurs upon access to the whole or any part of a computer system without right by infringing security measures of a computer or a computer network.
Pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 7, sub-paragraph a, of the Convention, the Republic of Lithuania declares that the Ministry of Justice and the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Lithuania are designated as responsible authorities to perform the functions mentioned in Article 24, paragraph 7, sub-paragraph a.
Pursuant to Article 27, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph a, of the Convention, the Republic of Lithuania declares that the Ministry of Justice and the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Lithuania are designated as central authorities to perform the functions mentioned in Article 27.
Pursuant to Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Lithuania declares that the Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania is designated as a competent authority to perform the functions mentioned in Article 35.
Pursuant to Article 40 and Article 27, paragraph 9, sub-paragraph e, of the Convention, the Republic of Lithuania declares that, for reasons of efficiency, requests for mutual assistance made under Article 27, paragraph 9, are to be addressed to the above-designated central authorities.



The Government of Luxembourg designates the following autorities:
1) Article 24 - Extradition
The Minister of Justice
[…] Administrative Center Pierre Werner
2) Article 27 - Mutual assistance requests
The Prosecutor's Office of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Cité Judiciaire
Buildings CR and BC
3) Article 35 - 24/7 Network
Prosecutor's Office of the district Court of Luxembourg
Cité Judiciaire
Building PL
Permanence Prosecutor's Office:
Week-days: 9:00 - 17:00: direct line: +352 - 47 40 76
Week-days: 17:00 - 9:00: Police central 113, who will notify the magistrate on duty.
Week-end and bank holiday: 113



In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention on Cybercrime, Malta designates as authority responsible for the making or receipt of a request for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty:
The Ministry for Justice
Office of the Prime Minister
Auberge de Castille
In accordance with the provisions of Article 27, paragraphs 2 and 9.e, of the Convention on Cybercrime, Malta designates as central authority:
The Office of the Attorney General
The Palace
In accordance with the provisions of Article 35 of the Convention on Cybercrime, Malta declares that the contact point for the 24/7 network is:
The Cybercrime Unit
Malta Police
Police General Headquarters



In accordance with Article 24 (24.7.a and 24.7.b) and Article 27 of the Convention, the Government of Morocco declares that the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest and requests for mutual assistance, in the absence of a treaty, is:
Ministry of Justice
Direction des Affaires Pénales et des Grâces
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the Government of Morocco declares that the points of contact 24/7 designated for the purpose of investigations related to Cybercrime are:
Bureau Central National d’Interpol Rabat
Direction de la Police Judiciaire,
Direction Générale de la Sûreté Nationale, Rabat
Présidence du Parquet Général
Pôle de Suivi des Affaires Pénales et de la Protection des Catégories Spéciales



In line with the relevant provisions of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade of the Republic of Mauritius wishes to inform of the following designations by the authorities in Mauritius:
As per Article 24, paragraph 7(a), the Prime Minister's Office, Government Centre, Port Louis, as the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty.
As per Article 27, paragraph 2, the central authorities responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution will be:
a) the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, […];
b) the Information and Communication Technologies Authority, […];
c) the Mauritius Police Force, Line Barracks, […].
As per Article 35, Mrs Bhooneshwari Kissoon-Luckputtya, Assistant Permanent Secretary, will be the focal point and contact available on a 24-hour, seven-day basis, in order to ensure the provision of immediate assistance for the purpose of investigations or proceedings concerning criminal offences related to computer systems and data etc.



1.In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, sub-paragraph a, and with Article 27, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph c of the Convention, the Republic of Moldova declares that the following authorities are responsible for receiving and making requests for mutual assistance, extradition or provisional arrest:

a) Office of the Prosecutor General - for the requests for mutual assistance, extradition or provisional arrest formulated in the phase of penal prosecution.
Address: 26, Banulescu - Bodoni str., MD-2012 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Tel: (+37322) 221 470; Fax (+373 22) 212 032.

b) Ministry of Justice - for the requests for mutual assistance, extradition or provisional arrest formulated in the judiciary phase of the execution of punishment.
Address: 82, 31 August 1989 str., MD-2012 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Tel: (+37322) 234 795; Fax (+373 22) 234 797.

2.Pursuant to Article 27, paragraph 9, sub-paragraph e of the Convention, the Republic of Moldova declares that all the requests formulated in the phase of penal prosecution are to be addressed to the Office of the Prosecutor General, whilst those formulated in the judiciary phase or in the phase of the execution of punishment are to be addressed to the Ministry of Justice.

3.In accordance with Article 35, paragraph 1 of the Convention, Mr. Octavian BUSUIOC, Direction of Prevention and Combating of Cybernetic, Information and Transnational Offences of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is designated as the point of contact responsible for ensuring immediate and permanent international co-operation in the field of combating cybercrime.
Address: 14, Bucuriei str., MD-2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. Tel: (+37322) 577 262; Fax (+373 22) 577 278.

4.In accordance with Article 38, paragraph 1 of the Convention, the Republic of Moldova specifies that the provisions of the Convention will be applied only on the territory controlled effectively by the authorities of the Republic of Moldova.



