Aanvullend Protocol bij het Verdrag inzake de rechten van de mens en de biogeneeskunde inzake transplantatie van organen en weefsel van menselijke herkomst
Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren
Partij | Voorbehoud / verklaring | Bezwaren |
Zwitserland | Ja | Nee |
Switzerland declares that Article 9 of the Protocol applies subject to Article 12
of the law of 8 October 2004 on transplantation, which does not provide for the principle
of subsidiarity of a removal on a living person.
Switzerland declares that Article 10 of the Protocol applies subject to Article 12
of the law of 8 October 2004 on transplantation, which does not require a close personal
relationship between the donor and the recipient or, in the absence of such relationship,
the approval of an independent body.
Switzerland declares that Article 14, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph ii, of the Protocol
is applicable subject to Article 13, paragraph 2, lit. d, of the law of 8 October
2004 on transplantation, which authorises, as an exception to the rule, the removal
of tissues or cells which regenerate, also when the recipient is the father, the mother
or a child of the donor.