Protocol bij het Verdrag van 1979 betreffende grensoverschrijdende luchtverontreiniging over lange afstand inzake de verdergaande vermindering van zwavelemissies
Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren
Partij | Voorbehoud / verklaring | Bezwaren |
België | Ja | Nee |
Bulgarije | Ja | Nee |
Denemarken | Ja | Nee |
EU (Europese Unie) | Ja | Nee |
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der | Ja | Nee |
Oostenrijk | Ja | Nee |
With a declaration to the effect that this signature also commits the Flemish region,
the Wallone region and the region of the capital Brussels.
....(u)nder Article 2, paragraph 5, subparagraph (c): The Republic of Bulgaria declares that it extends te time period for the sulphur content of diesel to 6 years and of gas oil to 9 years after the date of entry into force of the Protocol.
With reservation for the application to the Faroe Islands and Greenland.
EU (Europese Unie)
The European Community states that the ceiling for emissions and the weighted average percentage for the European Community ought not to exceed the sum of the obligations of the Member States of the European Union which have ratified the Protocol, while stressing that all its Member States must reduce their S02 emissions in accordance with the emission ceilings set in Annex II to the Protocol and in line with the relevant Community legislation.
Nederlanden, het Koninkrijk der
The Kingdom of the Netherlands declares, in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 9 of the [said Protocol], that it accepts both means of dispute settlement referred to in that paragraph as compulsory in relation to any Party accepting one or both of these means of dispute settlement.
The Republic of Austria declares, in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 9 of the Protocol that it accepts both of the means of dispute settlement mentioned in this paragraph as compulsory in relation to any Party accepting an obligation concerning one or both of these means of dispute settlement.