In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention, the Principality of Monaco declares that the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty is:
The Directorate of Judicial Services
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Principality of Monaco declares that the authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance and for their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution is:
The Directorate of Judicial Services
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the Principality of Monaco designates as point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis the following service:
International Cooperation Service
Directorate of Public Security of Monaco


Monaco communicates the following precisions regarding the point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis, in accordance with Article 35 of the Convention on Cybercrime:
Description of the point of contact:
Head of Section of international Cooperation
Judicial Police Division
Communication languages: French - English.
Information to be communicated by foreign judicial authorities:
Qualification of the offence (ex. terrorism, organised crime, fraud, moral or personal offences, invasion of privacy) and judicial framework (ex. preliminary investigation, reference to prosecuting authorities or investigating Judge, international investigation with international letters rogatory).
Time zone: H24 but preferably time zone Paris - 9:00 to 18:00
Other information susceptible to favour the cooperation:
Precisely specify technical information, logs and any e-mail address, internet link relevant to the current investigation.



In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4, and with regard to Article 9, paragraph 1, item e, of the Convention, Montenegro declares that obtaining child pornography through computer systems for oneself and other persons and possession of child pornography in computer systems or on mediums for storage of computer data shall not be considered offences in case the person displayed in these materials turned fourteen years of age and gave his/her consent.

In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4, and with regard to Article 9, paragraph 2, item b, of the Convention, Montenegro declares that materials which visually display face by which it can be concluded that the person is a minor engaged in an explicit act as stated in Article 9, paragraph 2, item b, of this Convention shall not be considered child pornography.

In accordance with Article 14, paragraph 3, and with regard to Article 20, of the Convention, Montenegro declares that measures from Article 20 of the Convention shall be applied solely on the basis of the decision of a competent Montenegrin court, if it is necessary for conducting a criminal procedure or for reasons of safety in Montenegro.

In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention, Montenegro declares that the authority responsible for making and receiving requests for extradition in the absence of an agreement is the Ministry of Justice of Montenegro, […], while the authority responsible for making and receiving requests for provisional arrest in the absence of an agreement is the NCB Interpol in Podgorica, […].

In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, Montenegro declares that the central authority designated for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution in the absence of an agreement is the Ministry of Justice of Montenegro, […].


In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 2, item a, and Article 12, paragraph 3, of the Additional Protocol, Montenegro requires that the denial or the gross minimization, approval or justification of acts constituting genocide or crimes against humanity, be committed with the intent to incite hatred, discrimination or violence against an individual or group of individuals based on race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin, as well as religion if used as pretext for any of these factors, or otherwise.

Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der


In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention, the authority designated by the Netherlands is:
The Ministry of Justice
Office of International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2.c, of the Convention, the central authority designated by the Netherlands is:
Landelijk Parket van het openbaar ministerie
(National office of the public prosecution service)
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the point of contact designated by the Netherlands is:
Landelijk Parket van het openbaar ministerie
(National office of the public prosecution service)


In accordance with Article 38, paragraph 2, of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Kingdom of the Netherlands declares that it accepts the said Convention for Curaçao.
In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, Article 27, paragraph 2, and Article 35 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Kingdom of the Netherlands declares that the central authority and point of contact 24/7 designated by Curaçao is:
National Central Bureau of INTERPOL Curaçao



Pursuant to Articles 10 and 42 of the Convention, Nigeria reserves the right to impose other effective remedies in lieu of criminal liability under Article 10, paragraphs 1 and 2, to the extent the criminalization of such infringements is not required pursuant to the obligations Nigeria has undertaken under the agreements referenced in paragraphs 1 and 2.
In accordance with Article 14, paragraph 3, and Article 42 of the Convention, Nigeria reserves the right to apply the measures referred to in Articles 20 to 21 only on the basis of religious offences or the decision of a competent court, if it is necessary for conducting a criminal investigation or for reasons of safety in Nigeria.
In accordance with Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, Nigeria reserves the right not to apply Article 29 where execution of the request for preservation requires the exercise of coercive powers and where dual criminality cannot be established.
Pursuant to Articles 41 and 42 of the convention, Nigeria reserves the right to assume obligations under Chapter II of the Convention in a manner consistent with its fundamental principles of federalism.

Pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 7, and Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the designated Nigerian competent authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution and extradition is: Central Authority Unit, Office of the Honourable Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice [...].
Pursuant to Article 35 to the Convention, the Nigerian competent authorities designated as the point of contact available on a twenty-for hour, seven-day-a-week basis to ensure the provision of immediate assistance under the Convention are:
(i) Nigeria Police Force – National Cybercrime Center, Force Criminal Investigation Department [...];
(ii) Cybercrime Prosecution Unit, Office of the Honourable Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice [...].



In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, sub-paragraph a, of the Convention, the Republic of Macedonia declares that the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia is designated as responsible authority to perform the functions mentioned in Article 24, paragraph 7, sub-paragraph a.
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph a, of the Convention, the Republic of Macedonia declares that the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia is designated as central authority to perform the functions mentioned in Article 27.


