
Europese Overeenkomst houdende aanvulling van het Verdrag nopens het Wegverkeer en het Protocol nopens de verkeerstekens, ondertekend te Genève op 19 september 1949

Partijen met voorbehouden, verklaringen en bezwaren

Partij Voorbehoud / verklaring Bezwaren
Hongarije Ja Nee
Liechtenstein Ja Nee



The Hungarian People's Republic does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 5 of the Agreement.



Declaration with regard to Art. 1 Convention on Road Traffic ad annex 1
The Principality of Liechtenstein does not consider itself bound by the supplementary point concerning annex 1 of the Convention on Road Traffic in accordance with its declaration to the Convention on Road Traffic concluded in Geneva on 19 September 1949 regarding the exclusion of the application of annex 1 to the Principality of Liechtenstein.

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