
Protocol tot wijziging van het Aanvullend Protocol bij het Verdrag inzake de overbrenging van gevonniste personen

Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren

Partij Voorbehoud / verklaring Bezwaren
Heilige Stoel Ja Nee
Hongarije Ja Nee
Italië Ja Nee
Letland Ja Nee
Litouwen Ja Nee
Oekraïne Ja Nee
Oostenrijk Ja Nee
Turkije Ja Nee
Verenigd Koninkrijk Ja Nee
Zwitserland Ja Nee

Heilige Stoel


Pursuant to Article 5 of the Protocol amending the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, the Holy See, acting in the name and on behalf of Vatican City State, declares that, pending the entry into force of said Protocol, it will apply its provisions on a provisional basis with respect to all other State Parties that make a declaration to the same effect.



In accordance with Article 5 of the Protocol, Hungary declares that it will apply the provisions of the amending Protocol on a provisional basis in its relations with those other Parties which have made a declaration to the same effect.



Pursuant to Article 5 of Protocol amending the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, Italy declares that, pending the entry into force of the Protocol according to the conditions set under Article 4, it will apply the provisions of the Protocol on a provisional basis with respect to the other Parties which have made a declaration to the same effect.



The Republic of Latvia considers that the aim of the Council of Europe Protocol amending the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons (hereinafter referred to as “the Protocol”), done at Strasbourg on the 22nd day of November in the year 2017, is to modernize and improve the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons.

The Republic of Latvia declares that, pursuant to Article 5 of the Protocol, it will apply the provisions of the Protocol on a provisional basis pending the entry into force of the Protocol.



Pursuant to Article 5 of the Protocol, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania declares that, pending the entry into force of this Protocol, the Republic of Lithuania will apply provisions of this Protocol on a provisional basis.



In accordance with Article 5 of the Amending Protocol, Ukraine declares that it will apply the provisions of this Protocol on a provisional basis pending the entry into force according to the conditions set under Article 4 of the Protocol.



In accordance with Article 5, Austria declares that it will apply the provisions of this Protocol on a provisional basis in relation to the other Parties which have made a declaration to the same effect.



The Government of the Republic of Turkey declares that it excludes the application of Article 3 of the Protocol amending the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, and unless otherwise notified, shall not take over the execution of sentences under the circumstances described in Article 3.

Verenigd Koninkrijk


In accordance with Article 5 of the Protocol, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland declares that it will apply the provisions of the Protocol on a provisional basis pending the entry into force of the Protocol.



Pursuant to Article 5 of the Protocol, Switzerland declares that provisions of this Protocol will be applicable to Switzerland on a provisional basis in its relations with States having made a similar declaration to this effect.

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