The 24/7 Network point of contact designated by the Republic of Macedonia is:
Department for Fight against Crime and Corruption
Office of Public Prosecutor



Pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of Norway reserves the right not to apply Article 6, paragraph 1.a.i, of the Convention.
Pursuant to Article 14, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of Norway, reserves the right not to apply the measures referred to in Article 20 - Real-time collection of traffic data, in cases of less serious offences.
Clarification of what is meant by "less serious offences"
Pursuant to Article 14, paragraph 3, the Parties may reserve the right to apply the measures set out in Article 20 only to offences or categories of offences specified in the reservation. It is indicated in the Norwegian reservation, that Norway does not wish to allow the collection of traffic data in real time in connection with minor offences.
Section 216b of the Norwegian Criminal Procedure Act provides for the collection of traffic data in cases where there is just cause for suspecting a person of having committed an offence, or of having attempted to commit an offence, that is punishable by imprisonment for a term of five years or more, or of having contravened specific penal provisions.
The use of various types of communication control and other privacy-invasive coercive measures is primarily restricted to cases involving serious offences, where serious offences are defined as carrying a penalty of five or more years' imprisonment.
Clarification of the relationship between the reservation and the application of Articles 20 and 21 in Norwegian law
The right to apply the measures referred to in Article 20 only to offences specified in the reservation is conditional on the range of offences to which Article 20 is applied not being more restricted than the range of offences to which the measures referred to in Article 21 apply. The condition set out in Article 14 must be interpreted to mean that the range of offences for which traffic data may be collected in real time must not be more restricted than the range of offences for which interception of content data is permitted.
Article 21 (Interception of content data) is governed in Norwegian law by section 216a of the Criminal Procedure Act, and Article 20 by section 216b of the Criminal Procedure Act. Section 216a has a prescribed penalty limit of ten or more years' imprisonment, while section 216b has a prescribed penalty limit of five years' imprisonment. This means that section 216a applies to a narrower range of offences than section 216b, and the condition of Article 14 is thus fulfilled. Norway is therefore entitled to enter a reservation in accordance with Article 14.
Pursuant to Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of Norway reserves the right to refuse the request for preservation under this article in cases where it has reasons to believe that at the time of disclosure the condition of dual criminality cannot be fulfilled.
In accordance with Article 24 of the Convention, the Norwegian authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition is The Royal Ministry of Justice and the Police, […].
In accordance with Article 27 of the Convention, the Norwegian authority designated is the National Criminal Investigation Service (KRIPOS). […].


In accordance with Articles 27 and 35 of the Convention, the Norwegian authority designated is the:

KRIPOS National Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS Norway)
High-Tech Crime Division



Ukraine reserves the right not to apply paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Convention concerning the establishment of criminal liability for the production, procurement for use and otherwise making available for use of the objects designated in subparagraph 1.a.i., and also the production and procurement for use of the objects designated in subparagraph 1.a. ii. of Article 6 of the Convention.
Ukraine reserves the right not to apply to the full extent subparagraphs 1.d and 1.e of Article 9 of the Convention.
In accordance with Article 24, subparagraph 7.a, of the Convention, Ukraine declares that the authorities empowered to perform the functions mentioned in paragraph 7 of Article 24 of the Convention shall be the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (concerning court's inquiries) and the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine (concerning inquiries of bodies of prejudicial inquiry).
In accordance with Article 27, subparagraph 2.c, of the Convention, Ukraine declares that the authorities responsible for sending requests for mutual assistance, answering them, their execution or their transfer to the empowered authorities shall be the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (concerning courts' commission) and the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine (concerning commissions of bodies of prejudicial inquiry).


In February 2014 the Russian Federation launched armed aggression against Ukraine and occupied a part of the territory of Ukraine – the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, and today exercises effective control over certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine. These actions are in gross violation of the Charter of the United Nations and constitute a threat to international peace and security. The Russian Federation, as the Aggressor State and Occupying Power, bears full responsibility for its actions and their consequences under international law.
The United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/68/262 of 27 March 2014 confirmed the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. The United Nations also called upon all States, international organizations and specialized agencies not to recognize any alteration of the status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
In this regard, Ukraine states that from 20 February 2014 and for the period of temporary occupation by the Russian Federation of a part of the territory of Ukraine – the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol – as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation committed against Ukraine and until the complete restoration of the constitutional law and order and effective control by Ukraine over such occupied territory, as well as over certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, which are temporarily not under control of Ukraine as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation, the application and implementation by Ukraine of the obligations under the above Conventions, Protocols, Agreement, as applied to the aforementioned occupied and uncontrolled territory of Ukraine, is limited and is not guaranteed.
Documents or requests made or issued by the occupying authorities of the Russian Federation, its officials at any level in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and by the illegal authorities in certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, which are temporarily not under control of Ukraine, are null and void and have no legal effect regardless of whether they are presented directly or indirectly through the authorities of the Russian Federation.
The provisions of the Conventions, Protocols, Agreement regarding the possibility of direct communication or interaction do not apply to the territorial organs of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, as well as in certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, which are temporarily not under control of Ukraine. The order of the relevant communication is determined by the central authorities of Ukraine in Kyiv.


The Permanent Representation of Ukraine to the Council of Europe presents its compliments to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe and has the honour […] to inform about the impossibility to guarantee the implementation by the Ukrainian Side in full of its obligations under the above mentioned international treaties of Ukraine for the period of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine, until full termination of the infringement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders of Ukraine.


