
Verdrag tot oprichting van de Afrikaanse faciliteit voor juridische ondersteuning

Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren

Partij Voorbehoud / verklaring Bezwaren
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der Ja Nee
Tunesië Ja Nee
Verenigd Koninkrijk Ja Nee

Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der


The Kingdom of the Netherlands interprets Article XXV of the Agreement for the Establishment of the African Legal Support Facility as follows: in the Netherlands the ALSF will be treated as any other international (intergovernmental) organisation in the Netherlands and as such the Dutch policy on privileges will be decisive.


With regard to Article XXII, paragraph 2, under (ii), of the Agreement for the establishment of the African Legal Support Facility, the Kingdom of the Netherlands reserves the right, under paragraph 3 of Article XXII, to tax salaries and emoluments paid by the Facility to a member of staff of the Facility, if the member of staff can be qualified as a taxpayer for the Dutch income tax.



- Experts and consultants performing missions for the Facility do not enjoy of personal immunities, Privileges and Exemptions of article XXII;
- Foreigners living in Tunisia prior to their recruitment by the Facility do not enjoy immunities provided for in Article XXII (paragraph 1.ii);
- Tunisians and foreigners living in Tunisia prior to their recruitment by the Facility do not enjoy the tax exemptions provided for in Article XXII (paragraph 2.ii).

Verenigd Koninkrijk


- Articles XVI (Immunities, Exemptions, Privileges, Facilities and Concessions) -XXV (Fiscal Exemptions, Financial Facilities, Privileges and Concessions).
When ratifying this agreement, the United Kingdom will formally opt out of these articles.
- Article VIII (2) vi (Governing Council: Powers)
The United Kingdom expressed a concern that the ALSF Agreement can be amended without wider consultation with all the Agreement signatories. Should any amendment be made to the Agreement the UK Government will be required to ratify the agreement through Parliament again.

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