Referring to Ukraine’s notification dated 18 April 2022 N° 31011/32-119-26603 [Council of Europe Notification JJ9359C dated 13 May 2022] in connection with the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, [the Government of Ukraine] further clarif[ies] that international treaties mentioned therein are implemented on the territory of Ukraine in full, with the exception of the territories where hostilities are (were) conducted, or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, on which it is impossible to fully guarantee the Ukrainian Party’s fulfillment of its obligations under the relevant treaties as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, as well as the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine until the complete cessation of encroachment on the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders of Ukraine.
The regularly updated list of territories where hostilities are (were) conducted, or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation is located at the link below:



Austria will, in accordance with Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, refuse a request for mutual assistance to order the preservation of stored computer data, as provided for under Article 16 of the Convention, if the condition of dual criminality is not fulfilled; this does not apply to the offences established in accordance with Articles 2 through 11 of this Convention.
Austria declares that the following authority has been designated as responsible pursuant to Articles 24, paragraph 7, and 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention on Cybercrime:
Bundesministerium für Justiz (Federal Ministry of Justice)
Abt. IV 4 Internationale Strafsachen (International Criminal Matters)
Austria declares that the following authority has been designated as point of contact pursuant to Article 35 of the Convention:
Bundesministerium für Inneres (Federal Ministry of the Interior),
Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Criminal Police Office)
Büro 5.2 Cyber-Crime-Competence-Center



In accordance with the provisions of Article 24, paragraph 7.a, of the Convention, the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional detention is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the following address:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
General Directorate of Legal Affairs and Treaties
Bolívar Palace
In accordance with the provisions of Article 27, paragraph 2.a, of the Convention, the Government of the Republic of Panama has designated the following central authorities to submit, respond to and execute requests for mutual assistance:
Office of the Attorney General
Prosecutor's Office of International Affairs
Senior Prosecutor's Office specialised in crimes against Intellectual Property and Information security,
In accordance with Article 35 - 24/7 Network, the Government of the Republic of Panama has designated the Judicial Investigation Department of the National Police - INTERPOL National Central Bureau - Panama, with the following address:
Judicial Investigation Unit
National Central Bureau of Interpol - Panama



In accordance with Article 24.7a of the Convention, the Government of Paraguay declares that the authority designated is:
Ministère Public
Direction des Affaires internationales et de Coopération juridique internationale
In accordance with Article 27.2a of the Convention, the Government of Paraguay declares that the authority designated is:
Ministère Public
Unité Spécialisée Délits Informatiques
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the Government of Paraguay declares that the points of contact 24/7 designated for the purpose of investigations related to Cybercrime is:
Ministère Public
Unité Spécialisée Délits Informatiques


Pursuant to Articles 24 (Extradition) and 27 (Procedures pertaining to mutual assistance requests) of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Paraguay updates the contact information on its competent national authorities as follows:
Article 24
Public Prosecutor Manuel Doldan Breuer
Article 27
Public Prosecutor Manuel Doldan Breuer



In accordance with Article 2 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Peru declares that its national law requires the offense of illegal access to be committed in violation of security measures.
In accordance with Article 3 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Peru declares that its national law requires the offense of illegal interception is committed with criminal intent and that such offense may be committed in relation to a computer system connected to another computer system.
In accordance with Article 7 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Peru declares that it may require that a similar fraudulent or criminal intent exists, in accordance with the provisions of its national law, so that the conduct described in that article engenders a criminal responsibility.
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 9, sub-paragraph (e) of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Peru declares that in the interest of efficiency, the requests made under provisions of Article 27, paragraph 9, of the Convention should be addressed to its Central Authority.
In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 3, of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Peru reserves the right not to apply Article 6, paragraph 1, sub-paragraph (b) of the Convention.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Peru considers that the protected legal property in the national law with respect to child pornography is the freedom and/or sexual indemnity of a minor, based on which it makes a reservation to paragraph 2, sub-paragraphs b) and c) because the conducts referred to in such provisions does not involve the participation of a minor
In accordance with Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Peru reserves the right to refuse the request for preservation under this article in case where it has reasons to believe that at the time of disclosure the condition of dual criminality cannot be fulfilled.
The Republic of Peru declares that the following authority has been designated as responsible pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 7, Article 27, paragraph 2 and Article 35 of the Convention on Cybercrime:
Unidad de Cooperación Judicial Internacional y Extraditiones del Ministerio Público



Pursuant to Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Republic of Poland reserves that the execution of a request for mutual assistance regarding search or similar access, seizure or similar securing, or disclosure of stored data, in respect of offences other than those established in accordance with Articles 2 through 11 of this Convention, shall be conditional on dual criminality of those offences.
Pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention, the Republic of Poland declares that the central authority responsible for making requests for extradition or provisional arrest is:
– the Attorney General – regarding requests made in preparatory proceedings;
– the Ministry of Justice – regarding other requests.
Pursuant to Article 27, paragraph 2.a, of the Convention, the Republic of Poland declares that the central authority responsible for sending or answering requests for mutual assistance under the Convention is:
– the Attorney General – regarding requests pursued in preparatory proceedings;
– the Ministry of Justice – regarding other requests.
The Republic of Poland declares that the contact point referred to in Article 35 of the Convention is the Unit for Supporting the Combating of Cybercrime within the structures of the Criminal Service Bureau of the General Police Headquarters (Wydział Wsparcia Zwalczania Cyberprzestępczoci Biura Służby Kryminalnej Komendy Głownej Policji).



In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 5, of the Convention, the Portuguese Republic declares that it shall not grant extradition of persons who:
a) are to be trialled by an exceptional court or who are to serve a sentence passed by such a court;
b) it has been proved will be subject to a trial which affords no legal guarantees of criminal proceedings complying with the conditions internationally recognised as essential to the protection of human rights, or will serve their sentences in inhuman conditions;
c) are being demanded in connection with an offence punishable with a lifetime sentence or a lifetime detention order.
The Portuguese Republic shall grant extradition only for crimes punishable with penalty of deprivation of liberty superior to one year.
The Portuguese Republic shall not grant extradition of Portuguese nationals.
Portugal shall not grant extradition for offences punishable with the death penalty under the law of the requesting State.
Portugal shall authorise transit through its national territory only in respect of persons whose circumstances are such that their extradition may be granted.
At the time of deposit of the instrument of ratification of the Convention, the Portuguese Republic declares that it will provide the names and addresses of the authorities as soon as possible, in accordance with the terms of Articles 24 and 27 of the Convention.


In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7a, of the Convention, Portugal declares that in those cases in which the Convention on Extradition or other bilateral or multilateral instruments on extradition are not applicable, the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest is the Procuradoria-Geral da República […].
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2c, of the Convention, Portugal declares that, in the absence of applicable international agreements, the authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual legal assistance is the Procuradoria-Geral da República […].
In accordance with Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, Portugal designates as point of contact for the network 24/7 the Policia Judiciária […].



In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7.a, of the Convention, Romania declares that the central authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest is the Ministry of Justice […].
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2.c, of the Convention, Romania declares that the central authorities responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance are :
a) the Prosecutor's Office to the High Court of Cassation and Justice for the requests of judicial assistance formulated in pre-trial investigation […];
b) the Ministry of Justice for the requests of judicial assistance formulated during the trial or execution of punishment.
In accordance with Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, Romania declares that the point of contact designated to ensure the immediate and permanent international co-operation in the field of combating cybercrime is the Service of Combating Cybercrime within the Section for Combating Organised Crime and Drugs Trafficking to the High Court of Cassation and Justice […].



In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Government of Rwanda designates the National Public Prosecution Authority (NPPA) as the authority responsible for matters pertaining to extradition on cyber related criminal offences established in accordance with Article 24 of the Convention.
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Government of Rwanda designates the Ministry of Justice (MINIJUST) as the authority responsible to handle the procedures pertaining to mutual assistance requests in the absence of applicable international agreements as provided for by Article 27 of the Convention.
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention on Cybercrime, the Government of Rwanda designates the Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) as a point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis, in order to ensure the provision of immediate assistance for the purpose of investigations or proceedings concerning criminal offences related to computer systems and data, or for the collection of evidence in electronic form of a criminal offence.

San Marino


Pursuant to paragraph 7 of Article 24 of the Convention, the Republic of San Marino hereby declares that the Authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty is:
Segreteria di Stato per la Giustizia (Ministry of Justice)
Pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 27 of the Convention, the Republic of San Marino hereby declares that the Central Authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution is:
Segreteria di Stato per gli Affari Esteri (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 35 of the Convention, the Republic of San Marino hereby declares that the point of contact is:



In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, and Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, Senegal declares that the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest, as well as for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution is:
La Direction des Affaires criminelles et des Grâces du Ministère de la Justice
Ministry of Justice
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, Senegal declares that the point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis is
La Brigade spéciale de Lutte contre la Cybercriminalité de la Police nationale



The Republic of Serbia will designate its central authorities under Articles 24, 27 and 35 of the Convention on Cybercrime as soon as possible after the deposit of its instrument of ratification.


In accordance with Articles 24, 27 and 35 of the Convention, Serbia designates as the central authorities in charge for the implementation of the Convention :
District Attorney for High-Tech Crime of the Republic of Serbia

Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia
Directorate of Crime Police
Department for the fight against organized crime

Sierra Leone


Pursuant to Articles 24 (Extradition) and 27 (Procedures pertaining to mutual assistance requests) of the Convention, the Republic of Sierra Leone designated as the competent national authority:
The Solicitor General, Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Justice […]

Pursuant to Article 35 of the Convention, the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone designated as national point of contact for cooperation in the fight against cybercrime, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week (24/7 network):
The National Cybersecurity Coordinator, National Cybersecurity Coordinator Center (NC3) […]



In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention, the Republic of Slovenia declares that:
- the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition in the absence of a treaty :
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia
- the Ministry of the Interior, Criminal Investigation Police Directorate, International Police Cooperation Section is the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for provisional arrests in the absence of a treaty :
Ministry of the Interior
Criminal Investigation Police Directorate
International Police Cooperation Section
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Republic of Slovenia designates the Ministry of Justice as the central authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance :
Ministry of Justice
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the Republic of Slovenia designates as point of contact available on a twenty-four hours, seven-day-week-basis, the Ministry of the Interior, Criminal Investigation Police Directorate, International Police Cooperation Section:
Ministry of the Interior
Criminal Investigation Police Directorate
International Police Cooperation Section


In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the Republic of Slovenia designates as point of contact available on a twenty-four hours, seven-day-week-basis:
Ministry of the Interior
Criminal Police Directorate
International Police Cooperation Division



In accordance with Article 42 and Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Slovak Republic avails itself of the right to refuse the request for preservation in cases where it has reasons to believe that at the time of disclosure the condition of dual criminality cannot be fulfilled.

In accordance with Article 42 and Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Slovak Republic avails itself of the right to require for the criminal liability of the conduct referred to in Article 4, paragraph 1, that it results in serious harm.

In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7.a, of the Convention, the Slovak Republic declares that the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic […] is designated as the authority responsible for making and receiving requests for extradition. The competent authority for receiving requests for provisional arrest is the competent prosecutor of the Regional Prosecutor's Office and the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic. The competent authority for making requests for provisional arrest is the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic and the court competent for issuing an international arrest warrant.

In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2.a, of the Convention, the Slovak Republic declares that the central authorities are the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic […] and the General Prosecutor's Office […].

In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the Slovak Republic notifies that the point of contact is the Presidium of the Police Forces, International Police Cooperation Office, National Central Bureau of Interpol […].

In accordance with Article 40 of the Convention, the Slovak Republic declares that it avails itself of the possibility to require additional element within the meaning of Article 2 of the Convention, and for a criminal liability of illegal access it requires that the offence be committed by infringing security measures, with the intent of obtaining computer data or other dishonest intent, or in relation to a computer system that is connected to another computer system.


Central authority: Updating of contact information:
(Articles 24 and 27) Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic


In accordance with Article 43, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Slovak Republic withdraws its reservation to Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Convention made upon ratification of the Convention, on 8 January 2008.
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the Slovak Republic declares that the designated point of contact for the purposes of this article is:
Presidium of the Police Force
Criminal Police Office
Cybercrime Department
In accordance with Article 40 of the Convention, the Slovak Republic declares that it avails itself of the possibility to require additional element within the meaning of Article 2 of the Convention, and for a criminal liability of illegal access it requires that the offence be committed by infringing security measures.



In accordance with Articles 24 and 27 of the Convention, Spain declares that the central authority designated is the Sub-Directorate General for International Legal Cooperation of the Ministry of Justice.
In accordance with Artiele 35 of the Convention, Spain declares that the central authority designated is the "Commissariat Général de la Police Judiciaire" of the Ministry of the Interior.
If the Convention were to be extended by the United Kingdom to Gibraltar, Spain would like to make the following declaration:
1. Gibraltar is a non-autonomous territory whose international relations come under the responsibility of the United Kingdom and which is subject to a decolonisation process in accordance with the relevant decisions and resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
2. The authorities of Gibraltar have a local character and exercise exclusively internal competences which have their origin and their foundation in a distribution and attribution of competences performed by the United Kingdom in compliance with its internal legislation, in its capacity as sovereign State on which the mentioned non-autonomous territory depends.
3. As a result, the eventual participation of the Gibraltarian authorities in the application of this Convention will be understood as carried out exclusively as part of the internal competences of Gibraltar and cannot be considered to modify in any way what was established in the two previous paragraphs.

Sri Lanka


In accordance with Article 42 and Article 6, paragraph 3, of the Convention, Sri Lanka reserves the right not to apply paragraph 1 of Article 6, with the exception of paragraph 1(a)(ii) of the said Article.
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Convention, Sri Lanka reserves the right not to apply sub-paragraphs 1(d) and (e) and sub-paragraph 2(b) and (c).
The competent authorities of Sri Lanka under Articles 24(7), 27(2) and Article 35 of the Convention are as follow:
Article 24(7)
The Secretary
Ministry of Law & Order
Article 27(2)
The Secretary
Ministry of Justice, Superior Courts Complex
Article 35
Senior DIG (Administration)
Police Department, Police Headquarters


Pursuant to Articles 24 (Extradition) and 27 (Procedures pertaining to mutual assistance requests) of the Convention on Cybercrime, Sri Lanka updates the contact information on its competent national authorities as follows:
Article 24
Ministry of Public Security
Article 27
Ministry of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms



The Kingdom of Tonga designates the following competent authorities in accordance with Articles 24, 27 and 35 of the Convention:
Article 24 – Extradition and Article 27 –Procedures pertaining to mutual assistance requests in the absence of applicable international agreements:
Mr ‘Asipeli ‘Aminiasi Kefu
Acting Attorney General and Director of Public Prosecutions
Attorney General’s Office
Article 35 – 24/7 Network:
Mr ‘Asipeli ‘Aminiasi Kefu
Acting Attorney General and Director of Public Prosecutions
Attorney General’s Office
Ms Vienna Leotrina Kinshasa Macomber
Crown Counsel
Attorney General’s Office
Deputy Police Commissioner ‘Unga Fa’aoa
Serious Organized Transnational Crime Unit
Tonga Police Headquarters
Superintendent Kalisi Nau Tohifolau
National Crime Commander
Serious Organized Transnational Crime Unit
Tonga Police Headquarters



In accordance with Article 29, paragraph 4, and Article 42 of the Convention, the Czech Republic reserves the right to refuse a request for preservation under Article 29 of the Convention in cases where it has reasons to believe that condition of dual criminality in relation to other criminal acts than those specified under Articles 2 to 11 of the Convention, cannot be fulfilled to execute mutual assistance for the search or similar access, seizure or similar securing, or disclosure of the data.
In accordance with Article 2 and Article 40 of the Convention, the Czech Republic declares that criminal liability for acts described in Article 2 of the Convention occurs upon infringing security measures in order to gain unauthorised access to the whole or any part of a computer system.
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 9(e), of the Convention, the Czech Republic declares that for reasons of efficiency, requests made under this paragraph are to be addressed to its central authorities.
In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7(a), of the Convention, the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty is the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic.
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2(a), of the Convention, the central authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution is the Supreme Prosecutor's Office of the Czech Republic for requests originating from pre-trial proceedings and the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic for other requests:

Updating of information: 21-04-2017
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the Czech Republic designates the following authorities as the contact point:
Police of the Czech Republic
National Organized Crime Headquarters
Criminal Police and Investigation Service
Cybercrime Section


In accordance with Article 43, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Czech Republic wishes to withdraw its reservation concerning Article 29 of the Convention, made in accordance with the provisions of Article 42 of the Convention.



Pursuant to Articles 24 (Extradition) and 27 (Procedures pertaining to mutual assistance requests) of the Convention, the Tunisian Republic designated as the competent national authority:
La Direction générale des affaires judiciaires au sein du Ministère de la Justice […].
Pursuant to Article 35 of the Convention, the Government of the Tunisian Republic designated as national point of contact for cooperation in the fight against cybercrime, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week (24/7 network):
La Direction générale des services techniques au sein de la Direction générale de la sûreté nationale au Ministère de l’Intérieur […].



In accordance with Article 40 and Article 2 of the Convention, the Republic of Turkey declares that it requires that the offences be commited by infringing security measures, with the intention of obtaining computer data or other dishonest intent, or in relation to a computer system that is connected to another computer system.
In accordance with Article 40 and Article 7 of the Convention, the Republic of Turkey declares that the offence set forth in Article 7 regarding computer-related forgery requires an intent to defraud or similar dishonest intent under Turkish Law.
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 14, paragraph 3(b), of the Convention, the Repubic of Turkey reserves the right not to apply the measures referred in Article 20 and Article 21 to communications being transmitted within a computer system if the system is being operated for the benefit of a closed groupe of users and does not employ public communications networks and is not connected with any other public or private computer system.
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 22 of the Convention, the Repubic of Turkey reserves the right to establish jurisdiction within the scope of Article 11 and 13 of the Turkish Criminal Law when the offence is committed by a Turkish national outside its sovereign territory.
In accordance with Article 42 and Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Republic of Turkey reserves the right to decline the request for preservation of data under this article in cases where it has reasons to believe that at the time of the disclosure of stored computer data the condition of dual criminality cannot be fulfilled.
In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7(a), of the Convention, the Republic of Turkey designates the Ministry of Justice as the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest, in the absence of an extradition treaty.
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2(c), of the Convention, the Republic of Turkey designates the Ministry of Justice as the central authority responsible for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution.
In accordance with Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Turkey designates as point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-days-a-week basis:
Turkish National Police
Department of Cybercrime

Verenigd Koninkrijk


In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland reserves the right not to apply Article 9 (2) (b), which states that "child pornography" includes " a person appearing to be a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct", as this provision is incompatible with domestic law regarding indecent photographs of children.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland declares that it reserves the right not to apply Article 9 (2) (c), as Scotland has no offence covering a ‘realistic’ image which is not, and is not derived from, a photograph of a real person.
In accordance with Article 22, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland reserves the right not to apply Article 22 (1) (d). The UK can extend extraterritorial jurisdiction over most of the offences in Articles 2-11, although not over fraud committed in
Scotland, under specific circumstances. As there is no overarching arrangement that extends extra-territorial jurisdiction, the UK cannot say that it will apply in every case.
In accordance with Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland reserves the right not to apply Article 29 where execution of the request for preservation requires the exercise of coercive powers and where dual criminality cannot be established.
In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7.a, of the Convention, the Government of the United Kingdom declares that the authorities responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty are:
Home Office
Judicial Co-operation Unit
Scottish Government (when the person is believed to be in Scotland)
Criminal Procedure Division
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2.c, of the Convention, the Government of the United Kingdom declares that the competent authorities to which requests for mutual assistance should be made to the relevant Central Authority are:
For matters related to England, Wales, and Northern Ireland:
UK Central Authority
Home Office
For matters related to Scotland:
International Co-operation Unit
For matters related to indirect taxation:
Law Enforcement & International Advisory Division
HM Revenue and Customs – Solicitor’s Office

Verenigde Staten van Amerika


The United States of America, pursuant to Articles 4 and 42 of the Convention, reserves the right to require that the conduct result in serious harm, which shall be determined in accordance with applicable United States federal law.
The United States of America, pursuant to Articles 6 and 42 of the Convention, reserves the right not to apply paragraphs (1) (a) (i) and (1) (b) of Article 6 ("Misuses of devices") with respect to devices designed or adapted primarily for the purpose of committing the offenses established in Article 4 ("Data interference") and Article 5 ("System interference").
The United States of America, pursuant to Articles 9 and 42 of the Convention, reserves the right to apply paragraphs (2) (b) and (c) of Article 9 only to the extent consistent with the Constitution of the United States as interpreted by the United States and as provided for under its federal law, which includes, for example, crimes of distribution of material considered to be obscene under applicable United States standards.
The United States of America, pursuant to Articles 10 and 42 of the Convention, reserves the right to impose other effective remedies in lieu of criminal liability under paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 10 ("Offenses related to infringement of copyright and related rights") with respect to infringements of certain rental rights to the extent the criminalisation of such infringements is not required pursuant to the obligations the United States has undertaken under the agreements referenced in paragraphs 1 and 2.
The United States of America, pursuant to Articles 22 and 42 of the Convention, reserves the right not to apply in part paragraphs (1) (b), (c) and (d) of Article 22 ("Jurisdiction"). The United States does not provide for plenary jurisdiction over offenses that are committed outside its territory by its citizen or on board ships flying its flag or aircraft registered under its laws. However, United States law does provide for jurisdiction over a number of offenses to be established under the Convention that are committed abroad by United States nationals in circumstances implicating particular federal interests, as well as over a number of such offenses committed on board United States-flagged ships or aircraft registered under United States law. Accordingly, the United States will implement paragraphs (1) (b), (c) and (d) to the extent provided for under its federal law.
The United States of America, pursuant to Articles 41 and 42 of the Convention, reserves the right to assume obligations under Chapter II of the Convention in a manner consistent with its fundamental principles of federalism.

The United States of America declares, pursuant to Articles 2 and 40, that under United States law, the offenses set forth in Article 2 ("Illegal access") includes an additional requirement of intent to obtain computer data.
The United States of America declares, pursuant to Articles 6 and 40, that under United States law, the offense set forth in paragraph (1) (b) of Article 6 ("Misuse of devices") includes a requirement that a minimum number of items be possessed. The minimum number shall be the same as that provided for by applicable United States federal law.
The United States of America declares, pursuant to Articles 7 and 40, that under United States law, the offense set forth in Article 7 ("Computer-related forgery") includes a requirement of intent to defraud.
The United States of America declares, pursuant to Articles 27 and 40, that requests made to the United States under paragraph 9(e) of Article 27 ("Procedures pertaining to mutual assistance requests in the absence of applicable international agreements") are to be addressed to its central authority for mutual assistance.
Pursuant to Article 24, paragraph 7, of the Convention, the United States of America is not designating an authority responsible for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty, as the United States will continue to rely on bilateral extradition treaties, and the authority responsible for making or receiving extradition requests on behalf of the United States is set forth in the applicable bilateral extradition treaties.
Pursuant to Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Office of International Affairs, United States Department of Justice, Criminal Division, […], is designated as the central authority of the United States of America for mutual assistance under the Convention.
Pursuant to Article 35, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, United States Department of Justice, Criminal Division, […], is designated as the point of contact available on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis to ensure the provision of immediate assistance under the Convention. Contact Information for the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section is given below :
24/7 Contact:
Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS)
U.S. Department of Justice, […]

Description of Contact
CCIPS is a section of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice that has 40 lawyers with responsibilities for combating cybercrime and theft of intellectual property, and with expertise in obtaining electronic evidence. Many CCIPS lawyers also have expertise in international assistance. CCIPS has "duty attorneys" available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week to respond to urgent requests for assistance.
Language Capabilities of the Contact : English



In accordance with Article 14, paragraph 3.a, of the Convention, Sweden declares that it reserves the right to apply real time collection of traffic data only to offences and categories of offences specified in Chapter 27, Section 19, third paragraph of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure.
In accordance with Article 14, paragraph 3.b, of the Convention, Sweden declares that it reserves the right to apply real time collection of traffic data and interception of content data to communications being transmitted within a computer system of a service provider, which system is being operated for the benefit of a closed group of users, and does not employ public communications networks and is not connected with another computer system.
In accordance with Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, Sweden declares that it reserves the right to refuse a request for mutual assistance with preservation of stored computer data in cases where there is reasons to believe that at the time of disclosure the condition of dual criminality cannot be fulfilled.
In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7.a, of the Convention, Sweden designates as the authority responsible for making or receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest in the absence of a treaty:
Ministry of Justice
Division for Criminal Cases and International Judicial Co-operation
Central Authority
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, Sweden designates as the central authority for sending and answering requests for mutual assistance, the execution of such requests or their transmission to the authorities competent for their execution:
Ministry of Justice
Division for Criminal Cases and International Judicial Co-operation
Central Authority



In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 3, of the Convention, Switzerland reserves the right to apply Article 6, paragraph 1, only when the offence concerns the sale, distribution or any other provision of the items referred to in Article 6, paragraph 1 a.ii.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Convention, Switzerland reserves the right not to apply Article 9 (2) (b).
In accordance with Article 14, paragraph 3, of the Convention, Switzerland reserves the right to apply the measures referred to in Article 20 to crimes and offences under the Criminal Code.
In accordance with Article 29, paragraph 4, of the Convention, Switzerland reserves the right to subject to the condition referred to in Article 29, paragraph 4, the execution of any letters rogatory requiring the application of any coercive measure.
Switzerland declares that it will apply Article 2 to the extent that the offence is committed by infringing safety measures.
Switzerland declares that it will apply Article 3 insofar as the offence is committed with intent to unjust enrichment.
Switzerland declares that it will apply Article 7 only to the extent that the offence is committed with a view to providing a benefit to oneself or a third party or causing damages.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 3, of the Convention, Switzerland declares that, within the context of Article 9, paragraph 2, it understands by the term "minor" any person under the age of sixteen.
In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 7 of the Convention, the Federal Office of Justice, the Federal Department of Justice and Police, 3003 Berne, is the competent authority, for Switzerland, for sending and receiving requests for extradition or provisional arrest.
In accordance with Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Federal Office of Justice, in the Federal Department of Justice and Police, 3003 Berne, is the authority responsible for sending and receiving legal requests for mutual assistance.
Switzerland declares that in case of emergency, within the context of Article 27, paragraph 9, of the Convention, the Federal Office of Justice and Police, 3003 Berne, is the central authority to which all requests to Switzerland for mutual assistance must be addressed.
In accordance with Article 35 of the Convention, the Federal Office of Justice, in the Federal Department of Justice and Police, 3003 Berne, is the point of contact available on a 24 hours a day, seven days a week basis.

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